7 research outputs found

    Design of street lamp

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    Moje bakalářská práce pojednává o svítidle městského veřejného osvětlení. Práce obsahuje analýzu vývojovou, technickou a analýzu současného designu, dále pak podrobný návrh lampy pouličního osvětlení. Výsledkem je návrh, který splňuje funkci, bezpečnost a moderní vzhled. Práce obsahuje textovou část, vizualizace, plakát a fyzický model osvětlení.My bachelor´s work discuss about a lamp of street lighting. This work consist of historic, technical and present design analyses. As a reset is design, which fulfil fiction, safety and modern look. Work consist of text part, visualizations, poster and model of lamp.

    Design of metal detector and X-ray luggage scanner

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    Předmětem Diplomové práce je Design detektoru kovu a rentgenu zavazadel. Práce se zabývá navržením rámového detektoru kovu a rentgenu zavazadel se zaměřením na vizuální působení, dodržením všech funkčních prvků a zpracování konceptu konstrukce. Cílem práce je při řešení problému spojit složky vzhledu, techniky a ergonomie do jednotného designu. Celková analýza problematiky vede k navržení rámového detektoru kovu a rentgenu zavazadel. Tyto přístroje dohromady tvoří kompaktní systém s jednotným designem. Zároveň se oba přístroje dají použít zvlášť. Design tohoto systému přístrojů je v práci řešen z hlediska ergonomie, psychologie, techniky a estetiky.Subject of this Diploma thesis is the design of metal detector and luggage X-ray screening. The thesis concerns with design of frame metal detector and luggage x-ray with focus on visual appeal, keeping of functional elements and concept of construction solution. Main objective is to find solution how to connect aesthetic, ergonomic and technical aspect. Complete analysis leads to design of metal detector and luggage X-ray screening. These appliances then appeal as compact system with uniform design. Also the machines can be used separately. Design of this system of appliances is solved through ergonomic, psychologic, technical and aesthetic aspects.

    Visual Language of Controllers and Communicators of Czechoslovak Machine Tools in 1947-1990

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    Tato dizertační práce se zabývá vývojem provozní grafiky na ovládacích panelech obráběcích strojů Továren obráběcích strojů z let 1947–1990. Cílem je popis geneze grafiky ovladačů a sdělovačů obráběcích strojů a jejich zařazení do kontextu vývoje provozní grafiky, dále také zjištění vlivu designu na oblast provozní grafiky. Tato oblast dosud nebyla podrobena bližšímu zkoumání a z hlediska ucelení historických aspektů české provozní grafiky je přínosem do budoucna.This thesis deals with the development of graphical symbols on the control panels of machine tools made by Czech factories TOS from the years 1947–1990. The aim is description genesis graphics controllers and communicators of machine tools and their inclusion in the context of the development of graphic design. As well as determine the influence of design in area of operational graphics. This area has not yet been subjected to closer examination and in terms of consistency of the historical aspects of the Czech graphic is benefit to the future.

    Visual Language of Controllers and Communicators of Czechoslovak Machine Tools in 1947-1990

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    This thesis deals with the development of graphical symbols on the control panels of machine tools made by Czech factories TOS from the years 1947–1990. The aim is description genesis graphics controllers and communicators of machine tools and their inclusion in the context of the development of graphic design. As well as determine the influence of design in area of operational graphics. This area has not yet been subjected to closer examination and in terms of consistency of the historical aspects of the Czech graphic is benefit to the future

    The Volumetric Method Describing the Life Cycle of Power Tools during Their Production with Different Ends of Life

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    The amount of power consumption of the product life cycle has a significant impact on global warming. To determine these negative impacts, life cycle assessment (LCA) is used. These methods are time-consuming and expensive training costs that require the characteristics of the mass and material characteristics of the products. The aim of the present study was to develop a method that uses only product typology and volumetric product properties without knowing the structural and material composition. To achieve the objective, 134 pieces of power tools were used, divided into 10 groups according to their type. The volume of the product was determined by 3D scanning with subsequent material and the LCA method based on the Oil Point Method (OPM). The end of life (EoL) of the product was evaluated in landfilling, combustion, and 90% recycling variants. Equations were obtained from Monte Carlo Simulation with 95% reliability and allowed the determination of the energy requirements for the production of power tools and CO2 emissions, including data for packaging and transport of goods. The Volumetric Evaluating Method of Ecodesign (VEME) can quickly evaluate impact in three EoL procedures and optimise the volume of power tools and the location of production of products without LCA knowledge