17 research outputs found

    NMR surface relaxivity in a time-dependent porous system

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    We demonstrate an unexpected decay-recovery behaviour in the time-dependent 1H^{1}\mathrm{H} NMR relaxation times of water confined within a hydrating porous material. Our observations are rationalised by considering the combined effects of decreasing material pore size and evolving interfacial chemistry, which facilitate a transition between surface-limited and diffusion-limited relaxation regimes. Such behaviour necessitates the realisation of temporally evolving surface relaxivity, highlighting potential caveats in the classical interpretation of NMR relaxation data obtained from complex porous systems.Comment: 12 pages, 2 figure

    Impact of microplastics on organic fouling of hollow fiber membranes

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    Given the potential hazards of microplastics (MPs), it is desirable to efficiently remove them during wastewater treatment processes. To this end, ultrafiltration (UF) membranes can significantly increase the removal of MPs, however the fouling of such membrane modules can also be impacted by the presence of MPs. Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) was used here to non-invasively quantify the effect of polyethylene (PE) MPs accumulation in a 3D UF hollow fiber (HF) membrane module containing 400 fibers, via direct non-invasive velocity imaging of the flow distribution between individual fibers during module operation. The co-effect of MPs and alginate (a common organic model foulant mimicking extracellular polymeric substances (EPS)) on fouling of the HF module was then explored. Flow was initially equally distributed with fouling causing flow in particular fibers to be significantly reduced. Fouling with MPs resulted in minimal flow distribution disruption and was easily remediated hydraulically, in contrast alginate fouling required chemical cleaning in order to fully restore homogeneous flow distribution between the fibers. The presence of both MPs and alginate resulted in a more heterogeneous disruption of the fibre flow distribution due to fouling and resulted in much more effective hydraulic cleaning of the module

    Imaging of membrane concentration polarization by NaCl using 23Na nuclear magnetic resonance

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    Forward osmosis (FO) and reverse osmosis (RO) membrane processes differ in their driving forces: osmotic pressure versus hydraulic pressure. Concentration polarization (CP) can adversely affect both performance and lifetime in such membrane systems. In order to mitigate against CP, the extent and severity of it need to be predicted more accurately through advanced online monitoring methodologies. Whilst a variety of monitoring techniques have been used to study the CP mechanism, there is still a pressing need to develop and apply non-invasive, in situ techniques able to produce quantitative, spatially resolved measurements of heterogeneous solute concentration in, and adjacent to, the membrane assembly as caused by the CP mechanism. To this end, 23Na magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is used to image the sodium ion concentration within, and near to, both FO and RO composite membranes for the first time; this is also coupled with 1H MRI mapping of the corresponding water distribution. As such, it is possible to directly image salt accumulation due to CP processes during desalination. This was consistent with literature expectations and serves to confirm the suitability of 23Na MRI as a novel non-invasive technique for CP studies

    Quantitative dependence of CH4-CO2 dispersion on immobile water fraction

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    Enhanced Gas Recovery (EGR) involves CO2 injection into natural gas reservoirs to both increase gas recovery and trap CO2. EGR viability can be determined by reservoir simulations; however, these require a description of fluid dispersion (mixing) between the supercritical CO2 and natural gas. Here, this dispersivity (alpha) in sandstone rock plugs as a function of residual water fraction is quantified. To ensure the accuracy of such data, a novel core flooding experimental protocol that ensured an even spatial distribution of water was designed, minimized erroneous entry/exit contributions to mixing, and minimized dissolution of the CO2 into the water phase. Dispersivity was found to increase significantly with water content, although the differences in between sandstones were eliminated upon the inclusion of residual water. This enabled development of a correlation between and water content and, hence, between the dispersion coefficient and Peclet number that is readily incorporable into reservoir simulations. (c) 2017 American Institute of Chemical Engineer

    Imaging the effects of peptide bio-surfactants on droplet deformation in a Taylor-Couette shear cell

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    Controlling the properties of fluid-fluid interfaces is important in many fields including oil recovery, waste water treatment, food processing and pharmaceutical formulation. A fascinating new group of peptide bio-surfactants (AM1 and AFD4) have recently received attention because of their ability to provide a tunable change between a mechanically strong cohesive film and a mobile detergent-like non-film state via various stimuli. We investigate the effect of these peptide bio-surfactants coupled with a ZnSO solution on the deformation of a single immiscible droplet (36 wt% toluene, 64 wt% chloroform) suspended in glycerol inside a wide-gap Taylor-Couette system rotated from 0 to 2 rev s (〈〉 = 0 to 9.7 s). This deformation is studied using a novel rapid nuclear magnetic resonance imaging method (ROTACOR) which compensates for image blurring due to the rotation of the droplet inside the Taylor-Couette system. The peptide bio-surfactants are observed to reduce the deformation of the droplets under these sheared conditions, whereas by comparison a droplet with a non-ionic surfactant (Tween 60) present shows increased deformation. Static interfacial tension measurements confirmed that all surfactants reduced the interfacial tension of the system. An addition of EDTA to the AM1 peptide bio-surfactant system resulted in an increase in droplet deformation whereas static interfacial tension measurements were unaffected. This is consistent with the bio-surfactants forming a mechanically strong cohesive interfacial layer which reduces droplet deformation in the presence of shear despite also reducing the interfacial tension as measured conventionally using static droplet shape analysis

    Rapid monitoring of cleaning efficiency of fouled hollow fiber membrane module via non-invasive NMR diffraction technique

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    Early fouling warning is important for the economical operation of membrane separation systems. In parallel multi-channel flow systems, flow re-distribution between channels due to fouling is often associated with maloperation. In the current research we use low magnetic field NMR to monitor multi-fiber hollow fiber membrane modules undergoing a fouling-cleaning cycle and show that rapid detection of fouling is possible by detecting the loss of signal coherence associated with flow re-distribution within the 401 hollow fiber membrane module. This effect is demonstrated to be both reproducible, and reversible via membrane cleaning. The results demonstrate a strong correlation between the coherence signal magnitude and the number of fibers fouled. This may be used in practice for high sensitivity early warning, and to monitor the efficiency of cleaning. This approach may also be particularly useful in the case of detecting residual fouling after cleaning, evidenced in this research by significant flow re-distribution between the before fouling and after cleaning signal coherence.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Monitoring residual fouling after cleaning of multi-fiber membrane modules fiber-by-fiber using non-invasive MRI monitoring

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    In this study non-invasive low field magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) technology was used to monitor fouling induced changes in fiber-by-fiber hydrodynamics inside a multi-fiber hollow fiber membrane module containing 401 fibers. Using structural and velocity images the fouling evolution of these membrane modules were shown to exhibit distinct trends in fiber-by-fiber volumetric flow, with increasing fouling causing a decrease in the number of flow active fibers. This study shows that the fouling rate is not evenly distributed over the parallel fibers, which results in a broadening of the fiber to fiber flowrate distribution. During cleaning, this distribution is initially broadened further, as relatively clean fibers are cleaned more rapidly compared to clogged fibers. By tracking the volumetric flow rate of individual fibers inside the modules during the fouling-cleaning cycle it was possible to observe a fouling memory-like effect with residual fouling occurring preferentially at the outer edge of the fiber bundle during repeated fouling-cleaning cycle. These results demonstrate the ability of MRI velocity imaging to quantitatively monitor these effects which are important when testing the effectiveness of cleaning protocols due to the long term effect that residual fouling and memory-like effect may have on the operation of membrane modules.Green Open Access added to TU Delft Institutional Repository ‘You share, we take care!’ – Taverne project https://www.openaccess.nl/en/you-share-we-take-care Otherwise as indicated in the copyright section: the publisher is the copyright holder of this work and the author uses the Dutch legislation to make this work public.BT/Environmental Biotechnolog

    Optimized Droplet Sizing of Water-in-Crude Oil Emulsions Using Nuclear Magnetic Resonance

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    Water-in-crude oil emulsions are an increasing problem during production. Essential to any emulsion breaking method is an ability to accurately measure droplet size distributions; this is rendered extremely difficult given that the samples are both concentrated and opaque. Here, we systematically consider the use of a standard, low-field benchtop nuclear magnetic resonance (NMR) apparatus to accurately measure the droplet size distributions. Such measurements are challenging because the NMR signal from the oil phase erroneously contributes to the measured water droplet size distribution. Conventionally, the oil-phase signal is nulled-out based on differences in the NMR <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> relaxation parameter between water and oil. However, in the case of crude oil, the oil presents a broad <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> distribution, rendering this approach infeasible. On the basis of this oil <i>T</i><sub>1</sub> distribution, we present an optimization routine that adjusts various NMR measurement timing parameters [observation time (Δ) and inversion time (<i>T</i><sub>inv</sub>)] to effectively eliminate this erroneous crude oil contribution. An implementation of this optimization routine was validated against measurements performed using unambiguous chemical-shift selection of the water (droplet) signal, as would conventionally be provided by high-field superconducting NMR spectrometers. We finally demonstrate successful droplet sizing of a range of water-in-crude oil emulsions