28 research outputs found

    Växtbäddar och avvattningslösningar för sportgräsytor

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    Kraven på gräsytors kvalité inom sportsektorn har under de senaste decennierna ökat kraftigt, exempelvis hur snabbt ytorna blir spelbara efter regn, hur de klarar av att motstå svampangrepp och att överleva vintern utan skador. Det har visat sig att funktionen på avvattningen har stor betydelse för att kunna svara upp på dessa högre kvalitetskrav. Inom sportsektorn är målet med avvattningssystemet just att öka markens lämplighet för rekreation, vilket innebär en gräsyta med hög spelkvalité. Detta uppnås genom att snabbt leda bort överskottsvatten så att marken återfår förmågan att klara trafikbelastning samt genom att skapa en växtbädd med en för gräset gynnsam fördelning mellan luft- och vattenfyllda porer. Vilken förmåga avvattningssystemet får i form av intensitet, kapacitet och hur mycket luft/vatten som finns i växtbädden, kan i praktiken kan vara svårt att säga utan att ha först gjort beräkningar. Det som komplicerar det hela är att det är många faktorer som samverkar och att dessa faktorer ofta förändras både vertikalt, horisontellt och med tiden i en växtbädd, i och med att porsystemets utseende i jorden lätt förändras. Därför är det viktigt att förstå hur de grundläggande markfysikaliska lagarna påverkar vattnet i jorden. I detta arbete presenteras därför en bred och djup litteraturstudie över vattnet i växtbädden och vad som påverkar det. Vilken mekanisk energimängd vattnet har i förhållande till sin omgivning, är det som styr i vilken riktning som vatten kommer att förflytta sig och med vilken hastighet samt hur mycket vatten som hålls kvar i jordprofilen. I och med att vattnet strömmar i ett porsystem skapas en friktionsförlust. Porsystemets utseende inverkan på friktionsförlustens storlek och därmed hastigheten på flödet. Porsystemet skapar också en kvarhållande kraft vilken inverkar på mängden vatten som blir kvar i jorden. Hur stor denna kraft blir styrs av porernas storlek och därmed av utseendet på porsystemet, vilket i sin tur styrs av jordens struktur och textur. Därmed kommer valet av jord och skötselregim, i stor utsträckning att påverka mängden vatten och luft som hålls kvar i växtbädden samt vilken flödeshastighet på vattnet som kan skapas. Målet med fallstudien har varit att undersöka med vilken intensitet täckdikning, spår-/slitsdränering och sandkapping kan avvattna en sportgräsyta och vilka konsekvenser de kommer att ha på förhållandet luft/vatten i profilen. Två olika scenarier har jämförts. I scenario 1 faller det dimensionerande regnet när grundvattenytan ligger på 700 mm djup och i scenario 2 har växtbäddens buffrande förmågan tagits bort och därmed inträffar regnet när bädden är vattenmättad. Beräkningar har gjorts utifrån förutsättningarna som fanns på Kungliga Drottningholms Golfklubb. I scenario 1 klarar alla avvattningslösningar att ta hand om det dimensionerande regnet på 32,5 mm, förutsatt att regnets varaktighet är 24 timmar och grundvattenytan ligger på ett djup av 700 mm när regnet startar. Det som gör att konstruktionerna klarar av regnet är att växtbädden har tillräkligt stor buffrande förmåga (kapacitet) och att det dimensionerande regnet inte kräver någon hög dräneringsintensitet. Kommer det dimensionerande regnet när växtbädden är mättad eller frusen och därmed ingen buffrande förmåga finns, utan all nederbörd måste tas hand om med samma intensitet som regnet faller (förutsättningen i scenario 2), ställs konstruktionens dräneringsintensitet på prov och nu syns en skillnad mellan avvattningslösningarna. Täckdikningssystemet klar nu inte av att ta emot mer än drygt hälften av nederbörden, medan spår-/slitsdräneringen och sandkappingen har en dräneringsintensitet (2,8 mm/h respektive 1,8 mm/h) som överstiger behovet på 1,35 mm/h. Av det behov av tid som framkommit i studien av hur många dagar det tar för avvattningslösningen att få tillbaka grundvattenytan till ursprunglig nivå, kan utläsas att evapotranspirationen har större betydelse på förmåga att få växtbädden till dräneringsjämvikt. Som exempel tar det för scenario 2 för täckdikningen 24 dygn att dränera bort 32,6 mm nederbörd. Under samma period kommer 48 mm att avdunsta om avdunstningen sätts till 2 mm/dygn

    Facilitators for and barriers to radiography research in public healthcare in Nordic countries

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    Introduction: It has been suggested that the future of diagnostic imaging relies on engagement in research and evidence-based practice. This implies a role transition from a clinical radiographer to a clinical radiographer-researcher. Clinical radiographers’ stimuli for engaging in research in Nordic countries are unknown. This study aimed to address this gap.Methods: Cross-sectional data collection via an online questionnaire on facilitators for and barriers to participation in radiography research was carried out among 507 clinical radiographers in public healthcare in the Nordic countries: Denmark, Finland, Norway and Sweden.Results: Support from colleagues (odds ratio [OR] 2.62) and other professionals (OR 2.74), and self-esteem in research skills (OR ≥ 2.21), were facilitators for radiography research. Lack of knowledge and skills to conduct research (OR 2.48) was revealed to hinder radiographers’ participation in research. The absence of a radiography research culture in the workplace explained non-participation in research (OR 1.75).Conclusion: This study revealed significant factors for clinical radiographers’ participation in research.Implications for practice: A strategy for establishing a radiography research culture in healthcare is proposed that is novel for the context. Management support for knowledge development and activity leading to inter-professional research projects across knowledge fields, provision of a radiography research lead and acknowledgement of radiography research among colleagues signify the establishment of the culture. These prerequisites might provide a paradigm change towards not only the symbiosis of a clinical radiographer and an autonomous researcher but also a partner who adds radiography research to evidence-based practice in diagnostic imaging.</p

    The wind of change : Individuals change when technology change

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    The production of digital images has been well-known within radiology for many years through its use of modalities such as computer tomography, ultrasound and magnetic resonance tomography. During the latter part of the 1980´s a new technology, Picture Archiving and Communication System (PACS) was introduced making it possible to manage X-ray pictures in their original, digital form. The changeover from an analogous to a digital environment was not just a change for the radiology departments; it was a change which concerned the entire hospital. Osteaux, et al. (1997) feels that digitalization is the largest change within radiology since X-ray technology was introduced. However, in order for PACS to be a successful project, both cultural and organizational changes are required. The purpose of the study is to analyze and describe how the professional role of radiologists and radiographers, work practices and use of the technology are influenced by the introduction and use of PACS within the Region of Skåne. The study is longitudinal and based on 119 interviews with radiologists and radiographers in Lund, the hospitals in Landskrona, Ystad and Simrishamn and the healthcare centres at Eslöv and Hörby. The study was performed from 1999 to 2006. During this time, PACS was implemented at all the units, however at different periods in time. The purpose was to study the entire digitalization process at all the units. Data collection and analyses were inspired by Grounded Theory, especially those techniques such as open interviews, coding and categorization to allow a reduction of data and a creation of terms to symbolize the occupational role, work practice and use of new technology during different points in time of the study. In addition to digitalization the study focused on trying to understand what the radiologists themselves felt about the change. This description included three different areas: the professional occupational role, the diagnostic work and the technology used. With the new technology images were always available to all those having the PACS system. In practice, this meant that there were more discussions with clinicians and that radiologists changed from doing more individual work to becoming actors in a networkconsisting of different specialties. The radiologist also felt an increase in demands for sub-specialization in this process. With regards to the diagnostic work, this was described by the radiologists in 1999 as work which partly required extensive medical skills but in addition, to its advantage, could include a special ability in interpreting images which can almost be described as a "form of art". During the period of changeover when PACS was implemented, the radiologist felt that the technology itself became more centralized at the cost of the diagnostics. In time the focus was transferred back to the diagnostics while the radiologists saw the advantages of e.g. the availability of having access to image material. The radiologist felt secure in using the analogous technology. Analogous films were tangible. Digital PACS images could be manipulated. The radiologist felt uncertain as to when the manipulation of images was "optimal". This uncertainty was reduced with time. Along with the focus on digitalization, the study tried to find how the radiographers felt about digitalization and the use of PACS. This description included three different areas: the occupational role, the image-producing practices and the technology used. When the study began in 1999 and PACS was implemented, the radiographers were very positively inclined towards the change. They saw possibilities of filling the occupational role with new activities, such as quality review of images for diagnosis and being personally able to complete examinations. The needs for exposure skills decreased. In reality this meant an increased risk because the patients were exposed to unnecessarily high doses of radiation. It was discovered that "sluice" area with the developing machine as its centre had disappeared. No one had previously thought of its being a central meeting place for communications and radiologists. With time, the exposure parameters became once again more central to the professional role of the radiographers, however this time with a focus on patient safety. To begin with, the radiographers saw great possibilities in the introduction of new work routines using PACS, since the images were available to everyone who had the PACS system. The opinion at the larger clinics was that the work method with PACS was adapted to the old analogous routines. It was discovered that the discussions within the work groups for the implementation had focused on the technology. It was realized that discussion on changes in work methods and organization should have been started much earlier. It took many years before a new work method was successfully found through new and more open network configurations. As a contrast, the smaller departments had implemented work routines when PACS was implemented and its use was started. In the digital context and the new technology the natural breaks at the sluice disappeared, creating an experience of an increase in stress. Another concern which also arose during the years was that the technology became more and more imaginary making it hard to understand errors when they occurred

    Looking into the crystal ball – Swedish radiology 2025. A qualitative study of possible future scenarios

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    During the 20th century, the field of radiology experienced extraordinary growth and became an essential component of the practice of clinical medicine (Chan, 2002). In the 21st century, it is likely that radiology will continue to grow by interfacing with new and important domains such as information technology, molecular biology new tracers in nuclear medicine. This will require radiologists to understand the gaps between the new frontiers and the traditional core of radiology.This article introduce the reader to one strategy management method, Scenario Planning, to identify, analyze and present four scenarios for the Swedish Radiology 2025. It also presents the trends that will affect the future of radiolog

    Measurements of abatement of particles and exhaust gases in a marine gas scrubber

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    Measurements of exhaust gases from a marine engine equipped with an open-loop wet scrubber using seawater for sulphur dioxide (SO2) abatement are reported. The scrubber reduces the SO2 emissions effectively to levels corresponding t

    Measurements of Emissions to Air from a Marine Engine Fueled by Methanol

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    Emissions of exhaust gases and particulate matter from a dual fuel marine engine using methanol as fuel with marine gasoil as pilot fuel have been examined for a ferry during operation. The emission factor for nitrogen oxides is lower than what is typically found for marine gasoil but does not reach the tier III limit. The emissions of particulate matter are significantly lower than for fuel oils and similar to what is found for LNG engines. The main part of the particles can be found in the ultrafine range with the peak being at around 18\ua0nm. About 93% of the particles are evaporated and absorbed when using a thermodenuder, and thus a large majority of the particles are volatile. Methanol is a potential future marine fuel that will reduce emissions of air pollutants and can be made as a biofuel to meet emission targets for greenhouse gases