17 research outputs found

    Nachnutzung der gemeinsamen JOIN2^2 –Repository-Infrastruktur für den KDSF-Objektbereich Publikation?

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    Im Rahmen des JOIN2-Projekts haben Bibliotheks- & Dokumentationseinheiten (Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY Hamburg/Zeuten, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ Heidelberg, Forschungszentrum Jülich, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt, Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum Garching, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, KIT Institut für experimentelle Kernphysik Karlsruhe) eine gemeinsame Repository-Infrastruktur für ihre Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen geschaffen. Das Poster dokumentiert Überlegungen, welche Anforderungen des Kerndatensatzes Forschung im Objektbereich abgebildet werden können, wo Probleme und fehlende Normierungen in der Praxis auftauchen könnten und vor allem, an welchen Stellen Kompromisse in Hinblick auf die JOIN2-Serviceorientierung für den Wissenschaftsbereich eingegangen werden müssen.Schlagwörter: Repositorium; VeröffentlichungsdatenbankSchwerpunktbereich: Identifikatoren & Anbindung von Drittsystemen, z.B. von Repositorie

    Inactivation of DltA Modulates Virulence Factor Expression in Streptococcus pyogenes

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    D-alanylated lipoteichoic acid is a virtually ubiquitous component of gram-positive cell walls. Mutations in the dltABCD operon of numerous species exhibit pleiotropic effects, including reduced virulence, which has been attributed to increased binding of cationic antimicrobial peptides to the more negatively charged cell surface. In this study, we have further investigated the effects that mutating dltA has on virulence factor expression in Streptococcus pyogenes.Isogenic Delta dltA mutants had previously been created in two distinct M1T1 isolates of S. pyogenes. Immunoblots, flow cytometry, and immunofluorescence were used to quantitate M protein levels in these strains, as well as to assess their ability to bind complement. Bacteria were tested for their ability to interact with human PMN and to grow in whole human blood. Message levels for emm, sic, and various regulatory elements were assessed by quantitative RT-PCR. Cell walls of Delta dltA mutants contained much less M protein than cell walls of parent strains and this correlated with reduced levels of emm transcripts, increased deposition of complement, increased association of bacteria with polymorphonuclear leukocytes, and reduced bacterial growth in whole human blood. Transcription of at least one other gene of the mga regulon, sic, which encodes a protein that inactivates antimicrobial peptides, was also dramatically reduced in Delta dltA mutants. Concomitantly, ccpA and rofA were unaffected, while rgg and arcA were up-regulated.This study has identified a novel mechanism for the reduced virulence of dltA mutants of Streptococcus pyogenes in which gene regulatory networks somehow sense and respond to the loss of DltA and lack of D-alanine esterification of lipoteichoic acid. The mechanism remains to be determined, but the data indicate that the status of D-alanine-lipoteichoic acid can significantly influence the expression of at least some streptococcal virulence factors and provide further impetus to targeting the dlt operon of gram-positive pathogens in the search for novel antimicrobial compounds

    "What is Creative Agility?"

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    1. Collaboration Topic Within the framework of the Erasmus+ project on Creative Agility (2021 - 2023), an international pro-ject team consisting of artists, mediators and scientists from Liechtenstein (Kubus Kulturvermittlung Balzers, overall management), Switzerland (ZHAW Zurich University of Applied Sciences, lead scientific accompanying research), Austria (SPES Zukunftsakademie Schlierbach) and Germany (HKS University for Arts in the Social Ottersberg) is currently exploring how art-based strategies transform digital and analog communication in organizations. In the wake of Practice and Narrative Turn , "Communication Constitutes Organization" paradigm as well as narratological management and organizational research , practice routines such as leadership, management, entrepreneurship and consulting have become communicative tasks . Increasingly, de-sign practices as well as arts-based strategies, methods, and interventions are being used to create narrative effects and impact in organizations. The development and research project outlined here is situated in the field of adult education and specifically permeates the following themes of the ADMC conference: - Design Leadership with a view to organizational transformations through the integration of art-based strategies and interventions, design practices and methods in organizational contexts; Sci-entific accompanying research of a case study as well as pilot trainings/market tests in Europe by means of (practice-theoretical and) approaches from discourse and design research . - Design for the Public Good with a view to the development of a future-oriented training on Crea-tive Agility for executives and decision-makers in different contexts such as business, politics, society, health, etc. incl. accompanying scientific research (case study and pilot trainings/market tests in Europe using (practice-theoretical and) approaches from discourse and design rese-arch ). 2. Short Description of Project, R+B Research and Partnership How do dialogue, collaboration and participation succeed in situations of volatility, uncertainty, comple-xity and ambiguity? The VUCA world in which we live today is constantly putting us to the test. It fun-damentally reshapes our lives, our interaction and communication. Working, decision-making and com-munication processes must be rethought and reestablished. We are constantly discovering, trying out and reflecting on how we function in communicative interaction. This creates uncertainty and anxiety, because social practices and forms of cooperation are constantly being renegotiated. Everything is changing - permanently. How do we react to this change and how do we shape it communicatively as people in different functional roles, as teams, as organizations, as a society? Why Creative Agility? The project team sees Creative Agility as a key competence for navigating complex working environments - digital and analog. Organizational development is not just a questi-on of technical skills, but of the ability to break through decision-making, communication and lea-dership routines that have become deficient, to face situations with Creative Agility and to communi-cate effectively. Can this ability be trained? And can it enrich "creagile" transformation processes in organizations? These are the questions the international project team is addressing. Project goals: Together, the project partners are developing a training course on Creative Agility that will enable people to face volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous situations in a "creagile" way and to actively shape organizational and social transformations. The training focuses on the way participants communicate without explicitly pointing this out at the beginning. Creative Agility does not function in isolation from, but rather embedded in, constructive and benevolent analog and digital communication behavior. Through "creagile" communication, decision-making, change and organiza-tional processes can be accelerated and improved. The aim of the project is to develop a curricular training concept in the form of a modular art-based, knowledge-oriented and methodological-didactic kit including various training materials. In addition, pilot trainings (market tests) in Europe and expe-riments with digital and analog learning formats will be realized. The training materials developed in German will be translated into English, French and Italian after completion of the project. The project budget amounts to EUR 322'000. Observing, linguistically capturing and designing Creative Agility: An important basis for the joint development of the training is the scientific accompanying research of the Erasmus+ project on the part of the ZHAW, specifically a case study realized in winter 2021. As a communication, dis-course and design researcher, Birgitta Borghoff observed how Michael Uhl, freelance director and lecturer at the HKS Ottersberg, worked artistically with local decision-makers in the German com-munity of Ottersberg (near Bremen). In the process, she was able to witness how politically active, artistic and academic actors behave towards the big complex questions in the context of narrowly defined competencies. They did this using the example of the topic "economy/growth and ecology". Together, the participants explored how they deal with permanent over-complexity in their respective roles on the basis of a concrete project on housing densification. In doing so, they explored the question of how political mediation can succeed when answers to facts or questions are not immedi-ately available. The theater-based artistic method of the "Narrative Recherche" developed by Michael Uhl himself was applied. The result was a collection of narratives and perspectives of the participants, which were brought together as a mosaic in an artistic form. Currently, the ZHAW is evaluating the effect of the "Narrative Recherche" on the participants from the council, administration, art and science. In addition to the evaluation of the observation protocols of the artistic interventions in Ottersberg, narrative group interviews were conducted with the council and administration of the Ottersberg municipality as well as with actors of the HKS Ottersberg. The interviews were transcribed verbatim. In addition, summary protocols of individual interviews with the Ottersberg population were prepared. As part of a research-based teaching project, Birgitta Borghoff is evaluating narrative patterns and practices of language use together with communication students at the ZHAW. Linguistically it is reconstructed what the actors participating in the process say and how they behave (discourses ). How does the process take shape? What practices and social routi-nes can be identified? What histories, conflicts and themes emerge? And what can we learn from this with a view to transferability to similar situations, other organizational and social contexts, and discursive simulations of desirable futures ("design fiction" )? Our contribution in the R+B track at ADMC 2022 presents firstly results of the discourse analytic case study in Ottersberg and how we integrate them into the development of a guide for implemen-ting artistic interventions in organizations as well as into the training on Creative Agility. Second, there will be multi-perspective insights into the experiences of the project partners during the first pilot training/market test in Liechtenstein (May/June 2022) as well as during a first Swiss multiplier event at the ZHAW (June 2022). Here we will share the current status of our results and learnings with a broad Swiss public. At the ADMC, you can expect a variety of insights into an exciting Eras-mus+ project and conversations with artistic, mediating, researching and teaching project partners. - An exciting opportunity to experience Creative Agility live

    Future Skill «Kreative Agilität» : kreagil navigieren in und durch überfordernde Zeiten

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    Veranstaltungsseite: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/gesundheit/ueber-uns/departementstag-gesundheit/Workshop-Leitung: Birgitta Borghoff, Dozentin ZHAW-Institut für Angewandte Medienwissenschaft / Dagmar Frick-Islitzer, Kubus Kulturvermittlung (extern) «Kreative Agilität» fördert Kommunikation und umgekehrt. Als mehrperspektivisches Zusammenspiel von kunstbasierten und kreativen Strategien sowie Praktiken der Kommunikation und Organisationsentwicklung wird «Kreagilität» durch die Erfahrungen von Menschen in unterschiedlichen Rollen, Situationen, Kontexten und Öffentlichkeiten bereichert und stimuliert. Die intuitiven und systematischen Arbeitsweisen der Kreagilität zeigen sich in Situationen von Überforderung, Unsicherheit und Komplexität besonders wirkungsvoll. In diesem Workshop experimentieren wir mit «Kreagilem Handeln» und entwerfen gemeinschaftlich unkonventionelle Herangehensweisen für mehrdeutige, oftmals widersprüchliche Herausforderungen. Bereich: Gesellschaft Nachhaltigkeitsziele: 4, 16, 1

    Future Skill «Kreative Agilität» : kreagil navigieren in und durch überfordernde Zeiten

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    Veranstaltungsseite: https://www.zhaw.ch/de/ueber-uns/aktuell/veranstaltungen/detailansicht-veranstaltung/event-news/future-skill-kreative-agilitaet-kreagil-230504/«Kreative Agilität» fördert Kommunikation und umgekehrt. Als mehrperspektivisches Zusammenspiel von kunstbasierten und kreativen Strategien, Praktiken der Kommunikation und Organisationsentwicklung wird dieses Future Skill durch die Erfahrungen von Menschen in unterschiedlichen Rollen, Situationen und Berufskontexten bereichert und stimuliert. Die intuitiven und systematischen Arbeitsweisen der Kreagilität zeigen sich in Situationen von Überforderung, Unsicherheit und Komplexität besonders wirkungsvoll. Lässt sich «Kreative Agilität» trainieren? Und können dadurch «kreagile» Transformationsprozesse in Organisationen bereichert werden? Diesen Fragen hat sich ein transdisziplinäres Projektteam bestehend aus Künstler:innen, Vermittler:innen und Forscher:innen aus Liechtenstein, Deutschland, Österreich und der Schweiz gestellt und ein Training zu Kreativer Agilität entwickelt. Das Kreagilitätstraining wurde in allen drei Ländern in unterschiedlichen Berufskontexten realisiert und auf Marktfähigkeit getestet. Dabei konnten wertvolle Erkenntnisse für die Integration «kreagiler» Strategien in Organisationen gesammelt werden. Am zweiten Schweizer Multiplikatoren-Event im Proof of Concept-Lab IAM teilen wir Erfahrungen, Ergebnisse und Learnings aus unserer internationalen Projektzusammenarbeit und lernen, wie kunstbasierte Strategien die digitale und analoge Kommunikation in Organisationen transformieren können. Zudem gibt es punktuelle Experimente mit "kreagilen" Interventionen. Es erwarten Sie vielfältige Einblicke in ein spannendes Erasmus+ Projekt, Gespräche mit forschenden, künstlerisch tätigen und vermittelnden Praktiker:innen, ZHAW-Studierenden und Führungskräften der SBB, die das Pilottraining in Liechtenstein erlebt haben. – Eine spannende Gelegenheit, aus erster Hand mehr über "Kreative Agilität" zu erfahren und sich bei einem kleinen Apéro mit Gleichgesinnten auszutauschen. Das Public Event wird in Kooperation vom IAM MediaLab und PoC-Lab veranstaltet. Der Anlass ist öffentlich und kostenlos

    Nachnutzung der gemeinsamen JOIN2\mathrm{JOIN^2} –Repository-Infrastruktur für den KDSF-Objektbereich Publikation?

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    Im Rahmen des JOIN2-Projekts haben Bibliotheks- & Dokumentationseinheiten (Deutsches Elektronensynchrotron DESY Hamburg/Zeuten, Deutsches Krebsforschungszentrum DKFZ Heidelberg, Forschungszentrum Jülich, GSI Helmholtzzentrum für Schwerionenforschung Darmstadt, Maier-Leibnitz-Zentrum Garching, Rheinisch-Westfälische Technische Hochschule (RWTH) Aachen, KIT Institut für experimentelle Kernphysik Karlsruhe) eine gemeinsame Repository-Infrastruktur für ihre Wissenschaftler und Wissenschaftlerinnen geschaffen. Das Poster dokumentiert Überlegungen, welche Anforderungen des Kerndatensatzes Forschung im Objektbereich abgebildet werden können, wo Probleme und fehlende Normierungen in der Praxis auftauchen könnten und vor allem, an welchen Stellen Kompromisse in Hinblick auf die JOIN2-Serviceorientierung für den Wissenschaftsbereich eingegangen werden müssen.Schlagwörter: Repositorium; VeröffentlichungsdatenbankSchwerpunktbereich: Identifikatoren & Anbindung von Drittsystemen, z.B. von Repositorie

    Reproducible Colonization of Germ-Free Mice With the Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota in Different Animal Facilities.

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    The Oligo-Mouse-Microbiota (OMM12) is a recently developed synthetic bacterial community for functional microbiome research in mouse models (Brugiroux et al., 2016). To date, the OMM12 model has been established in several germ-free mouse facilities world-wide and is employed to address a growing variety of research questions related to infection biology, mucosal immunology, microbial ecology and host-microbiome metabolic cross-talk. The OMM12 consists of 12 sequenced and publically available strains isolated from mice, representing five bacterial phyla that are naturally abundant in the murine gastrointestinal tract (Lagkouvardos et al., 2016). Under germ-free conditions, the OMM12 colonizes mice stably over multiple generations. Here, we investigated whether stably colonized OMM12 mouse lines could be reproducibly established in different animal facilities. Germ-free C57Bl/6J mice were inoculated with a frozen mixture of the OMM12 strains. Within 2 weeks after application, the OMM12 community reached the same stable composition in all facilities, as determined by fecal microbiome analysis. We show that a second application of the OMM12 strains after 72 h leads to a more stable community composition than a single application. The availability of such protocols for reliable de novo generation of gnotobiotic rodents will certainly contribute to increasing experimental reproducibility in biomedical research

    DigitUS mebis-Kurs | Kurs fĂĽr Lerngemeinschaften

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    Ein Mebis-Kurs für die aus Lehrkräften bestehenden Lerngemeinschaften. Der Kurs begleitet die Klausurtage der Lerngemeinschaften in der DigitUS-Studie. Der Kurs behandelt Themen wie die Potentiale digitaler Werkzeuge, Unterrichtsgestaltung in Biologie und Mathematik sowie kognitive Aktivierung

    DigitUS mebis-Kurs | Materialsammlung fĂĽr Multiplikatorinnen und Multiplikatoren

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    Ein Mebis-Kurs für Multiplikator*innen, der als Begleitung der Klausurtage des DigitUS-Projekts dient. Der Kurs soll den Multiplikator*innen helfen nachhaltige professionelle Lerngemeinschaften zu bilden. Der Kurs enthält Informationen zu digitalen Medien und Tools sowie dem Nutzen von digitalen Medien für wirksamen Fachunterricht und Biologie und Mathematik, die Planung von Fachunterricht und die kognitive Aktivierung von Schüler*innen