12 research outputs found

    Chance : Projekt Chance, Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour - Handbok för lokala hälsonätverk

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    This guideline is a result of the project CHANCE, funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG / “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. The project focuses on the approach of “CommunityBuilding“, which is beyond counselling and education campaigns designed for the social and environmental circumstances and aims to initiate the build-up of networks and local communities. The manual is based on the interdisciplinary view of health (holistic according to the WHO), community and social environment (promotion of personal and structural potential). After the introduction with regard to the subject matter, the manual presents 13 fundamental guidelines and illustrates project examples from the participating countries

    Driving and Deterrent Factors Affecting Organic Food Consumption in Vietnam

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    This study aims to determine driving factors significantly influencing the purchase intention and to identify impediments creating the intention –behavior gap regarding organic food consumption in Vietnam. The chosen driving factors affecting the organic food purchase intention in this study are health benefits, environmental awareness, and social norms, whereas trust, price, and convenience as well as availability are investigated as deterrent factors of the link between intention and behavior. A structured online questionnaire with snow-balling sampling method was distributed to collect a representative sample of 466 Vietnamese consumers nationwide. A five-point likert scale was used for the level of approval for 36 statements. Statistical tools of SPSS 22.0 including descriptive analysis, principal component analysis, and multiple regression analysis models were used for data analysis. The results showed that health benefits, environmental awareness, and social norms were facilitators of organic food purchase intention. Although high intention to purchase organic foods was identified in Vietnam, it was not translated into actual purchase behavior. The main barriers for the inconsistency were premium price and low availability of organic products or inconvenience to buy in the market. Lack of trust insignificantly impacted on organic food choices among Vietnamese consumers in this study. These empirical findings and suggestions are beneficial for all players across supply chains

    Abschlussbericht für das NWE (North-West-Europe) Interreg Projekt Food Heroes

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    Es wird das Gesamtprojekt vorgestellt,danach die wesentlichen einzelnen Arbeiten und Ergebnisse aus dem Fachbereich Oecotrophologie, Hochschule Fulda

    Chance : Projekt Chance, Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour - Stadtteilbezogenes Gesundheitsmanagement zur Verhaltensänderung

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    This guideline is a result of the project CHANCE, funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG / “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. The project focuses on the approach of “CommunityBuilding“, which is beyond counselling and education campaigns designed for the social and environmental circumstances and aims to initiate the build-up of networks and local communities. The manual is based on the interdisciplinary view of health (holistic according to the WHO), community and social environment (promotion of personal and structural potential). After the introduction with regard to the subject matter, the manual presents 13 fundamental guidelines and illustrates project examples from the participating countries

    A Nutrition Guide for Early Childhood Active Stakeholders - Nutgecs

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    The aim of this project is to prepare a nutrition guidebook for early childhood active stakeholders that are applicable across Europe and Turkey. The developed nutrition guidebook is the result of two-year collaboration between academics from different professions (nutritionists, home economists, paediatricians, education scientists, health psychologists) across five countries

    Устойчивое потребление в области питания в Германии – четыре примера

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    Four main surveys in Germany focused on sustainable consumption in the field of nutrition. The results and the methods of these studies were analysed. The results show the complexity of nutrition behaviour and influencing factors. Organic products have become more familiar in recent years but the purchase frequency of organic products is low. Different quantitative and qualitative methods were used to gather data. Recommendations were given for the food supply chain as politics and consumer counselling in the conclusions of these projects. Advice for future research is offered at the end of the analyses. Inter- and transdisciplinary research and methods should increase. Not only nutrition, but also all household activities should be included in the analysis of sustainable consumption.Cztery podstawowe badania ankietowe w Niemczech skoncentrowały się na zrównoważonej konsumpcji w dziedzinie wyżywienia. Dokonano analizy wyników i metod tych badań. Wyniki wskazują na złożoność zachowań żywieniowych i wpływających na nie czynników. Produkty ekologiczne stały się w ostatnich latach bardziej znane, ale częstotliwość kupowania produktów organicznych jest niska. Do zebrania danych użyto różnych metod ilościowych i jakościowych. We wnioskach tych projektów podano zalecenia dla łańcucha dostaw żywności w charakterze polityk i doradztwa konsumenckiego. Pod koniec analiz proponuje się doradztwo w sprawie przyszłych badań. Należy zwiększyć zakres badań i metod inter- i transdyscyplinarnych. Analiza zrównoważonej konsumpcji powinna objąć nie tylko żywienie, lecz także całą działalność gospodarstw domowych.Четыре основных опроса в Германии были сосредоточены на устойчивом потреблении в области питания. Провели анализ результатов и методов этих опросов. Результаты указывают сложность поведения в отношении питания и влияющих на него факторов. Экологические продукты стали в последние годы более известными, но частотность их покупки низка. Для сбора данных использовали разные количественные и качественные методы. В выводах из этих проектов указаны рекомендации для цепочки поставок продуктов питания в качестве политики и потребительских советов. В конце анализов предлагаются советы по вопросу о будущих исследованиях. Следует расширить круг интер- и трансдисциплинарных исследований и методов. Анализ устойчивого потребления должен охватить собой не только питание, но и всю деятельность домохозяйств

    Chance : Projekt Chance, Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour - Managementul sănătăţii comunităţii pentru îmbunătăţirea comportamentului

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    This guideline is a result of the project CHANCE, funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG / “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. The project focuses on the approach of “CommunityBuilding“, which is beyond counselling and education campaigns designed for the social and environmental circumstances and aims to initiate the build-up of networks and local communities. The manual is based on the interdisciplinary view of health (holistic according to the WHO), community and social environment (promotion of personal and structural potential). After the introduction with regard to the subject matter, the manual presents 13 fundamental guidelines and illustrates project examples from the participating countries

    Chance (Iespeja) : Chance (Iespeja) projekts - Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour - Sabiedribas Paradumu Izmainas Veselibas Veicinasanai

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    This guideline is a result of the project CHANCE, funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG / “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. The project focuses on the approach of “CommunityBuilding“, which is beyond counselling and education campaigns designed for the social and environmental circumstances and aims to initiate the build-up of networks and local communities. The manual is based on the interdisciplinary view of health (holistic according to the WHO), community and social environment (promotion of personal and structural potential). After the introduction with regard to the subject matter, the manual presents 13 fundamental guidelines and illustrates project examples from the participating countries

    Chance : Projekt Chance, Community Health Management to Enhance Behaviour

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    This guideline is a result of the project CHANCE, funded by the EU-programme GRUNDTVIG / “Lifelong Learning Programme” conducted from December 2007 to November 2009. The project focuses on the approach of “CommunityBuilding“, which is beyond counselling and education campaigns designed for the social and environmental circumstances and aims to initiate the build-up of networks and local communities. The manual is based on the interdisciplinary view of health (holistic according to the WHO), community and social environment (promotion of personal and structural potential). After the introduction with regard to the subject matter, the manual presents 13 fundamental guidelines and illustrates project examples from the participating countries

    Food System Outcomes: An Overview and the Contribution to Food Systems Transformation

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    Gefördert durch den Publikationsfonds der Universität Kasse