116 research outputs found

    Model-based identification and testing of appropriate strategies to minimize N2O emissions from biofilm deammonification

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    Based on a one-year pilot plant operation of a two-step biofilm nitritation-anammox pilot plant, N2O mitigation strategies were identified by applying a newly developed biofilm modeling approach. Due to adapted plant operation, the N2O emission could be diminished by 75% (8.8% → 2.3% of NH4-Noxidized_AOB). The results (measurement and simulation) confirm the huge importance of denitrification as an N2O source or N2O sink, depending on the boundary conditions. A significant reduction of N2O emissions could only be achieved with a one-step deammonification system, which is related to low nitrite and HNO2 concentrations. Increased oxygen concentrations in the bulk phase are not related to decreased emissions. N2O formation by ammonium-oxidizing bacteria (AOB) just shifts deeper into the biofilm; zones with low oxygen concentrations are not avoidable in biofilm systems. Low oxygen concentrations in the bulk phase, however, result in a reduction of the total net N2O formation due to increased activity of heterotrophic bacteria directly at the source of N2O formation (outer biofilm layer). For the model-based identification of mitigation strategies, the standard modeling approaches for biofilms were expanded by including the factor-based N2O formation and emission approach. The new model 'Biofilm/N2OISAH' was successfully validated using data from pilot-scale measurement campaigns. Altogether, the investigation confirms that the employed digital model can strongly support the development of N2O mitigation strategies without the need for specialized measurement inside the biofilm

    Model assisted identification of N2O mitigation strategies for full-scale reject water treatment plants

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    In a 3-year research project, a new approach to forecast biological N2O formation and emission at high-strength reject water treatment has been developed (ASM3/1_N2OISAH). It was calibrated by extensive batch-tests and finally evaluated by long-term measurement campaigns realized at three wastewater treatment plants (WWTPs) with different process configurations for nitrogen removal of reject water. To enable a model application with common full-scale data, the nitritation-connected supplementary processes that are responsible for N2O formation are not depicted in the model. Instead, within the new model approach the N2O formation is linked to the NH4-N oxidation rate by defining specific formation factors [N2O-Nform/NH4-Nox], depending on the concentrations of NO2 and O2 as well as the NH4 load. A comparison between the measured and the modeled N2O concentrations in the liquid and gas phase at the full-scale treatment plants prove the ability of the proposed modelling approach to represent the observed trends of N2O formation, emission and reduction using the standard parameter set of kinetics and formation factors. Thus, enabling a reliable estimation of the N2O emissions for different operational conditions. The measurements indicate that a formation of N2O by AOB cannot completely be avoided. However, a considerable reduction of the formed N2O was observed in an anoxic environment. Applying the model, operational settings and mitigation strategies can now be identified without extensive measurement campaigns. For further enhancement of the model, first results for kinetics of N2O reduction kinetics by denitrification processes were determined in laboratory-scale batch tests

    Case report of right hamate hook fracture in a patient with previous fracture history of left hamate hook: is it hamate bipartite?

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    BACKGROUND: Hamate hook fracture is a common fracture in golfers and others who play sports that involve rackets or sticks such as tennis or hockey. This patient had a previous hamate fracture in the opposing wrist along with potential features of hamate bipartite. CASE PRESENTATION: A 19 year old male presented with a complaint of right wrist pain on the ulnar side of the wrist with no apparent mechanism of injury. The pain came on gradually one week before being seen in the office and he reported no prior care for the complaint. His history includes traumatic left hamate hook fracture with surgical excision. CONCLUSION: The patient was found to have marked tenderness over the hamate and with a prior fracture to the other wrist, computed tomography of the wrist was ordered revealing a fracture to the hamate hook in the right wrist. He was referred for surgical evaluation and the hook of the hamate was excised. Post-surgically, the patient was able to return to normal activity within eight weeks. This case is indicative of fracture rather than hamate bipartite. This fracture should be considered in a case of ulnar sided wrist pain where marked tenderness is noted over the hamate, especially after participation in club or racket sports

    Adverse Events Post Smallpox-Vaccination: Insights from Tail Scarification Infection in Mice with Vaccinia virus

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    Adverse events upon smallpox vaccination with fully-replicative strains of Vaccinia virus (VACV) comprise an array of clinical manifestations that occur primarily in immunocompromised patients leading to significant host morbidity/mortality. The expansion of immune-suppressed populations and the possible release of Variola virus as a bioterrorist act have given rise to concerns over vaccination complications should more widespread vaccination be reinitiated. Our goal was to evaluate the components of the host immune system that are sufficient to prevent morbidity/mortality in a murine model of tail scarification, which mimics immunological and clinical features of smallpox vaccination in humans. Infection of C57BL/6 wild-type mice led to a strictly localized infection, with complete viral clearance by day 28 p.i. On the other hand, infection of T and B-cell deficient mice (Rag1−/−) produced a severe disease, with uncontrolled viral replication at the inoculation site and dissemination to internal organs. Infection of B-cell deficient animals (µMT) produced no mortality. However, viral clearance in µMT animals was delayed compared to WT animals, with detectable viral titers in tail and internal organs late in infection. Treatment of Rag1−/− with rabbit hyperimmune anti-vaccinia serum had a subtle effect on the morbidity/mortality of this strain, but it was effective in reduce viral titers in ovaries. Finally, NUDE athymic mice showed a similar outcome of infection as Rag1−/−, and passive transfer of WT T cells to Rag1−/− animals proved fully effective in preventing morbidity/mortality. These results strongly suggest that both T and B cells are important in the immune response to primary VACV infection in mice, and that T-cells are required to control the infection at the inoculation site and providing help for B-cells to produce antibodies, which help to prevent viral dissemination. These insights might prove helpful to better identify individuals with higher risk of complications after infection with poxvirus

    Clinical improvement in a patient with monostotic melorheostosis after treatment with denosumab: a case report

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    Abstract Background A 20-year-old Danish woman with melorheostosis in her right femoral shaft and disabling pain in the affected area, whose symptoms did not in the long term respond to zoledronic acid, experienced continuous remission of pain after treatment with denosumab. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first case report on denosumab treatment for melorheostosis. Case presentation Radiologic findings and bone biopsy showed irregular cortical hyperostosis in the right femoral shaft with increased tracer uptake on Tc99-bone scan. The diagnosis of melorheostosis was made based on the radiological findings. There was a good initial response to zoledronic acid administration, but after relapse of pain, the second and third administrations had a poor effect. As a second line of treatment denosumab was administered at 8-week intervals, the frequency was based on our patient’s symptoms and on biochemical markers of bone turnover. Conclusion This is the first report indicating that denosumab has a place in the treatment of melorheostosis when the effect of bisphosphonate treatment is insufficient

    Preoperative radiographic and histopathologic evaluation of central chondrosarcoma

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    BACKGROUND: Distinguishing grade 1 chondrosarcoma from grade 2 chondrosarcoma is critical both for planning the surgical procedure and for predicting the outcome. We aimed to review the preoperative radiographic and histologic findings, and to evaluate the reliability of preoperative grading. METHODS: We retrospectively reviewed the medical records of 17 patients diagnosed with central chondrosarcoma at our institution between 1996 and 2011. In these cases, we compared the preoperative and postoperative histologic grades, and evaluated the reliability of the preoperative histologic grading. We also assessed the preoperative radiographic findings obtained using plain radiography, computed tomography (CT), and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). RESULTS: Preoperative histologic grade was 1 in 12 patients, 2 in 4 patients, and 3 in 1 patient. However, 6 of the 12 cases classified as grade 1 before surgery were re-classified as grade 2 postoperatively. In the radiographic evaluation, grade 1 was suspected by the presence of a ring-and-arc pattern of calcification on plain radiography and CT and entrapped fat and ring-and-arc enhancement on MRI. Grades 2 and 3 were suspected by the absence of calcification and the presence of cortical penetration and endosteal scalloping on plain radiography and CT, as well as soft-tissue mass formation on MRI. CONCLUSION: Although the combination of radiographic interpretation and histologic findings may improve the accuracy of preoperative grading in chondrosarcoma, the establishment of a standard evaluation system with the histologic and radiographic findings and/or the development of new biologic markers are necessary for preoperative discrimination of low-grade chondrosarcoma from high-grade chondrosarcoma

    A "hair-raising" history of alopecia areata

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    YesA 3500‐year‐old papyrus from ancient Egypt provides a list of treatments for many diseases including “bite hair loss,” most likely alopecia areata (AA). The treatment of AA remained largely unchanged for over 1500 years. In 30 CE, Celsus described AA presenting as scalp alopecia in spots or the “windings of a snake” and suggested treatment with caustic compounds and scarification. The first “modern” description of AA came in 1813, though treatment still largely employed caustic agents. From the mid‐19th century onwards, various hypotheses of AA development were put forward including infectious microbes (1843), nerve defects (1858), physical trauma and psychological stress (1881), focal inflammation (1891), diseased teeth (1902), toxins (1912) and endocrine disorders (1913). The 1950s brought new treatment developments with the first use of corticosteroid compounds (1952), and the first suggestion that AA was an autoimmune disease (1958). Research progressively shifted towards identifying hair follicle‐specific autoantibodies (1995). The potential role of lymphocytes in AA was made implicit with immunohistological studies (1980s). However, studies confirming their functional role were not published until the development of rodent models (1990s). Genetic studies, particularly genome‐wide association studies, have now come to the forefront and open up a new era of AA investigation (2000s). Today, AA research is actively focused on genetics, the microbiome, dietary modulators, the role of atopy, immune cell types in AA pathogenesis, primary antigenic targets, mechanisms by which immune cells influence hair growth, and of course the development of new treatments based on these discoveries.Alopecia UK