11 research outputs found

    Experimental cutaneous free flap transfers in the horse

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    Equine limb wounds often heal slowly by epithelialization, and large scars are a frequent end result. In some ways, they resemble the wound associated with human tibial injuries. The literature indicates that previous investigators have failed to transfer free skin flaps successfully in the horse. In this paper, we review our experimental work with the deep circumflex iliac flap in the horse. Dissections of 20 cadavers confirmed the anatomical consistency of the flap. Four flaps survived well when elevated as island flaps, but five orthotopic and nine heterotopic free flap transfers all failed. The cause of failure is still unknown, but our experiments suggested that the horse must be highly susceptible to ischemic reperfusion injury

    Membrana amniótica preservada em glicerina no reparo de feridas cutâneas de membros locomotores de eqüinos Equine amniotic membrane preserved in glycerin in reparing the equine limbs cütaneous wounds

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    Neste estudo experimental, avaliou-se o uso de membrana amniótica eqüina preservada em glicerina 98%, à temperatura ambiente, em feridas com cura por segunda intenção, nos membros locomotores de eqüinos. Foram provocadas cirurgicamente feridas de 9,6cm² na face lateral da articulação metacarpo-falangeana, face medial do terço proximal do metacarpo e face lateral do terço médio do metatarso de ambos os membros locomotores de cinco eqüinos adultos, perfazendo total de trinta feridas. Foram constituídos dois grupos experimentais com quinze feridas cada, sendo um destes grupos tratado com membrana amniótica, e o outro, grupo controle, tendo recebido apenas gaze umidecida em solução fisiológica. Os curativos foram trocados a cada 48horas, tendo sido a membrana amniótica e a gaze umidecida substituídas. Em todas as feridas foram mensurados a área, o grau de secreção, a formação de tecido de granulação exuberante e o tempo para a epitelização se completar. Realizou-se também exame bacteriológico e histopatológico em um grupo de feridas, tratadas e controle. Na membrana amniótica, fez-se determinação bioquímica de proteínas e identificação de fator de crescimento de fibroblasto. Em todas as feridas tratadas, observou-se: menor tempo para cicatrização, menor formação de tecido de granulação exuberante, menor incidência de bactérias patológicas e menor aumento na área total.<br>In the present experimental study, the use of the equine amniotic membrane preserved in glvcerol 98%, at room temperature, in wounds with secound intention healing of equine limbs were evaluated. Surgical wounds of the size of 9.6cm² were made on the fetiock joint, medial aspect of the proximal third of the metacarpus and lateral aspect of the medium third of the metatarsus ofboth limbs offive adult horses, making a total of thirty wounds. Two experimental groups were made with fifteen wounds in each group, where one of these groups was treated with amniotic membrane, and the other, the control group, treated only with a damp gauze changed every 48 hours. In all the wounds the procedure was to evaluate the measurement of the área, degree of secretion, development of exuberant granulation tissue and the complete time of epitheliazation. Bacteriologic and histopatologic exams were made in a sample of the treated and contrai groups. The biochemical determination of proteins and the identification of fibroblastic growth factor were realized in the amnionic membrane. In all the treated wounds were observed shorter healing time, less formation of exuberant granulation tissue, smaller incidence of pathogenic bacterias and a smaller increase of the wound area