3,537 research outputs found

    What Does International Experience Tell Us About Regulatory Consolidation?

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    Describes the integrated, twin peaks, functional, and institutional approaches to financial regulation and draws lessons from how Canada's, the United Kingdom's, Australia's, and other countries' regulatory structures have fared in the financial crisis

    Junior Recital: Caroline Fresh, soprano

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    Being and Showtime: ReView

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    In the ReView I will re-experience notions of time explored in “The About Time Show” (Chapter 6 of Being And Showtime) which repeats and extends Edmund Husserl’s Phenomenology and Time-Consciousness. I first became interested in using common language to disorient the audience in a 2015 iteration of my traveling one-man show called “MR. MDWST.” From 2017-2019 I further explored how language can dislocate time through guttural chanting, repetition, and call and response in “Wild American Dogs Big Time Traveling Tent Revival,” another performance project. Reading Steeves’ chapter on time revived and deepened my interest in the potential of vocal performance to confuse time and space and inspired me to compose “Ode to H. Peter Steeves” and to resurrect my own examination of time through a newly created series of multi-modal, multi-dimensional performances re-presenting Steeves’ investigation in new forms of action. This ReView will lead Performance Philosophy audiences to re-experience notions of time by intentionally disorientating through an expanded ReView format and the performance of language thus disrupting our shared experiences of time

    Senior Recital: Caroline Fresh, soprano

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    Blood, Sweat, Tears: A Re-Examination of the Exploitation of College Athletes

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    2021 Louise Halper Award Winner for Best Student Note The unrest revolving around compensation for college athletes is not a new concept. However, public attitudes are shifting. With spirited arguments on both sides, and the recent Supreme Court decision of National Collegiate Athletic Association v. Alston regarding antitrust exemptions, the issue has been placed in a spotlight. This Note examines the buildup of discontentment through the history of the NCAA and amateurism, specifically how the term “student-athlete” became coined. It will then move to litigation efforts by athletes in an attempt to gain employment status, and an alternative route of unionization. Models that examine the fair market value of athletes, as well as the issue of rent sharing, place the monetary value of this labor into perspective. This Note highlights recent legislative pushes, both state and federal, to compensate athletes through name, image and likeness laws and the subsequent approval of the NCAA. However, this Note proposes that this new publicity surrounding NIL law creates the opportunity to rectify injustices beyond that of what third-party compensation models could provide. In conclusion, this Note advocates for the full-spectrum protection offered through a proposed College Athletes Bill of Rights

    Coding in the Classroom

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    The 21st century has been characterized by rapid growth in technology and computer science. With this shift, computer science curricula have not always been introduced in the classroom at a similar pace (Yadav, Hong, & Stephenson, 2016). With the overwhelming amount of curriculum that needs to be taught and lack of resources at the district level, adding non-required curricula such as computer science and coding to the schedule can be difficult. There simply is not enough time in the day to teach it all. This project bridges the gap between computer science curriculum and the classroom, by showing how it overlaps with the Oregon Common Core State Standards. I have created a unit that teaches coding to fifth graders. It includes specific learning objectives aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics. These lessons teach coding using a scaffolded approach based on Bloom’s Taxonomy. This project provides teachers with a small unit for their fifth-grade class that will teach coding and that aligns with the standards that are required to be taught, which brings the computer science and elementary mathematics education worlds together. The existing resources to teach coding lack alignment to Oregon Common Core State Standards, so the goal of this project was to add alignment in order to make teaching computer science curriculum accessible for the classroom teacher


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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui karakteristik modul fisika berbasis keterampilan proses sains (KPS), untuk mengetahui kelayakan modul fisika berbasis KPS yang memenuhi kriteria baik, dan untuk mengetahui efektivitas dengan menggunakan modul fisika berbasis KPS dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa tingkat SMK kelas XI. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian Research and Development (R&D). Modul fisika berbasis KPS untuk meningkatkan berpikir kritis siswa tingkat SMK yang dikembangkan melalui model 4-D (Four D models) menurut Thiagarajan yang terdiri dari tahap pendefinisian (define) menentukan kebutuhan dalam proses pembelajaran, tahap perencanaan (design) merencanakan bentuk modul yang akan dikembangkan, tahap pengembangan (develop) menghasilkan produk pengembangan modul, dan tahap diseminasi (disseminate) menyebarkan modul ke guru lain. Modul fisika dikembangkan menggunakan pendekatan keterampilan proses sains dengan langkah pembelajaran mengamati, merumuskan masalah, merumuskan hipotesis, eksperimen, mengidentifikasi variabel, menganalisis data, dan menyimpulkan. Modul divalidasi untuk kelayakannya berdasarkan aspek materi, media, dan bahasa Ujicoba modul diterapkan di SMK Kriya Sahid Sukoharjo. Setelah divalidasi dan memenuhi kriteria kelayakan modul, dilakukan uji coba kelompok kecil dengan subjek 10 siswa. Setelah direvisi, dilanjutkan uji coba kelompok besar dengan subjek 21 siswa. Data yang diperoleh pada penelitian adalah data pretest-posttest hasil belajar siswa, validasi ahli, angket respon siswa. Hasil penelitian: 1) karakteristik modul berbasis keterampilan proses sains mengandung pertanyaan, materi, evaluasi dan uji kompetensi yang dilengkapi gambar dengan langkah pembelajaran yang digunakan pada modul mengacu pada pendekatan keterampilan proses sains, 2) kelayakan modul berbasis keterampilan proses sains dari hasil validasi materi, media, dan bahasa memenuhi kriteria sangat baik, 3) efektivitas modul berbasis keterampilan proses sains didapatkan nilai N-gain dari uji coba lapangan operasional sebesar 0,12 dikategorikan ËťsedangËť dengan signifikansi sebesar p=0,000. Berdasarkan hasil gain score menunjukkan modul fisika berbasis keterampilan proses sains dapat meningkatkan kemampuan berpikir kritis siswa. Penelitian ini menghasilkan produk sebuah modul pembelajaran cetak pada materi suhu dan kalor dengan berbasis KPS. Kata Kunci : Modul, Keterampilan Proses Sains (KPS), dan Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis

    Coryi Volume 1 Number 3

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    The official Journalletter of the Florida Panther Interagency Committee. The intent of this publication is to inform and educate the public about the many actions occurring in the state relative to the Florida panther recovery. Dedicated to the preservation and restoration of the Florida panther, Felis concolor coryi. Office: 620 South Meridian Street, Tallahassee, Florida 32399-1600

    Viral and immunological factors associated with breast milk transmission of SIV in rhesus macaques

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    BACKGROUND: The viral and host factors involved in transmission of HIV through breastfeeding are largely unknown, and intervention strategies are urgently needed to protect at-risk populations. To evaluate the viral and immunological factors directly related to milk transmission of virus, we have evaluated the disease course of Simian Immunodeficiency Virus (SIV) in lactating rhesus macaques (Macaca mulatta) as a model of natural breast milk transmission of HIV. RESULTS: Fourteen lactating macaques were infected intravenously with SIV/DeltaB670, a pathogenic isolate of SIV and were pair-housed with their suckling infants throughout the disease course. Transmission was observed in 10 mother-infant pairs over a one-year period. Two mothers transmitted virus during the period of initial viremia 14–21 days post inoculation (p.i.) and were classified as early transmitters. Peak viral loads in milk and plasma of early transmitters were similar to other animals, however the early transmitters subsequently displayed a rapid progressor phenotype and failed to control virus expression as well as other animals at 56 days p.i. Eight mothers were classified as late transmitters, with infant infection detected at time points in the chronic stage of the maternal SIV disease course (81 to 360 days). Plasma viral loads, CD4+ T cell counts and SIV-specific antibody titers were similar in late transmitters and non-transmitters. Late breast milk transmission, however, was correlated with higher average milk viral loads and more persistent viral expression in milk 12 to 46 weeks p.i. as compared to non-transmitters. Four mothers failed to transmit virus, despite disease progression and continuous lactation. CONCLUSION: These studies validate the SIV-infected rhesus macaque as a model for breast milk transmission of HIV. As observed in studies of HIV-infected women, transmission occurred at time points throughout the period of lactation. Transmission during the chronic stage of SIV-infection correlated with a threshold level of virus expression as well as more persistent shedding in milk. This model will be a valuable resource for deciphering viral and host factors responsible for transmission of HIV through breastfeeding

    Efektivitas penerapan sistem absen manual terhadap disiplin pegawai non PNS bagian sekretariat pada Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Barat

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    Hanya sedikit di lingkungan organisasi lembaga yang memahami bahwa budaya organisasi sangat mempengaruhi kedisiplinan, namun juga sedikit pegawai yang menyadari sepenuhnya bahwa disiplin memilik dampak yang signifikan dalam membuat organisasi bekerja lebih efisien. Tingkat ketidakhadiran dari lembaga dapat digunakan untuk mengukur kedisiplinan seorang pegawai di tempat kerja. Jika tingkat absensi meningkat maka produktivitas perusahaan akan terhambat sehingga tujuan perusahaan juga akan terhambat. Tujuan Penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui efektivitas absen manual terhadap pegawai NON PNS Bagian Sekretariat di Kantor Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Barat. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode deskriptif dengan analisis data kualitatif, menggunakan dua jenis sumber data yang terdiri dari data primer dan data sekunder. Peneliti menggunakan teori dari Gibson mengenai ukuran efektivitas sebagai faktor pendukung organisasi berjalan efektif. Adapun ukuran tersebut adalah kejelasan strategi pencapaian tujuan, proses analisis dan perumusan kebijakan yang mantap, penyusunan program yang tepat, dan tersedianya sarana dan prasarana. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan absen manual ini sudah berjalan dengan baik, berdasarkan kejelasan strategi pencapaian tujuan Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Barat khususnya pada bagian Sekretariat telah menentukan cara-cara yang tepat untuk melaksanakan sistem absensi manual dengan baik dan mendapatkan hasil yang optimal. Berdasarkan analisis dan pembuatan kebijakan penggunan absen manual sudah jelas bahwa kebijakaan telah dikembangkan dengan sangat professional. Berdasarkan penyusunan program absensi manual tampaknya telah disesuaikan dengan tuntutan dan tujuan Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Barat dan telah memberikan solusi untuk semua permasalahannya agar menghasilkan hasil yang positif. Dan dilihat dari sarana dan prasarana yang tersedia Dinas Sosial Provinsi Jawa Barat telah mendukung dan mendorong adanya fasilitas baik di lingkungan kerja maupun diluar lingkungan guna memperlancar alur kerja, mengurangi waktu tunggu dan meningkatkan output barang dan jasa
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