46 research outputs found

    The bremsstrahlung equation for the spin motion in LHC

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    The influence of the bremsstrahlung on the spin motion is expressed by the equation which is the analogue and generalization of the Bargmann-Michel-Telegdi equation. The new constant is involved in this equation. This constant can be immediately determined by the experimental measurement of the spin motion, or it follows from the classical limit of quantum electrodynamics with radiative corrections.Comment: 9 page

    The Three Loop Equation of State of QED at High Temperature

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    We present the three loop contribution (order e4e^4) to the pressure of massless quantum electrodynamics at nonzero temperature. The calculation is performed within the imaginary time formalism. Dimensional regularization is used to handle the usual, intermediate stage, ultraviolet and infrared singularities, and also to prevent overcounting of diagrams during resummation.Comment: ANL-HEP-PR-94-02, SPhT/94-054 (revised final version

    Soft Photon Production Rate in Resummed Perturbation Theory of High Temperature QCD

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    We calculate the production rate of soft real photons from a hot quark -- gluon plasma using Braaten -- Pisarski's perturbative resummation method. To leading order in the QCD coupling constant gg we find a logarithmically divergent result for photon energies of order gTgT, where TT is the plasma temperature. This divergent behaviour is due to unscreened mass singularities in the effective hard thermal loop vertices in the case of a massless external photon.Comment: 13 pages (2 figures not included), PLAINTEX, LPTHE-Orsay 93/46, BI-TP 93/5

    Two-loop Compton and annihilation processes in thermal QCD

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    We calculate the Compton and annihilation production of a soft static lepton pair in a quark-gluon plasma in the two-loop approximation. We work in the context of the effective perturbative expansion based on the resummation of hard thermal loops. Double counting is avoided by subtracting appropriate counterterms. It is found that the two-loop diagrams give contributions of the same order as the one-loop diagram. Furthermore, these contributions are necessary to obtain agreement with the naive perturbative expansion in the limit of vanishing thermal masses.Comment: Latex, 24 pages, postscript figures included with the package graphic

    Dispersion of the dielectric function of a charge-transfer insulator

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    We study the problem of dielectric response in the strong coupling regime of a charge transfer insulator. The frequency and wave number dependence of the dielectric function ϵ(q,ω)\epsilon ({\bf q},\omega) and its inverse ϵ1(q,ω)\epsilon ^{-1}({\bf q},\omega) is the main object of consideration. We show that the problem, in general, cannot be reduced to a calculation within the Hubbard model, which takes into account only a restricted number of electronic states near the Fermi energy. The contribution of the rest of the system to the longitudinal response (i.e. to ϵ1(q,ω)\epsilon ^{-1}({\bf q},\omega)) is essential for the whole frequency range. With the use of the spectral representation of the two-particle Green's function we show that the problem may be divided into two parts: into the contributions of the weakly correlated and the Hubbard subsystems. For the latter we propose an approach that starts from the correlated paramagnetic ground state with strong antiferromagnetic fluctuations. We obtain a set of coupled equations of motion for the two-particle Green's function that may be solved by means of the projection technique. The solution is expressed by a two particle basis that includes the excitonic states with electron and hole separated at various distances. We apply our method to the multiband Hubbard (Emery) model that describes layered cuprates. We show that strongly dispersive branches exist in the excitonic spectrum of the 'minimal' Emery model (1/Ud=Up=tpp=01/U_d=U_p=t_{pp}=0) and consider the dependence of the spectrum on finite oxygen hopping tppt_{pp} and on-site repulsion UpU_p. The relationship of our calculations to electron energy loss spectroscopy is discussed.Comment: 22 pages, 5 figure

    Approximately self-consistent resummations for the thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma. I. Entropy and density

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    We propose a gauge-invariant and manifestly UV finite resummation of the physics of hard thermal/dense loops (HTL/HDL) in the thermodynamics of the quark-gluon plasma. The starting point is a simple, effectively one-loop expression for the entropy or the quark density which is derived from the fully self-consistent two-loop skeleton approximation to the free energy, but subject to further approximations, whose quality is tested in a scalar toy model. In contrast to the direct HTL/HDL-resummation of the one-loop free energy, in our approach both the leading-order (LO) and the next-to-leading order (NLO) effects of interactions are correctly reproduced and arise from kinematical regimes where the HTL/HDL are justifiable approximations. The LO effects are entirely due to the (asymptotic) thermal masses of the hard particles. The NLO ones receive contributions both from soft excitations, as described by the HTL/HDL propagators, and from corrections to the dispersion relation of the hard excitations, as given by HTL/HDL perturbation theory. The numerical evaluations of our final expressions show very good agreement with lattice data for zero-density QCD, for temperatures above twice the transition temperature.Comment: 62 pages REVTEX, 14 figures; v2: numerous clarifications, sect. 2C shortened, new material in sect. 3C; v3: more clarifications, one appendix removed, alternative implementation of the NLO effects, corrected eq. (5.16

    Surface state atoms and their contribution to the surface tension of quantum liquids

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    We investigate the new type of excitations on the surface of liquid helium. These excitations, called surfons, appear because helium atoms have discrete energy level at the liquid surface, being attracted to the surface by the van der Waals force and repulsed at a hard-core interatomic distance. The concentration of the surfons increases with temperature. The surfons propagate along the surface and form a two-dimensional gas. Basing on the simple model of the surfon microscopic structure, we estimate the surfon activation energy and effective mass for both helium isotopes. We also calculate the contribution of the surfons to the temperature dependence of the surface tension. This contribution explains the great and long-standing discrepancy between theory and experiment on this temperature dependence in both helium isotopes. The achieved agreement between our theory and experiment is extremely high. The comparison with experiment allows to extract the surfon activation energy and effective mass. The values of these surfon microscopic parameters are in a reasonable agreement with the calculated from the proposed simple model of surfon structure.Comment: 10 pages, 6 figure

    Hard Dense Loops in a Cold Non-Abelian Plasma

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    Classical transport theory is used to study the response of a non-Abelian plasma at zero temperature and high chemical potential to weak color electromagnetic fields. In this article the parallelism between the transport phenomena occurring in a non-Abelian plasma at high temperature and high density is stressed. Particularly, it is shown that at high densities it is also possible to relate the transport equations to the zero-curvature condition of a Chern-Simons theory in three dimensions, even when quarks are not considered ultrarelativistic. The induced color current in the cold plasma can be expressed as an average over angles, which represent the directions of the velocity vectors of quarks having Fermi energy. From this color current it is possible to compute nn-point gluonic amplitudes, with arbitrary nn. It is argued that these amplitudes are the same as the ones computed in the high chemical potential limit of QCD, that are then called hard dense loops. The agreement between the two different formalisms is checked by computing the polarization tensor of QED due to finite density effects in the high density limit.Comment: 16 pages, Revtex, final version to appear in Phys. Rev. D with minor correction