873 research outputs found

    A Comparison of Semi-Analytic and Smoothed Particle Hydrodynamics Galaxy Formation

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    We compare the statistical properties of galaxies found in two different models of hierarchical galaxy formation: the semi-analytic model of Cole et al. and the smoothed particle hydrodynamics (SPH) simulations of Pearce et al. Using a `stripped-down' version of the semi-analytic model which mimics the resolution of the SPH simulations and excludes physical processes not included in them, we find that the two models produce an ensemble of galaxies with remarkably similar properties, although there are some differences in the gas cooling rates and in the number of galaxies that populate halos of different mass. The full semi-analytic model, which has effectively no resolution limit and includes a treatment of star formation and supernovae feedback, produces somewhat different (but readily understandable) results. Agreement is particularly good for the present-day global fractions of hot gas, cold dense (i.e. galactic) gas and uncollapsed gas, for which the SPH and stripped-down semi-analytic calculations differ by at most 25%. In the most massive halos, the stripped-down semi-analytic model predicts, on the whole, up to 50% less gas in galaxies than is seen in the SPH simulations. The two techniques apportion this cold gas somewhat differently amongst galaxies in a given halo. This difference can be tracked down to the greater cooling rate in massive halos in the SPH simulation compared to the semi-analytic model. (abridged)Comment: 19 pages, 13 figures, to appear in MNRAS. Significantly extended to explore galaxy progenitor distributions and behaviour of models at high redshift

    The missing dwarf galaxies of the Local Group

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    We study the Local Group (LG) dwarf galaxy population predicted by the APOSTLE ΛCDM cosmological hydrodynamics simulations. These indicate that: (i) the total mass within 3 Mpc of the Milky Way-Andromeda midpoint (M3Mpc) typically exceeds ∼3 times the sum of the virial masses (M200crit) of the two primaries and (ii) the dwarf galaxy formation efficiency per unit mass is uniform throughout the volume. This suggests that the satellite population within the virial radii of the Milky Way and Andromeda should make up fewer than one third of all LG dwarfs within 3 Mpc. This is consistent with the fraction of observed LG galaxies with stellar mass M* > 107 M⊙ that are satellites (12 out of 42; i.e., 28 per cent). For the APOSTLE galaxy mass-halo mass relation, the total number of such galaxies further suggests a LG mass of M3Mpc ∼ 1013 M⊙. At lower galaxy masses, however, the observed satellite fraction is substantially higher (42 per cent for M* > 105 M⊙). If this is due to incompleteness in the field sample, then ∼50 dwarf galaxies at least as massive as the Draco dwarf spheroidal must be missing from the current LG field dwarf inventory. The incompleteness interpretation is supported by the pronounced flattening of the LG luminosity function below M* ∼ 107 M⊙, and by the scarcity of low-surface brightness LG field galaxies compared to satellites. The simulations indicate that most missing dwarfs should lie near the virial boundaries of the two LG primaries, and predict a trove of nearby dwarfs that await discovery by upcoming wide-field imaging surveys

    Space Velocities of Southern Globular Clusters. IV. First Results for Inner-Galaxy Clusters

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    We have measured the absolute proper motions of four low-latitude, inner-Galaxy globular clusters. These clusters are: NGC 6266 (M62), NGC 6304, NGC 6316 and NGC 6723. The proper motions are on the Hipparcos system, as no background extragalactic objects are found in these high-extinction regions. The proper-motion uncertainties range between 0.3 and 0.6 mas/yr. We discuss the kinematics of these clusters and of three additional bulge clusters -- NGC 6522, NGC 6528 and NFC 6553 -- whose proper motions with respect to bulge stars had been determined previously. We find that all of the clusters have velocities that confine them to the bulge region. Of the three metal poor clusters ([Fe/H] < -1.0), NGC 6522, and NGC 6723 have kinematics consistent with halo membership. The third cluster, NGC 6266 however, appears to belong to a rotationally-supported system. Of the four metal rich clusters ([Fe/H] >= -1.0), NGC 6304 and NGC 6553 also have kinematics consistent with membership to a rotationally-supported system. NGC 6528 has kinematics, metallicity and mass that argue in favor of a genuine Milky-Way bar cluster. NGC 6316's kinematics indicate membership to a hotter system than the bar.Comment: 4 figures, 5 tables; accepted for publication in A

    The Cores of Dwarf Galaxy Halos

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    We use N-body simulations to examine the effects of mass outflows on the density profiles of cold dark matter (CDM) halos surrounding dwarf galaxies. In particular, we investigate the consequences of supernova-driven winds that expel a large fraction of the baryonic component from a dwarf galaxy disk after a vigorous episode of star formation. We show that this sudden loss of mass leads to the formation of a core in the dark matter density profile, although the original halo is modeled by a coreless (Hernquist) profile. The core radius thus created is a sensitive function of the mass and radius of the baryonic disk being blown up. The loss of a disk with mass and size consistent with primordial nucleosynthesis constraints and angular momentum considerations imprints a core radius which is only a small fraction of the original scale-length of the halo. These small perturbations are, however, enough to reconcile the rotation curves of dwarf irregulars with the density profiles of haloes formed in the standard CDM scenario.Comment: PS file. 6 figures included. 531072 bytes. Accepted for publication in MNRAS Letters. Also available from http://penedes.as.arizona.edu/~jfn/preprints . (File name: rcore.ps.gz


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    Contains reports on four research projects.Bell Telephone Laboratories, Inc.U.S. Air Force (Aeronautical Systems Division) under Contract AF 33(615)-1747National Aeronautics and Space Administration (Grant NsG-496)National Institutes of Health (Grant MH-04737-05)National Science Foundation (Grant GP-2495)The Teagle Foundation, Inc

    The Mass Profile and Accretion History of Cold Dark Matter Halos

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    We use the Millennium Simulation series to study the relation between the accretion history (MAH) and mass profile of cold dark matter halos. We find that the mean density within the scale radius, r_{-2} (where the halo density profile has isothermal slope), is directly proportional to the critical density of the Universe at the time when the main progenitor's virial mass equals the mass enclosed within r_{-2}. Scaled to these characteristic values of mass and density, the mean MAH, expressed in terms of the critical density of the Universe, M(\rho_{crit}(z)), resembles that of the enclosed density profile, M(), at z=0. Both follow closely the NFW profile, suggesting that the similarity of halo mass profiles originates from the mass-independence of halo MAHs. Support for this interpretation is provided by outlier halos whose accretion histories deviate from the NFW shape; their mass profiles show correlated deviations from NFW and are better approximated by Einasto profiles. Fitting both M() and M(\rho_{crit}) with either NFW or Einasto profiles yield concentration and shape parameters that are correlated, confirming and extending earlier work linking the concentration of a halo with its accretion history. These correlations also confirm that halo structure is insensitive to initial conditions: only halos whose accretion histories differ greatly from the NFW shape show noticeable deviations from NFW in their mass profiles. As a result, the NFW profile provides acceptable fits to hot dark matter halos, which do not form hierarchically, and for fluctuation power spectra other than CDM. Our findings, however, predict a subtle but systematic dependence of mass profile shape on accretion history which, if confirmed, would provide strong support for the link between accretion history and halo structure we propose here.Comment: 12 pages, 8 figures, MNRAS 432 1103L (2013
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