3 research outputs found

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: X. marcha de absorção de micronutrientes pela variedade IAC-25

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    The uptake of micronutrients (B, Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn) by the variety IAC-25 in various phases of its development was studied, the plants being grown in nutrient solution, Main conclusions were the following: (a) only two variables, namely dry matter production an Fe accumulation, showed a tendency to level off as the plants complete their life cycle; (b) indication of internal redistribution was observed in the case of Fe and Mn; (c) maximum rate of uptake, was well as of dry matter production took place in the period which goes from tillering to grain filling.Em condições controladas estudaram-se: acumulação de micronutrientes e produção de materia seca pela variedade de arroz IAC-25. A curva que descreve a produção de matéria seca total em função do tempo apresentou a tendência a sigmóide. Com respeito a acumulação global de micronutrientes, entretanto, o mesmo foi observado somente no caso do ferro

    Estudos sobre a nutrição mineral do arroz: VIII. marcha de absorção de macronutrientes na variedade IAC-25

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    Rice plants, IAC 25 variety, were grown in nutrient solution; samples were taken for analysis at different intervals, namely 21, 50, 79, 91 and 112 days after germination. Main conclusions were the following: (1) both dry matter production and accumulation of macronutrients as a function of time were described by typical sigmoide curves; (2) in the period between the second and third sampling the rate for both processes reached maximum values; (3) dilution effects were observed in the content of all the elements except Ca; (4) Ca also was the only macronutrien which does not seem to be translocated from leaves for grainfiling.Foram estudadas, em condições controladas, a acumulação de matéria seca e a acumulação de macronutrientes pela variedade de arroz IAC 25. Como regra verificou-se que a acumulação de matéria seca e de macronutrientes obedeceu a sigmoides típicas, ambos os processos ocorendo com maior velocidade no período aproximado de 5O-9O dias após a germinação