13,376 research outputs found

    Underlying symmetries of realistic interactions and the nuclear many-body problem

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    The present study brings forward important information, within the framework of spectral distribution theory, about the types of forces that dominate three realistic interactions, CD-Bonn, CDBonn+ 3terms and GXPF1, in nuclei and their ability to account for many-particle effects such as the formation of correlated nucleon pairs and enhanced quadrupole collective modes. Like-particle and proton-neutron isovector pairing correlations are described microscopically by a model interaction with Sp(4) dynamical symmetry, which is extended to include an additional quadrupole-quadrupole interaction. The analysis of the results for the 1f7/2 level shows that both CD-Bonn+3terms and GXPF1 exhibit a well-developed pairing character compared to CD-Bonn, while the latter appears to build up more (less) rotational isovector T = 1 (isoscalar T = 0) collective features. Furthermore, the three realistic interactions are in general found to correlate strongly with the pairing+quadrupole model interaction, especially for the highest possible isospin group of states where the model interaction can be used to provide a reasonable description of the corresponding energy spectra.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure

    Relativistic U(3) Symmetry and Pseudo-U(3) Symmetry of the Dirac Hamiltonian

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    The Dirac Hamiltonian with relativistic scalar and vector harmonic oscillator potentials has been solved analytically in two limits. One is the spin limit for which spin is an invariant symmetry of the the Dirac Hamiltonian and the other is the pseudo-spin limit for which pseudo-spin is an invariant symmetry of the the Dirac Hamiltonian. The spin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal to the vector potential plus a constant, and the pseudospin limit occurs when the scalar potential is equal in magnitude but opposite in sign to the vector potential plus a constant. Like the non-relativistic harmonic oscillator, each of these limits has a higher symmetry. For example, for the spherically symmetric oscillator, these limits have a U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry respectively. We shall discuss the eigenfunctions and eigenvalues of these two limits and derive the relativistic generators for the U(3) and pseudo-U(3) symmetry. We also argue, that, if an anti-nucleon can be bound in a nucleus, the spectrum will have approximate spin and U(3) symmetry.Comment: Submitted to the Proceedings of "Tenth International Spring Seminar-New Quests in Nuclear Structure", 6 page

    Duality Between the Weak and Strong Interaction Limits for Randomly Interacting Fermions

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    We establish the existence of a duality transformation for generic models of interacting fermions with two-body interactions. The eigenstates at weak and strong interaction U possess similar statistical properties when expressed in the U=0 and U=infinity eigenstates bases respectively. This implies the existence of a duality point U_d where the eigenstates have the same spreading in both bases. U_d is surrounded by an interval of finite width which is characterized by a non Lorentzian spreading of the strength function in both bases. Scaling arguments predict the survival of this intermediate regime as the number of particles is increased.Comment: RevTex4, 4 pages, 4 figures. Accepted for publication at Phys. Rev. Let

    Regularities with random interactions in energy centroids defined by group symmetries

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    Regular structures generated by random interactions in energy centroids defined over irreducible representations (irreps) of some of the group symmetries of the interacting boson models sdsdIBM, sdgsdgIBM, sdsdIBM-TT and sdsdIBM-STST are studied by deriving trace propagations equations for the centroids. It is found that, with random interactions, the lowest and highest group irreps in general carry most of the probability for the corresponding centroids to be lowest in energy. This generalizes the result known earlier, via numerical diagonalization, for the more complicated fixed spin (JJ) centroids where simple trace propagation is not possible.Comment: 18 pages, 3 figure

    Impacts of a woody invader vary in different vegetation communities

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    The impact of an exotic species in natural systems may be dependent not only on invader attributes but also on characteristics of the invaded community. We examined impacts of the invader bitou bush, Chrysanthemoides monilifera ssp. rotundata , in fore and hind dune communities of coastal New South Wales, Australia. We compared invader impacts on vegetation structure, richness of both native and exotic growth forms and community variability in fore and hind dunes. We found that impacts of bitou invasion were context specific: in fore dune shrublands, functionally distinct graminoid, herb and climber rather than shrub growth forms had significantly reduced species richness following bitou invasion. However, in forested hind dunes, the functionally similar native shrub growth form had significantly reduced species richness following bitou invasion. Density of vegetation structure increased at the shrub level in both fore and hind dune invaded communities compared with non-invaded communities. Fore dune ground-level vegetation density declined at invaded sites compared with non-invaded sites, reflecting significant reductions in herb and graminoid species richness. Hind dune canopy-level vegetation density was reduced at invaded compared with non-invaded sites. Bitou bush invasion also affected fore dune community variability with significant increases in variability of species abundances observed in invaded compared with non-invaded sites. In contrast, variability among all hind dune sites was similar. The results suggest that effects of bitou bush invasion are mediated by the vegetation community. When bitou bush becomes abundant, community structure and functioning may be compromised

    Clinical, histological and prognostic features of a novel nail-bed lesion of cats: 41 cases

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    There is a distinct subset of lesions arising on the digits of cats, located at or close to the nail-bed epithelium, which are typically composed of proliferative fibroblast-like cells, multinucleate giant cells and areas of osseous metaplasia, but currently there is no published literature detailing the clinical or histological features of these lesions. This study identified 41 such cases from two large commercial diagnostic laboratories and assessed various histological and clinical features; 22 cases had additional follow-up data available

    Parasitism, Adult Emergence, Sex Ratio, and Size of \u3ci\u3eAphidius Colemani\u3c/i\u3e (Hymenoptera: Aphidiidae) on Several Aphid Species

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    Aphidius colemani Viereck parasitizes several economically important aphid pests of small grain crops including the greenbug, Schizaphis graminum and the Russian wheat aphid, Diuraphis noxia. The ability of A. colemani to switch from S. graminum to several species of aphids common to agricultural and associated non-agricultural ecosystems in the Great Plains, and the effects of host-change on several biological parameters that influence population growth rate were determined. Female A. colemani parasitized and developed to adulthood in nine of 14 aphid species to which they were exposed in the laboratory. All small grain feeding aphids except Sipha flava were parasi­tized. Two sunflower feeding species (Aphis nerii and A. helianthi) and two crucifer feeding species (Lipaphis erysimi and Brevicoryne brassicae) were parasitized, as was the cotton aphid. Aphis gossypii. The average percentage of aphids parasitized differed significantly among host aphid species. as did the percentage of parasitoids surviving from the mummy to the adult stage and the time required for immature development. The sex ratio of adults that enclosed from the various hosts did not differ significantly among species. Dry weights of adult parasitoids differed significantly among host species. Adults from S. graminum weighed most (0.054 mg) while those emerging from A. helianthi weighed least (0.020 mg). Results are discussed in terms of strategies for classical biological control of aphid pests of cereals

    European wildcat populations are subdivided into five main biogeographic groups: consequences of Pleistocene climate changes or recent anthropogenic fragmentation?

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    Extant populations of the European wildcat are fragmented across the continent, the likely consequence of recent extirpations due to habitat loss and over-hunting. However, their underlying phylogeographic history has never been reconstructed. For testing the hypothesis that the European wildcat survived the Ice Age fragmented in Mediterranean refuges, we assayed the genetic variation at 31 microsatellites in 668 presumptive European wildcats sampled in 15 European countries. Moreover, to evaluate the extent of subspecies/population divergence and identify eventual wild × domestic cat hybrids, we genotyped 26 African wildcats from Sardinia and North Africa and 294 random-bred domestic cats. Results of multivariate analyses and Bayesian clustering confirmed that the European wild and the domestic cats (plus the African wildcats) belong to two well-differentiated clusters (average Ф ST = 0.159, r st = 0.392, P > 0.001; Analysis of molecular variance [AMOVA]). We identified from c. 5% to 10% cryptic hybrids in southern and central European populations. In contrast, wild-living cats in Hungary and Scotland showed deep signatures of genetic admixture and introgression with domestic cats. The European wildcats are subdivided into five main genetic clusters (average Ф ST = 0.103, r st = 0.143, P > 0.001; AMOVA) corresponding to five biogeographic groups, respectively, distributed in the Iberian Peninsula, central Europe, central Germany, Italian Peninsula and the island of Sicily, and in north-eastern Italy and northern Balkan regions (Dinaric Alps). Approximate Bayesian Computation simulations supported late Pleistocene-early Holocene population splittings (from c. 60 k to 10 k years ago), contemporary to the last Ice Age climatic changes. These results provide evidences for wildcat Mediterranean refuges in southwestern Europe, but the evolution history of eastern wildcat populations remains to be clarified. Historical genetic subdivisions suggest conservation strategies aimed at enhancing gene flow through the restoration of ecological corridors within each biogeographic units. Concomitantly, the risk of hybridization with free-ranging domestic cats along corridor edges should be carefully monitored

    Combining machine learning with computational hydrodynamics for prediction of tidal surge inundation at estuarine ports

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    Accurate forecasts of extreme storm surge water levels are vital for operators of major ports. Existing regional tide-surge models perform well at the open coast but their low spatial resolution makes their forecasts less reliable for ports located in estuaries. In December 2013, a tidal surge in the North Sea with an estimated return period of 760 years partially flooded the Port of Immingham in the Humber estuary, on the UK east coast. Damage to critical infrastructure caused several weeks of disruption to vital supply chains and highlighted a need for additional forecasting tools to supplement national surge warnings. In this paper, we show that Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) can generate better short-term forecasts of extreme water levels at estuarine ports. Using Immingham as a test case, an ANN is configured to simulate the tidal surge residual using an input vector that includes observations of surge at distant tide gauges in NW Scotland, wind and atmospheric pressure, and the predicted astronomical tide at Immingham. The forecast surge time-series, combined with the astronomical tide, provides a boundary condition for a local high-resolution 2D hydrodynamic model that predicts flood extent and damage potential across the port. Although the forecasting horizon of the ANN is limited, 6 to 24 hour forecasts at Immingham achieve an accuracy comparable to or better than the UK national tide-surge model and at far less computational cost. Use of a local rather than a larger regional hydrodynamic model means that potential inundation can be simulated very rapidly at high spatial resolution. Validation against the 2013 surge shows that the hybrid ANN-hydrodynamic model generates realistic flood extents that can inform port resilience planning