9 research outputs found

    Maîtriser les adventices dans le blé par un couvert permanent de légumineuse dans un système en semis direct sous couvert végétal géré sans glyphosate : quelques enseignements du Casdar Engaged

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    National audienceParmi les systèmes en agriculture de conservation, le semis direct sous couvert végétal a pourobjectif de maintenir, tout au long de la rotation, un couvert permanent de légumineuses danslaquelle l’agriculteur viendra semer en direct ses cultures. Parmi les objectifs visés, ce couvert doitnotamment permettre de gérer les adventices. Pour cela, il est nécessaire qu’il soit suffisammentdéveloppé pour avoir un effet compétitif vis-à-vis des adventices. Toutefois, trop développé, il peutégalement rentrer en compétition avec la culture principale et impacter le rendement. Dans lecadre du projet ENGAGED, deux leviers pour atténuer l’effet de compétition sur le blé ont étéidentifiés : l’augmentation de la densité de semis du blé et une régulation chimique raisonnée auprintemps. Les deux années d’expérimentation menés sur des parcelles d’agriculteurs ont montréqu’une forte augmentation de la densité de semis de blé permet un contrôle des adventicescomparable au glyphosate en sortie hiver, à rendement de blé assez proches. Il sembleégalement possible de réduire la dose utilisée lors de la régulation du couvert au printempsmais des études complémentaires sont nécessaires. Ces résultats ont été jugés encourageantspar les agriculteurs expérimentateurs mais pas suffisants pour envisager une généralisation decette pratique sur l’ensemble de leurs parcelles, compte tenu du risque de non maîtrised’adventices à moyen terme. D’autres pistes restent à explorer comme par exemple la régulationmécanique du couvert permanent

    Le semis direct sous couvert permanent sans glyphosate Durant trois années, le projet CasDar engaged a testé différentes stratégies de gestion des adventices et de la couverture végétale

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    National audienceContexte - Afin de pérenniserle semis direct sous couvert permanent au-delà d’une potentielleinterdiction du glyphosate, le projetCasDar Engaged (2018-2022) a réuni, autour d’agriculteurs normands,différents acteurs agricoles pour unprojet de trois ans en trois phases :1) veille technique sur les alternatives à l’utilisation du glyphosate ;2) expérimentation au champd’itinéraires techniques dans unréseau de parcelles d’agriculteurs ;3) reconception de systèmes deculture en atelier avec des agriculteurs et conseillers.¾ RésuLtAts - Si la veille technique a permis d’identifier destechniques innovantes à mettreen œuvre pendant les périodesde culture et d’interculture, lesessais au champ ont testé des itinéraires techniques de blé commele broyage du couvert, l’augmentation de la densité de semis et desprogrammes herbicides adaptés.La reconception en atelier a permis, à travers des travaux d’élèvesingénieurs et d’ateliers avec desconseillers, de confronter les agriculteurs à des situations de ruptureplus fortes que celles engagées surleur ferme

    The effect of lactobacillus fermentum me-3 treatment on glycation and diabetes complications

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    International audienceScopeType 2 diabetes (T2D) induces organ damage associated with glycation, among other metabolic pathways. While therapeutic strategies have been tested to reduce the formation and impact of glycation products, results remain equivocal. Anti-diabetic therapies using probiotics have been proposed, but their effect upon glycation has not been reported. Here, the effects of the bacterial strain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 on glycation and T2D-related complications in a mouse model of T2D are investigated.Methods & ResultsWild-type LepRdb and diabetic LepRdb littermates receive a daily gavage of either water or the probiotic ME-3 strain (1010 CFU). Glycation markers, fructoselysine-derived furosine (FL-furosine) and carboxymethyllysine (CML), are quantified in four major organs and plasma using stable-isotope dilution LC–MS/MS. After 12 weeks of ME-3 treatment, diabetic mice gain less weight and exhibit an apparently improved glucose tolerance. The ME-3 treatment reduces median renal levels of FL-furosine in both genotypes by 12–15%, and renal and pulmonary free-CML in diabetic mice by 30% and 18%, respectively. Attenuated hepatic steatosis and an improved plasma lipid profile are also observed with treatment in both genotypes, while the gut microbiota profile is unchanged.ConclusionL. fermentum ME-3 has therapeutic potential for reducing the formation/accumulation of some glycation products in kidneys and attenuating some common diabetes-related complications

    The Effect of Lactobacillus fermentum

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    International audienceScopeType 2 diabetes (T2D) induces organ damage associated with glycation, among other metabolic pathways. While therapeutic strategies have been tested to reduce the formation and impact of glycation products, results remain equivocal. Anti-diabetic therapies using probiotics have been proposed, but their effect upon glycation has not been reported. Here, the effects of the bacterial strain Lactobacillus fermentum ME-3 on glycation and T2D-related complications in a mouse model of T2D are investigated.Methods & ResultsWild-type LepRdb and diabetic LepRdb littermates receive a daily gavage of either water or the probiotic ME-3 strain (1010 CFU). Glycation markers, fructoselysine-derived furosine (FL-furosine) and carboxymethyllysine (CML), are quantified in four major organs and plasma using stable-isotope dilution LC–MS/MS. After 12 weeks of ME-3 treatment, diabetic mice gain less weight and exhibit an apparently improved glucose tolerance. The ME-3 treatment reduces median renal levels of FL-furosine in both genotypes by 12–15%, and renal and pulmonary free-CML in diabetic mice by 30% and 18%, respectively. Attenuated hepatic steatosis and an improved plasma lipid profile are also observed with treatment in both genotypes, while the gut microbiota profile is unchanged.ConclusionL. fermentum ME-3 has therapeutic potential for reducing the formation/accumulation of some glycation products in kidneys and attenuating some common diabetes-related complications

    High-Dose Dexamethasone and Oxygen Support Strategies in Intensive Care Unit Patients With Severe COVID-19 Acute Hypoxemic Respiratory Failure

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    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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    International audienceThe aim of this study was to estimate the incidence of COVID-19 disease in the French national population of dialysis patients, their course of illness and to identify the risk factors associated with mortality. Our study included all patients on dialysis recorded in the French REIN Registry in April 2020. Clinical characteristics at last follow-up and the evolution of COVID-19 illness severity over time were recorded for diagnosed cases (either suspicious clinical symptoms, characteristic signs on the chest scan or a positive reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction) for SARS-CoV-2. A total of 1,621 infected patients were reported on the REIN registry from March 16th, 2020 to May 4th, 2020. Of these, 344 died. The prevalence of COVID-19 patients varied from less than 1% to 10% between regions. The probability of being a case was higher in males, patients with diabetes, those in need of assistance for transfer or treated at a self-care unit. Dialysis at home was associated with a lower probability of being infected as was being a smoker, a former smoker, having an active malignancy, or peripheral vascular disease. Mortality in diagnosed cases (21%) was associated with the same causes as in the general population. Higher age, hypoalbuminemia and the presence of an ischemic heart disease were statistically independently associated with a higher risk of death. Being treated at a selfcare unit was associated with a lower risk. Thus, our study showed a relatively low frequency of COVID-19 among dialysis patients contrary to what might have been assumed

    Low incidence of SARS-CoV-2, risk factors of mortality and the course of illness in the French national cohort of dialysis patients

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