26 research outputs found

    Forms of address in advertising films : The informalization of Swedish address practices in a historical perspective

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    The cultural emancipation of the 1960s changed the speech culture in Europe, and even more so in the Nordic countries. In Sweden, address practices underwent a change from an intricate system of honorifics, titles and names, to a nearly universal use of the informal 2nd person singular du. This process, often called the “du-reform”, was more forceful than the corresponding processes of informalization around the same period in other languages, e.g. in English, French, and German. The Swedish du-reform was also a driving force that influenced other languages. Most studies on the du-reform have, however, been based on reported usage. This lack of information about actual usage of address terms in context is what I am focusing on in this study. My study compares forms of address in Swedish advertising films over time, from 1915 up to present times. Results show that the common understanding of the du-reform, as taking place very quickly (usually dated to 1967), needs modification. In the advertising films signs of a change underway are evident from the late 1950s, and the new system had not been properly settled on until the early 1970s. Moreover, the old system of address is not as strictly limited to formal address by titles as has been suggested in previous research. The du-reform is a prime example of language change, with the address system being in a transitional state over a course of fifteen years. I explain this change in terms of democratization, informalization, intimization and conversationalization. The du-reform is one of many simultaneous changes that can be observed in both language, society and culture, as it appears in the films. Keywords: address practice, Swedish, advertising films, language change, sociolinguisticsI den hĂ€r studien analyserar jag du-reformen frĂ„n ett sociolingvistiskt perspektiv, genom en undersökning av tilltalsformer i bruk. Materialet bestĂ„r av sverigesvenska reklamfilmer. En del Ă€r korta annonsfilmer som visats före huvudfilmen pĂ„ bio, andra Ă€r lĂ€ngre filmer (framför allt sĂ„ kallade husmorsfilmer) som visats pĂ„ separata förestĂ€llningar. Den Ă€ldsta filmen Ă€r frĂ„n 1915 och den nyaste frĂ„n 2013, men huvudfokus ligger pĂ„ tre decennier kring tiden för du-reformen: 1950-, 1960- och 1970-talet. Syftet med undersökningen Ă€r att bidra till förstĂ„elsen av du-reformen, som enligt den gĂ€ngse uppfattningen skedde mycket snabbt, och innebar en övergĂ„ng frĂ„n ett komplicerat tilltalsskick med starka krav pĂ„ titulering till ett allmĂ€nt duande. Undersökningen visar att bilden av du-reformen behöver nyanseras. I reklamfilmerna kan man iaktta hur du-reformen vĂ€xer fram över en tidsperiod pĂ„ cirka femton Ă„r (1958–1973). Tittaren kan tilltalas med bĂ„de du och ni Ă€nda frĂ„n början av genrens historia och fram till tiden för du-reformen. Titulerandet framstĂ„r inte som det enda hövliga tilltalet till obekanta – tvĂ€rtom fungerar titulerandet ofta som en markör för personer som ska uppfattas som löjliga. I och med du-reformen försvinner ni, och duandet breder ut sig, frĂ„n de affektiva kontexter dĂ€r det hela tiden förekommit, till de neutralt sakliga sammanhang som varit den typiska kontexten för tilltal med ni. Jag visar ocksĂ„ hur anvĂ€ndningen av du som diskursmarkör ökar i och med du-reformen. Du-reformen Ă€r en av flera samtidiga förĂ€ndringar i sprĂ„ket, samhĂ€llet och kulturen. Jag diskuterar ocksĂ„ hur dessa kan iakttas i filmerna och förklaras genom begreppen demokratisering, informalisering, intimisering och samtalisering. Nyckelord: tilltal, du-reformen, reklam, reklamfilm, du-tilltal, ni-tilltal, titulerande, tittartilltal, sprĂ„kförĂ€ndring, sociolingvisti

    SÀÀdöskielen ymmÀrtÀminen

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    Raportissa esitellÀÀn tulokset SÀÀdöskielen ymmÀrtÀminen -hankkeesta. Hankkeen tavoitteena oli saada suomen- ja ruotsinkielisten sÀÀdöstekstien ymmÀrtÀmisestÀ tieteellistÀ tietoa, jota voi soveltaa kÀytÀntöön sÀÀdöskielen kehittÀmisessÀ. Hankkeessa selvitettiin kyselyillÀ, kÀytettÀvyystutkimuksella ja haastatteluilla, miten lukijat ymmÀrtÀvÀt suomen- ja ruotsinkielisiÀ sÀÀdöstekstejÀ ja mitkÀ sÀÀdöskielen ominaisuudet estÀvÀt ja mitkÀ edistÀvÀt sÀÀdösten ymmÀrtÀmistÀ. Tuloksista selviÀÀ, millaisia eroja sÀÀdöstekstien ymmÀrtÀmisessÀ on juristien, muiden ammattimaisten lainsoveltajien ja tavallisten kansalaisten vÀlillÀ ja ymmÀrretÀÀnkö suomen- ja ruotsinkielistÀ lakiversiota eri tavoin. Tietoa saatiin myös siitÀ, miten hallituksen esityksen sÀÀnnöskohtaisten perustelujen lukeminen vaikuttaa sÀÀdöstekstin ymmÀrtÀmiseen ja onko sÀÀdösten ymmÀrtÀmisessÀ sÀÀntelyalakohtaisia eroja. Tulokset auttavat kehittÀmÀÀn sÀÀdösteksteistÀ entistÀ ymmÀrrettÀvÀmpiÀ niin maallikoille kuin lainsoveltajille sekÀ rakentamaan mallia sÀÀdösten ymmÀrrettÀvyyden arviointiin. Raportin lopussa esitetÀÀn viisi tuloksiin perustuvaa suositusta (toimenpide-ehdotusta), joita hyödyntÀmÀllÀ voidaan parantaa kansalaisten ja ammattimaisten lainsoveltajien mahdollisuuksia ymmÀrtÀÀ sÀÀdöstekstejÀ ja nÀin lisÀtÀ kansalaisten oikeusturvaa ja tehostaa viranomaisten toimintaa.TÀmÀ julkaisu on toteutettu osana valtioneuvoston selvitys- ja tutkimussuunnitelman toimeenpanoa (tietokayttoon.fi). Julkaisun sisÀllöstÀ vastaavat tiedon tuottajat, eikÀ tekstisisÀltö vÀlttÀmÀttÀ edusta valtioneuvoston nÀkemystÀ

    Involvement of Chromatin Remodeling Genes and the Rho GTPases RhoB and CDC42 in Ovarian Clear Cell Carcinoma

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    ObjectiveOvarian clear cell carcinomas (OCCCs) constitute a rare ovarian cancer subtype with distinct clinical features, but may nonetheless be difficult to distinguish morphologically from other subtypes. There is limited knowledge of genetic events driving OCCC tumorigenesis beyond ARID1A, which is reportedly mutated in 30–50% of OCCCs. We aimed to further characterize OCCCs by combined global transcriptional profiling and targeted deep sequencing of a panel of well-established cancer genes. Increased knowledge of OCCC-specific genetic aberrations may help in guiding development of targeted treatments and ultimately improve patient outcome.MethodsGene expression profiling of formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded (FFPE) tissue from a cohort of the major ovarian cancer subtypes (cohort 1; n = 67) was performed using whole-genome cDNA-mediated Annealing, Selection, extension and Ligation (WG-DASL) bead arrays, followed by pathway, gene module score, and gene ontology analyses, respectively. A second FFPE cohort of 10 primary OCCCs was analyzed by targeted DNA sequencing of a panel of 60 cancer-related genes (cohort 2). Non-synonymous and non-sense variants affecting single-nucleotide variations and insertions or deletions were further analyzed. A tissue microarray of 43 OCCCs (cohort 3) was used for validation by immunohistochemistry and chromogenic in situ hybridization.ResultsGene expression analyses revealed a distinct OCCC profile compared to other histological subtypes, with, e.g., ERBB2, TFAP2A, and genes related to cytoskeletal actin regulation being overexpressed in OCCC. ERBB2 was, however, not overexpressed on the protein level and ERBB2 amplification was rare in the validation cohort. Targeted deep sequencing revealed non-synonymous variants or insertions/deletions in 11/60 cancer-related genes. Genes involved in chromatin remodeling, including ARID1A, SPOP, and KMT2D were frequently mutated across OCCC tumors.ConclusionOCCCs appear genetically heterogeneous, but harbor frequent alterations in chromatin remodeling genes. Overexpression of TFAP2A and ERBB2 was observed on the mRNA level in relation to other ovarian cancer subtypes. However, overexpression of ERBB2 was not reflected by HER2 amplification or protein overexpression in the OCCC validation cohort. In addition, Rho GTPase-dependent actin organization may also play a role in OCCC pathogenesis and warrants further investigation. The distinct biological features of OCCC discovered here may provide a basis for novel targeted treatment strategies

    Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS): Psychometric Quality of the Gold Standard for Tic Assessment Based on the Large-Scale EMTICS Study

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    The Yale Global Tic Severity Scale (YGTSS) is a clinician-rated instrument considered as the gold standard for assessing tics in patients with Tourette's Syndrome and other tic disorders. Previous psychometric investigations of the YGTSS exhibit different limitations such as small sample sizes and insufficient methods. To overcome these shortcomings, we used a subsample of the large-scale “European Multicentre Tics in Children Study” (EMTICS) including 706 children and adolescents with a chronic tic disorder and investigated convergent, discriminant and factorial validity, as well as internal consistency of the YGTSS. Our results confirm acceptable convergent and good to very good discriminant validity, respectively, indicated by a sufficiently high correlation of the YGTSS total tic score with the Clinical Global Impression Scale for tics (rs = 0.65) and only low to medium correlations with clinical severity ratings of attention deficit/hyperactivity symptoms (rs = 0.24), obsessive–compulsive symptoms (rs = 27) as well as internalizing symptoms (rs = 0.27). Internal consistency was found to be acceptable (Ω = 0.58 for YGTSS total tic score). A confirmatory factor analysis supports the concept of the two factors “motor tics” and “phonic tics,” but still demonstrated just a marginal model fit (root mean square error of approximation = 0.09 [0.08; 0.10], comparative fit index = 0.90, and Tucker Lewis index = 0.87). A subsequent analysis of local misspecifications revealed correlated measurement errors, suggesting opportunities for improvement regarding the item wording. In conclusion, our results indicate acceptable psychometric quality of the YGTSS. However, taking the wide use and importance of the YGTSS into account, our results suggest the need for further investigations and improvements of the YGTSS. In addition, our results show limitations of the global severity score as a sum score indicating that the separate use of the total tic score and the impairment rating is more beneficial

    Clinical precursors of tics: an EMTICS study

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    Background: Children with Tourette syndrome (TS) often have comorbid disorders, particularly attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD). While subtle premorbid symptoms have been described in various psychiatric disorders, the presence of clinical precursors that may exist before the onset of tics is unknown. This longitudinal study aimed to find clinical precursors of tics by assessing a range of clinical characteristics prior to tic onset in comparison with children without onset of tics. Methods: A sample of 187 3- to 10-year-old first-degree unaffected relatives of children with TS were followed up to 7 years in the European Multicentre Tics in Children Study (EMTICS). We investigated whether clinical characteristics assessed at baseline predicted tic onset, comparing 126 children without tic onset to 61 children who developed tics. We used the least absolute shrinkage and selection operator (LASSO) method, a penalised logistic regression approach. We also explored sex differences and repeated our analyses in an age- and sex-matched subsample. Results: Children with tic onset were more frequently male (b = 0.36), had higher baseline severity of conduct problems (b = 0.23), autism spectrum disorder symptoms (ASD; b = 0.08), compulsions (b = 0.02) and emotional problems (b = 0.03) compared to children without tic onset. Conduct and ASD problems were male-specific predictors, whereas severity of compulsions and oppositional (b = 0.39) and emotional problems were female-specific predictors. Conclusion: This study supports the presence of clinical precursors prior to tic onset and highlights the need of sex-specific monitoring of children at risk of developing tics. This may aid in the earlier detection of tics, particularly in females. We moreover found that tics most often persisted one year after tic onset, in contrast to the common belief that tics are mostly transient

    Association of Group A Streptococcus Exposure and Exacerbations of Chronic Tic Disorders

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    Objective: To examine prospectively the association between group A Streptococcus (GAS) pharyngeal exposures and exacerbations of tics in a large multicenter population of youth with chronic tic disorders (CTD) across Europe. Methods: We followed up 715 children with CTD (age 10.7 ± 2.8 years, 76.8% boys), recruited by 16 specialist clinics from 9 countries, and followed up for 16 months on average. Tic, obsessive-compulsive symptom (OCS), and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) severity was assessed during 4-monthly study visits and telephone interviews. GAS exposures were analyzed using 4 possible combinations of measures based on pharyngeal swab and serologic testing. The associations between GAS exposures and tic exacerbations or changes of tic, OC, and ADHD symptom severity were measured, respectively, using multivariate logistic regression plus multiple failure time analyses and mixed effects linear regression. Results: A total of 405 exacerbations occurred in 308 of 715 (43%) participants. The proportion of exacerbations temporally associated with GAS exposure ranged from 5.5% to 12.9%, depending on GAS exposure definition. We did not detect any significant association of any of the 4 GAS exposure definitions with tic exacerbations (odds ratios ranging between 1.006 and 1.235, all p values >0.3). GAS exposures were associated with longitudinal changes of hyperactivity-impulsivity symptom severity ranging from 17% to 21%, depending on GAS exposure definition. Conclusions: This study does not support GAS exposures as contributing factors for tic exacerbations in children with CTD. Specific workup or active management of GAS infections is unlikely to help modify the course of tics in CTD and is therefore not recommended

    Tic disorders in children and adolescents: does the clinical presentation differ in males and females? A report by the EMTICS group

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    Tic disorders have a strong male predominance, with a male-to-female ratio of 4:1 in Tourette syndrome (TS) and 2:1 in persistent tic disorders. In other neurodevelopmental conditions, such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the disparity in sex distribution has been partially related to differences in symptom presentation between males and females. In tic disorders, however, little research has been conducted on this topic, probably due to the limited access to large samples with a significant proportion of females. The aim of this study was to describe sex differences in the clinical presentation of tic disorders in children and adolescents in one of the largest pediatric samples with TS/persistent tic disorders (n = 709, 23.3% females) recruited as part of the European Multicenter Tics in Children Study (EMTICS). Validated measures assessed the severity of tics and comorbid psychiatric symptoms. Using mixed-effect models, we found that sex had a significant influence on the severity of tics, ADHD symptoms, ASD symptoms, and emotional problems. Males had more severe symptoms than females, except for emotional problems. We also observed a statistically significant interaction between sex and age on the severity of tics and compulsions, with females showing higher symptom severity with increasing age than males. These findings indicate that the clinical presentation of TS/persistent tic disorders varies with sex. Males seem to exhibit a more noticeable pattern of clinical symptoms at a younger age that may contribute to their earlier detection in comparison to females

    Vitamin D levels in children and adolescents with chronic tic disorders: a multicentre study

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    This study investigated whether vitamin D is associated with the presence or severity of chronic tic disorders and their psychiatric comorbidities. This cross-sectional study compared serum 25-hydroxyvitamin D [25(OH)D] (ng/ml) levels among three groups: children and adolescents (3-16 years) with CTD (n = 327); first-degree relatives (3-10 years) of individuals with CTD who were assessed for a period of up to 7 years for possible onset of tics and developed tics within this period (n = 31); and first-degree relatives who did not develop tics and were ≄ 10 years old at their last assessment (n = 93). The relationship between 25(OH)D and the presence and severity of tics, as well as comorbid obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), were analysed controlling for age, sex, season, centre, latitude, family relatedness, and comorbidities. When comparing the CTD cohort to the unaffected cohort, the observed result was contrary to the one expected: a 10 ng/ml increase in 25(OH)D was associated with higher odds of having CTD (OR 2.08, 95% CI 1.27-3.42, p < 0.01). There was no association between 25(OH)D and tic severity. However, a 10 ng/ml increase in 25(OH)D was associated with lower odds of having comorbid ADHD within the CTD cohort (OR 0.55, 95% CI 0.36-0.84, p = 0.01) and was inversely associated with ADHD symptom severity (ÎČ = - 2.52, 95% CI - 4.16-0.88, p < 0.01). In conclusion, lower vitamin D levels were not associated with a higher presence or severity of tics but were associated with the presence and severity of comorbid ADHD in children and adolescents with CTD

    Lack of Association of Group A Streptococcal Infections and Onset of Tics: European Multicenter Tics in Children Study

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    Background and objectives: The goal of this work was to investigate the association between group A streptococcal (GAS) infections and tic incidence among unaffected children with a family history of chronic tic disorders (CTDs). Methods: In a prospective cohort study, children with no history for tics who were 3 to 10 years of age with a first-degree relative with a CTD were recruited from the European Multicentre Tics in Children Study (EMTICS) across 16 European centers. Presence of GAS infection was assessed with throat swabs, serum anti-streptolysin O titers, and anti-DNAse titers blinded to clinical status. GAS exposure was defined with 4 different definitions based on these parameters. Cox regression analyses with time-varying GAS exposure were conducted to examine the association of onset of tics and GAS exposure during follow-up. Sensitivity analyses were conducted with Cox regression and logistic regression analyses. Results: A total of 259 children were recruited; 1 child was found to have tic onset before study entry and therefore was excluded. Sixty-one children (23.6%) developed tics over an average follow-up period of 1 (SD 0.7) year. There was a strong association of sex and onset of tics, with girls having an ≈60% lower risk of developing tics compared to boys (hazard ratio [HR] 0.4, 95% confidence interval [CI] 0.2-0.7). However, there was no statistical evidence to suggest an association of any of the 4 GAS exposure definitions with tic onset (GAS exposure definition 1: HR 0.310, 95% CI 0.037-2.590; definition 2: HR 0.561, 95% CI 0.219-1.436; definition 3: HR 0.853, 95% CI 0.466-1.561; definition 4: HR 0.725, 95% CI 0.384-1.370). Discussion: These results do not suggest an association between GAS exposure and development of tics. Classification of evidence: This study provides Class I evidence that group A streptococcal exposure does not associate with the development of tics in children with first-degree relatives with chronic tic disorder

    European Multicentre Tics in Children Studies (EMTICS): protocol for two cohort studies to assess risk factors for tic onset and exacerbation in children and adolescents

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    Genetic predisposition, autoimmunity and environmental factors [e.g. pre- and perinatal difficulties, Group A Streptococcal (GAS) and other infections, stress-inducing events] might interact to create a neurobiological vulnerability to the development of tics and associated behaviours. However, the existing evidence for this relies primarily on small prospective or larger retrospective population-based studies, and is therefore still inconclusive. This article describes the design and methodology of the EMTICS study, a longitudinal observational European multicentre study involving 16 clinical centres, with the following objectives: (1) to investigate the association of environmental factors (GAS exposure and psychosocial stress, primarily) with the onset and course of tics and/or obsessive-compulsive symptoms through the prospective observation of at-risk individuals (ONSET cohort: 260 children aged 3-10 years who are tic-free at study entry and have a first-degree relative with a chronic tic disorder) and affected individuals (COURSE cohort: 715 youth aged 3-16 years with a tic disorder); (2) to characterise the immune response to microbial antigens and the host's immune response regulation in association with onset and exacerbations of tics; (3) to increase knowledge of the human gene pathways influencing the pathogenesis of tic disorders; and (4) to develop prediction models for the risk of onset and exacerbations of tic disorders. The EMTICS study is, to our knowledge, the largest prospective cohort assessment of the contribution of different genetic and environmental factors to the risk of developing tics in putatively predisposed individuals and to the risk of exacerbating tics in young individuals with chronic tic disorders