26 research outputs found

    Oral health-related quality of life of children with oral clefts and their families

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    Abstract Oral health problems can influence people's Quality of Life (QoL) because of pain, discomfort, limitations, and other esthetics problems, affecting their social life, feeding, daily activities, and the individual's well-being. Objective: To compare oral health-related quality of life (OHRQoL) of children with and without oral clefts and their families. Materials and Methods: 121 children aged from 2 to 6 years, from both sexes, enrolled in the treatment routine of the Pediatric Dentistry Clinics of a Dental School and a Hospital for Cleft Treatment were divided into two groups: Group 1 - children with cleft lip and palate; Group 2 - children without cleft lip and palate. The OHRQoL was assessed using the validated Portuguese version of the Early Childhood Oral Health Impact Scale (B-ECOHIS). The questionnaire was answered individually, only once, at a private place. Mann-Whitney U test was used to verify differences between groups. Spearman's Rho test was used to associate sex and age with quality of life. The level of significance was set at 5% (p<0.05). Results: According to the parents’ perception on the OHRQoL of children with and without cleft lip and palate, oral health of children with oral clefts (Group 1) had a statistically significant impact on OHRQoL. The correlation of sex with impact on OHRQoL did not show statistically significant differences. On the other hand, the higher the age the higher the impact on QoL. Conclusions: The group comparison revealed that the cleft lip and palate negatively impacted on OHRQoL of 2 to 6-year-old children and their parents

    Cama-de-frango em mono e policultivo de fáfia com cravo-de-defunto e manjericão Poultry manure in mono and intercrop of Brazilian ginseng with marigold and basil

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    O experimento foi conduzido em campo da Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados (UFGD), em Dourados-MS, de março de 2005 a setembro de 2006, em Latossolo Vermelho distroférrico. O objetivo foi avaliar a produção da Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen (fáfia) em monocultivo e os policultivos com Tagetes erecta L. (cravo-de-defunto) e Ocimum basilicum L. (manjericão), sem e com incorporação de cama-de-frango semidecomposta. Os fatores em estudo foram a fáfia (F), o cravo-de-defunto (C) e o manjericão (M) em monocultivos e os policultivos com duas fileiras de fáfia e três de cravo (F2C3) e duas fileiras de fáfia e três de manjericão (F2M3), todos sem e com incorporação ao solo de cama-de-frango de corte semidecomposta. Os dez tratamentos foram arranjados no delineamento blocos casualizados, com quatro repetições. A produção de massa fresca e seca da parte aérea da fáfia foi maior (13,22 t ha-1 e 4,39 t ha-1, respectivamente) em monocultivo, independente do uso da cama-de-frango. Por outro lado, nenhum dos tratamentos influenciou a massa fresca e seca e o número de raízes da fáfia, que foram, em média, de 10,02 e 2,07 t ha-1 e 417.916 raízes ha-1, respectivamente. O diâmetro das raízes foi maior (23,5 mm) no policultivo com o manjericão. As produções de massas frescas e secas dos capítulos florais do cravo-de-defunto foram maiores (14,28 t ha-1e 1,278 t ha-1, respectivamente) no policultivo com a fáfia, mas apenas a produção de massa fresca dos capítulos foi maior (14,17 t ha-1) com o uso da cama-de-frango. A produção de parte aérea do manjericão foram maiores (52,91 t ha-1) no policultivo, independente com qual espécie; porém, não foi influenciada pelo uso da cama-de-frango. A razão de área equivalente (RAE) para o policultivo da fáfia com o cravo-de-defunto foi de 2,15 com cama-de-frango e de 1,99 sem cama e com o manjericão, foi 2,44 com cama e de 3,08 sem cama. Como os valores foram maiores que 1,0, indicam que os policultivos foram efetivos.<br>This study was carried out in field of the Universidade Federal da Grande Dourados, in Dourados, Brazil, during the period from March 2005 to September 2006. The aim of the experiment was to evaluate Pfaffia glomerata (Spreng) Pedersen yield under monocropping system or intercropped with Tagetes erecta L. and Ocimum basilicum L, in a Distroferric Red Latosol (sand loam Rhodic Oxisol), using semi-decomposed poultry manure (PM). The study objects were Brazilian ginseng (BG), marigold (M) and basil (B) under monocropping and the intercropping of two Brazilian ginseng, three marigold (BG2M3) and three basil (BG2B3) lines, all of them with or without semi-decomposed poultry manure (PM) as fertilizer. Ten treatments were arranged in randomized blocks design, with four replications. Fresh and dry weight production from shoot of Brazilian ginseng were higher (13.22 t ha-1 and 4.39 t ha-1, respectively) under monocropping, independently of the use of poultry manure. Nevertheless, none of experimental designs influenced the dry and fresh weight production or root number of Brazilian ginseng which produced average values of 10.02 and 2.07 t ha-1 and 417,916 roots ha-1, respectively. Root diameter was higher (23.5 mm) under intercropping system with basil. Dry and fresh weight of marigold flowers were higher (14.28 t ha-1and 1.278 t ha-1, respectively) when intercropped with Brazilian ginseng, but only fresh weight of the flowers was increased (14.17 t ha-1) by poultry manure application. Basil shoot production was higher (52.91 t ha-1) when intercropped, independently of the used species; however, they were not influenced by the use of poultry manure. Land equivalent ration (LER) for the Brazilian ginseng intercropped with marigold was 2.15 under poultry manure application and 1.99 without it, and for the basil 2.44 under poultry manure application and 3.08 without it. Values higher than 1.0 indicate that the intercropping systems were effective

    Perfil dos indivíduos que iniciam programas de exercícios em academias, quanto à composição corporal e aos objetivos em relação a faixa etária e sexo Profile of individuals who starts exercise programs in gyms, as to body composition and goals in relation to age and sex

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    A busca de melhor qualidade de vida nos últimos anos faz aumentar o número de pessoas preocupadas com a redução do peso corporal. Muitos indivíduos procuram atividades físicas regulares como forma alternativa de tratamento. O objetivo deste estudo foi investigar o perfil dos indivíduos que iniciam programas de exercícios em academias, quanto à composição corporal e aos objetivos em relação à faixa etária e ao sexo. Pesquisa transversal, com amostragem de 90 homens e 89 mulheres, composta por alunos iniciantes de uma academia em Curitiba, avaliados entre agosto de 1998 e setembro de 1999. Para a coleta de dados os alunos preencheram uma ficha que continha objetivos predeterminados. As medidas antropométricas, massa corporal, estatura e dobras cutâneas seguiram as indicações de Wartenweiler et al. (1974). No cálculo da densidade corporal em adultos utilizou-se a fórmula de Petroski (1995) - 4 dobras cutâneas. Para a estimativa do percentual de gordura (%G) em adultos a fórmula de Siri (1961). O tratamento estatístico foi com o teste "t" de Student para grupo independentes. Foram observadas diferenças significativas (p < 0,05), para o índice de massa corporal (IMC) e %G nos homens, e, para %G nas mulheres entre as faixas etárias. Para os indivíduos de 20 a 30 anos, 45,7% dos homens desejam aumentar massa muscular; 54,9% das mulheres esperam reduzir peso. Entre 30 e 40 anos, 35% dos homens desejam redução de peso corporal. Embora 55% das mulheres entre 20 e 30 anos desejem redução de peso corporal, somente 16,9% delas realmente necessitam. Pode-se concluir que o incremento da gordura corporal ocorre em ambos os sexos com o avanço da idade e que a análise dos valores médios de %G e IMC indicam que homens e mulheres têm sua condição de saúde agravada e seus objetivos modificados com a idade.<br>The search for a better quality of living in the recent years has increased the number of people concerned about body weight reduction. Many are looking for regular physical activities as an alternative way of treatment. The goal of this study was to investigate the profile of people entering a physical exercise program in fitness clubs, regarding body composition and purposes according to age and sex. A cross-sectional study, with a sample of 90 men and 89 women, who were physical activity beginners in a fitness club in Curitiba, evaluated between August 1998 and September 1999 was performed. To collect data, subjects were asked to fill in a questionnaire with preset goals. Data concerning anthropometric measures, weight, height, and skinfolds were collected according to Wartenweiler et al. (1974). To estimate the adult body density, the four skinfolds equation of Petroski (1995) was used. To estimate the percentage of body fat (%F) the Siri (1961) equation was used. The Student t-test for independent samples was the statistical treatment used. There was a significant statistical difference (p < 0.05) between age groups for body mass index (BMI) and %F in men and for %F in women. It was also observed that 45.7% of men with age between 20 and 30 years wished to increase their muscle mass and 54.9% of the women wanted to reduce their weight. For the age groups between 30 and 40 years, 35% of the men wished to reduce weight. Although 55% of the women between 20 and 30 years wished to reduce body weight, only 16.9% really needed it. The authors concluded that body fat increased with age in both male and female and that the mean values of %F and BMI showed that men and women have health conditions impaired with aging along with a change in their goals