6,593 research outputs found

    Inverse type II seesaw mechanism and its signature at the LHC and ILC

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    The advent of the LHC, and the proposal of building future colliders as the ILC, both programmed to explore new physics at the TeV scale, justifies the recent interest in studying all kind of seesaw mechanisms whose signature lies on such energy scale. The natural candidate for this kind of seesaw mechanism is the inverse one. The conventional inverse seesaw mechanism is implemented in an arrangement involving six new heavy neutrinos in addition to the three standard ones. In this paper we develop the inverse seesaw mechanism based on Higgs triplet model and probe its signature at the LHC and ILC. We argue that the conjoint analysis of the LHC together with the ILC may confirm the mechanism and, perhaps, infer the hierarchy of the neutrino masses.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figure

    Seleção da estrutura de variância e covariância na análise de dados de contagem de haematobia irritans em bovinos.

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    O objetivo foi analisar dados de contagens (Y) de carrapatos de 11 avaliações semanais de 40 vacas Nelore submetidas a dois tratamentos trat1: torta de Neem a 2% misturada ao sal mineral segundo recomendações do fabricante; trat2: controle - os animais receberam somente sal mineral). O experimento foi conduzido na Embrapa Pecuária Sudeste, São Carlos, SP, Brasil em 2008. Os dados foram analisados na forma de medidas repetidas, em que a vaca representou o indivíduo e os controles semanais a avaliação dentro do indivíduo. A estrutura selecionada da variância e covariância dos erros das avaliações dentro de indivíduos foi a Autoregressiva de Primeira Ordem de Média Móvel - ARMA(1,1); entretanto, esta não diferiu (P>O,OS) da Huynh-Feldt (HF), indicando que para o presente estudo os dados de Y poderiam ser analisados tanto pelo modelo linear padrão quanto pelo modelo misto, ou seja, para os usuários do SAS, pode-se utilizar tanto o procedimento GLM quanto o MIXED

    Iterated Elliptic and Hypergeometric Integrals for Feynman Diagrams

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    We calculate 3-loop master integrals for heavy quark correlators and the 3-loop QCD corrections to the ρ\rho-parameter. They obey non-factorizing differential equations of second order with more than three singularities, which cannot be factorized in Mellin-NN space either. The solution of the homogeneous equations is possible in terms of convergent close integer power series as 2F1_2F_1 Gau\ss{} hypergeometric functions at rational argument. In some cases, integrals of this type can be mapped to complete elliptic integrals at rational argument. This class of functions appears to be the next one arising in the calculation of more complicated Feynman integrals following the harmonic polylogarithms, generalized polylogarithms, cyclotomic harmonic polylogarithms, square-root valued iterated integrals, and combinations thereof, which appear in simpler cases. The inhomogeneous solution of the corresponding differential equations can be given in terms of iterative integrals, where the new innermost letter itself is not an iterative integral. A new class of iterative integrals is introduced containing letters in which (multiple) definite integrals appear as factors. For the elliptic case, we also derive the solution in terms of integrals over modular functions and also modular forms, using qq-product and series representations implied by Jacobi's ϑi\vartheta_i functions and Dedekind's η\eta-function. The corresponding representations can be traced back to polynomials out of Lambert--Eisenstein series, having representations also as elliptic polylogarithms, a qq-factorial 1/ηk(τ)1/\eta^k(\tau), logarithms and polylogarithms of qq and their qq-integrals. Due to the specific form of the physical variable x(q)x(q) for different processes, different representations do usually appear. Numerical results are also presented.Comment: 68 pages LATEX, 10 Figure

    Processamento de patê de carne de rã.

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    Processamento de salsicha de carne de rã.

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    Processamento da salsicha; Avaliação do produto.bitstream/CTAA-2009-09/8958/1/ct90-2005.pd