12 research outputs found

    Thermooptical PDMS-Single-Layer Graphene Axicon-like Device for Tunable Submicron Long Focus Beams

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    Submicron long focusing range beams are gaining attention due to their potential applications, such as in optical manipulation, high-resolution lithography and microscopy. Here, we report on the theoretical and experimental characterization of an elastomeric polydimethylsiloxane/single layer graphene (PDMS/SLG) axicon-like tunable device, able to generate diffraction-resistant submicrometric spots in a pump and probe configuration. The working principle is based on the phase change of an input Gaussian beam induced in the elastomer via the thermo-optical effect, while the heating power is produced by the optical absorption of the SLG. The phase-modified beam is transformed by an objective into a long focus with submicron diameter. Our foci reach an experimental full width at half maximum (FWHM) spot diameter of 0.59 μm at the wavelength of 405 nm, with the FWHM length of the focal line greater than 90 μm. Moreover, the length of the focal line and the diameter of the focus can be easily tuned by varying the pump power. The proposed thermo-optical device can thus be useful for the simple and cheap improvement of the spatial resolution on long focus lines

    On the behavior of deuterium in ultrathin SiO2 films upon thermal annealing

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    Following the observation of the large isotopic effect in D2 passivated gate dielectrics @J. Lyding, K. Hess, and I. C. Kizilyalli, Appl. Phys. Lett. 68, 2526 ~1996!#, we studied the behavior of deuterium in ultrathin SiO2 films by nuclear reaction analysis techniques. Accurate concentrations of deuterium in the films, deuterium depth distributions, and deuterium removal from the film upon thermal annealing in vacuum have been examined. For D2 passivated films, we found rather high concentrations of deuterium near the SiO2 /Si interface, well above both the solubility of deuterium in silica and the maximum concentration of electrically active defects at the interface. Our results suggest a complex multistep mechanism of thermally activated deuterium removal from the film, which probably consists of D detrapping, diffusion, and desorption steps

    Effects of thermal annealing on the structural, mechanical, and tribological properties of hard fluorinated carbon films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    Hard amorphous fluorinated carbon films (a-C:F) deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition were annealed in vacuum for 30 min in the temperature range of 200–600 °C. The structural and compositional modifications were followed by several analytical techniques: Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. Nanoidentation measurements and lateral force microscopy experiments were carried out in order to provide the film hardness and the friction coefficient, respectively. The internal stress and contact angle were also measured. RBS, ERDA, and XPS results indicate that both fluorine and hydrogen losses occur for annealing temperatures higher than 300 °C. Raman spectroscopy shows a progressive graphitization upon annealing, while the surface became slightly more hydrophobic as revealed by the increase of the contact angle. Following the surface wettability reduction, a decrease of the friction coefficient was observed. These results highlight the influence of the capillary condensation on the nanoscale friction. The film hardness and the internal stress are constant up to 300 °C and decrease for higher annealing temperatures, showing a direct correlation with the atomic density of the films. Since the thickness variation is negligible, the mass loss upon thermal treatment results in amorphous structures with a lower degree of cross-linking, explaining the deterioration of the mechanical properties of the a-C:F films

    Effects of thermal annealing on the structural, mechanical, and tribological properties of hard fluorinated carbon films deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition

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    Hard amorphous fluorinated carbon films (a-C:F) deposited by plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition were annealed in vacuum for 30 min in the temperature range of 200–600 °C. The structural and compositional modifications were followed by several analytical techniques: Rutherford backscattering spectrometry (RBS), elastic recoil detection analysis (ERDA), x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS) and Raman spectroscopy. Nanoidentation measurements and lateral force microscopy experiments were carried out in order to provide the film hardness and the friction coefficient, respectively. The internal stress and contact angle were also measured. RBS, ERDA, and XPS results indicate that both fluorine and hydrogen losses occur for annealing temperatures higher than 300 °C. Raman spectroscopy shows a progressive graphitization upon annealing, while the surface became slightly more hydrophobic as revealed by the increase of the contact angle. Following the surface wettability reduction, a decrease of the friction coefficient was observed. These results highlight the influence of the capillary condensation on the nanoscale friction. The film hardness and the internal stress are constant up to 300 °C and decrease for higher annealing temperatures, showing a direct correlation with the atomic density of the films. Since the thickness variation is negligible, the mass loss upon thermal treatment results in amorphous structures with a lower degree of cross-linking, explaining the deterioration of the mechanical properties of the a-C:F films

    Thermal behavior of hafnium-based ultrathin films on silicon

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    We report here on the thermodynamical stability of ultrathin, hafnium-based dielectric films, namely hafnium oxide (HfO2), silicate (HfSixOy), and aluminum silicate (AlHfxSiyOz), deposited on silicon. These materials are promising candidates to replace the well established silicon oxide and oxynitride as gate dielectric materials in advanced Si-based complementary metal–oxide– semiconductor technology. Since there are mandatory requirements on the gate dielectric material, hafnium oxide is currently being modified, by adding silicon and aluminum into the matrix, increasing its thermal stability, and improving its electrical properties. Diffusion-reaction during thermal processing was investigated using isotopic substitution together with ion beam techniques such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, narrow nuclear resonance profiling, and nuclear reaction analysis. The chemical changes in the films were accessed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Thermal behavior of hafnium-based ultrathin films on silicon

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    We report here on the thermodynamical stability of ultrathin, hafnium-based dielectric films, namely hafnium oxide (HfO2), silicate (HfSixOy), and aluminum silicate (AlHfxSiyOz), deposited on silicon. These materials are promising candidates to replace the well established silicon oxide and oxynitride as gate dielectric materials in advanced Si-based complementary metal–oxide– semiconductor technology. Since there are mandatory requirements on the gate dielectric material, hafnium oxide is currently being modified, by adding silicon and aluminum into the matrix, increasing its thermal stability, and improving its electrical properties. Diffusion-reaction during thermal processing was investigated using isotopic substitution together with ion beam techniques such as Rutherford backscattering spectrometry, narrow nuclear resonance profiling, and nuclear reaction analysis. The chemical changes in the films were accessed by x-ray photoelectron spectroscopy

    Oxygen transport and GeO2 stability during thermal oxidation of Ge

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    Oxygen transport during thermal oxidation of Ge and desorption of the formed Ge oxide are investigated. Higher oxidation temperatures and lower oxygen pressures promote GeO desorption. An appreciable fraction of oxidized Ge desorbs during the growth of a GeO2 layer. The interplay between oxygen desorption and incorporation results in the exchange of O originally present in GeO2 by O from the gas phase throughout the oxide layer. This process is mediated by O vacancies generated at the GeO2/Ge interface. The formation of a substoichiometric oxide is shown to have direct relation with the GeO desorption