919 research outputs found

    Jesus the bridegroom: a metaphor of fidelity in the New Covenant

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    The New Testament sets up the metaphor of Jesus the Bridegroom and the Church his Bride, but the contemporary interpretations are varied and extreme. Single women proclaim Jesus is their Boyfriend while they wait for their real husbands. Authors advocate dressing up and going out on romantic dates with their divine Lover. But these affective portrayals of the Bridegroom are incongruent with Jesus who the New Testament writers witness to as Lord and Saviour. So who is Jesus the Bridegroom? Looking at the metaphor in its biblical context, we find that the Prophets employed this imagery to promise a New Covenant in betrothal terms, and underscore the need for covenantal faithfulness. Networks of association corresponding with patriarchal marriage and covenant informed the prophetic metaphor. The New Testament writers adapted the prophetic usage of this metaphor to announce the New Covenant, the arrival of Jesus the ‘eschatological Bridegroom’. They further utilized this imagery to express the fidelity required of the Church, as the Bride of Christ. The romance of Song of Songs did not play a role in the New Testament authors’ presentation of Jesus the Bridegroom. But the Early Church ascetics sought to sublimate the carnal or natural interpretation of the Song of Songs for a spiritual, allegorical interpretation. The Lover in the Song of Songs became understood as Jesus the Bridegroom and the Beloved, his Church. The Song became the means of mystically encountering Jesus the Bridegroom. Throughout its reception history, the metaphor has drifted from its New Testament context and been reinterpreted through the lens of Song of Songs or contemporary bridegrooms. However, we advocate suspending the romantic framework of the Song of Songs, even briefly, in order to rediscover the New Testament metaphor of Jesus the Bridegroom. It is a matter of utter fidelity to Jesus Christ

    On limit points of the sequence of normalized prime gaps

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    Let pnp_n denote the nnth smallest prime number, and let L\boldsymbol{L} denote the set of limit points of the sequence {(pn+1pn)/logpn}n=1\{(p_{n+1} - p_n)/\log p_n\}_{n = 1}^{\infty} of normalized differences between consecutive primes. We show that for k=9k = 9 and for any sequence of kk nonnegative real numbers β1β2...βk\beta_1 \le \beta_2 \le ... \le \beta_k, at least one of the numbers βjβi\beta_j - \beta_i (1i<jk1 \le i < j \le k) belongs to L\boldsymbol{L}. It follows at least 12.512.5% of all nonnegative real numbers belong to L\boldsymbol{L}.Comment: Revised and improve

    Consecutive primes in tuples

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    In a recent advance towards the Prime kk-tuple Conjecture, Maynard and Tao have shown that if kk is sufficiently large in terms of mm, then for an admissible kk-tuple H(x)={gx+hj}j=1k\mathcal{H}(x) = \{gx + h_j\}_{j=1}^k of linear forms in Z[x]\mathbb{Z}[x], the set H(n)={gn+hj}j=1k\mathcal{H}(n) = \{gn + h_j\}_{j=1}^k contains at least mm primes for infinitely many nNn \in \mathbb{N}. In this note, we deduce that H(n)={gn+hj}j=1k\mathcal{H}(n) = \{gn + h_j\}_{j=1}^k contains at least mm consecutive primes for infinitely many nNn \in \mathbb{N}. We answer an old question of Erd\H os and Tur\'an by producing strings of m+1m + 1 consecutive primes whose successive gaps δ1,,δm\delta_1,\ldots,\delta_m form an increasing (resp. decreasing) sequence. We also show that such strings exist with δj1δj\delta_{j-1} \mid \delta_j for 2jm2 \le j \le m. For any coprime integers aa and DD we find arbitrarily long strings of consecutive primes with bounded gaps in the congruence class amodDa \bmod D.Comment: Revised versio

    Precipitate characterization in model Al-Zn-Mg-(Cu) alloys using small-angle x-ray scattering

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    Model 7000 series alloys with and without copper were fabricated into sheets to study precipitation hardening behavior under isothermal aging conditions. Samples of each alloy were subjected to 3 h annealing treatments at various temperatures to produce a range of precipitate size distributions. Hardness, electrical conductivity, and small-angle X-ray scattering (SAXS) were used to characterize the aging behavior of the two alloys. Precipitate size distributions were modeled from the scattering curves for each annealing condition using a maximum entropy method (MEM) and compared to select transmission electron microscopy (TEM) results. The measured average precipitate diameters from TEM were in good agreement with the average precipitate diameters determined from the scattering curves

    Adaptação e validação para o espanhol do Inventário Multidimensional de Flexibilidade Psicológica (MPFI): evidências de validade interna e invariância fatorial

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    This study aims to assess the psychometric properties and internal consistency of the Spanish version of the Multidimensional Psychological Flexibility Inventory (MPFI) within a general population of Argentina. A total of 866 participants with ages between 18 and 84 years (M = 47.33; SD = 17.26) and of both sexes (Men = 40.9%; Women = 59.1%) participated in the main study. A 2-factor higher order model resulted in acceptable fit indices (NFI = .97; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; IFI = .98; RMSEA .41). The Spanish MPFI also demonstrated both weak (metric) and strong (scalar) factor invariance when compared to the English MPFI given to a United States sample (N = 1630; 18 to 85 years old, M = 50.1, SD = 18.7; 77.0% identifying as women; 86.6% White). Results indicated an acceptable internal consistency in all factors (ω >.74). The adaptation into Spanish of the MPFI presents 60 and 24 items similar to those proposed by the original authors and adequate psychometric properties in the study sample. Regarding its limitations, it should be noted that results only report the factor structure -factor validity- and the internal consistency -reliability- of the MPFI, which is only a first exploratory approach in adapting the scale to the local context. For this reason, future research should continue to explore the psychometric properties of the MPFI in Argentina.Este estudio tiene como objetivo evaluar las propiedades psicométricas y la consistencia interna de la versión en español del Inventario de Flexibilidad Psicológica Multidimensional (MPFI) en población general de Argentina. En el estudio principal participaron un total de 866 participantes con edades entre 18 y 84 años (M = 47,33; DT = 17,26) y de ambos sexos (Hombres = 40,9%; Mujeres = 59,1%). Un modelo de orden superior de 2 factores resultó en índices de ajuste aceptables (NFI = .97; NNFI = .98; CFI = .98; IFI = .98; RMSEA .41). El MPFI español también demostró una invariancia factorial tanto débil (métrica) como fuerte (escalar) en comparación con el MPFI inglés proporcionado a una muestra de los Estados Unidos (N = 1630; 18 a 85 años, M = 50,1, SD = 18,7; 77,0 %). identificándose como mujeres; 86,6% blancos). Los resultados indicaron una consistencia interna aceptable en todos los factores (ω >.74). La adaptación al español del MPFI presenta 60 y 24 ítems similares a los propuestos por los autores originales y adecuadas propiedades psicométricas en la muestra de estudio. En cuanto a sus limitaciones, cabe señalar que los resultados solo reportan la estructura factorial -validez factorial- y la consistencia interna -confiabilidad- del MPFI, lo cual es solo una primera aproximación exploratoria en la adaptación de la escala al contexto local. Por esta razón, futuras investigaciones deben continuar explorando las propiedades psicométricas del MPFI en Argentina.Este estudo tem como objetivo avaliar as propriedades psicométricas e a consistência interna da versão em espanhol do Inventário Multidimensional de Flexibilidade Psicológica (MPFI) em uma população geral da Argentina. Um total de 866 participantes com idades entre 18 e 84 anos (M = 47,33; DP = 17,26) e de ambos os sexos (homens = 40,9%; mulheres = 59,1%) participaram do estudo principal. Um modelo de ordem superior de 2 fatores resultou em índices de ajuste aceitáveis (NFI = 0,97; NNFI = 0,98; CFI = 0,98; IFI = 0,98; RMSEA 0,41). O MPFI espanhol também demonstrou invariância fatorial fraca (métrica) e forte (escalar) quando comparado ao MPFI inglês dado a uma amostra dos Estados Unidos (N = 1630; 18 a 85 anos, M = 50,1, SD = 18,7; 77,0% identificando-se como mulheres; 86,6% brancas). Os resultados indicaram uma consistência interna aceitável em todos os fatores (ω >.74). A adaptação para o espanhol do MPFI apresenta 60 e 24 itens semelhantes aos propostos pelos autores originais e propriedades psicométricas adequadas na amostra do estudo. Em relação às suas limitações, deve-se notar que os resultados apenas relatam a estrutura fatorial -validade fatorial- e a consistência interna -confiabilidade- do MPFI, o que é apenas uma primeira abordagem exploratória na adaptação da escala ao contexto local. Por esse motivo, pesquisas futuras devem continuar explorando as propriedades psicométricas do MPFI na Argentina.Fil: Simkin, Hugo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Freiberg Hoffmann, Agustín. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Universidad de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Caselli, Gabriela. Universidad Nacional de La Matanza; ArgentinaFil: Prozzillo, Paola Alejandra. Universidad de Flores; ArgentinaFil: Rogge, Ronald D.. University Of Rochester; Estados UnidosFil: Wilson, Kelly G.. University of Mississippi; Estados Unido

    First report of sacbrood virus in honey bee (Apis mellifera) colonies in Brazil

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    Sacbrood disease, an affliction of honey bees (Apis mellifera) characterized by brood that fails to pupate and subsequently dies, is an important threat to honey bee health. The disease is caused by the sacbrood virus (SBV), a positive-, single-stranded RNA virus in the order Picornavirales. Because of the economic importance of honey bees for both pollination and honey production, it is vital to understand and monitor the spread of viruses such as SBV. This virus has been found in many places across the globe, including recently in some South American countries, and it is likely that it will continue to spread. We performed a preliminary study to search for SBV in two apiaries of Africanized honey bees in the State of Sao Paulo, Brazil, using RT-PCR and Sanger sequencing and found the first evidence of SBV in honey bee colonies in Brazil. The virus was detected in larvae, foraging and nurse bees from two colonies, one of which had symptoms of sacbrood disease, at the beginning of the winter season in June 2011. No SBV was found in samples from nine other nearby colonies.CAPESCAPESCNPqCNPqFAPESPFAPES

    The cell adhesion protein CAR is a negative regulator of synaptic transmission

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    The Coxsackievirus and adenovirus receptor (CAR) is essential for normal electrical conductance in the heart, but its role in the postnatal brain is largely unknown. Using brain specific CAR knockout mice (KO), we discovered an unexpected role of CAR in neuronal communication. This includes increased basic synaptic transmission at hippocampal Schaffer collaterals, resistance to fatigue, and enhanced long-term potentiation. Spontaneous neurotransmitter release and speed of endocytosis are increased in KOs, accompanied by increased expression of the exocytosis associated calcium sensor synaptotagmin 2. Using proximity proteomics and binding studies, we link CAR to the exocytosis machinery as it associates with syntenin and synaptobrevin/VAMP2 at the synapse. Increased synaptic function does not cause adverse effects in KO mice, as behavior and learning are unaffected. Thus, unlike the connexin-dependent suppression of atrioventricular conduction in the cardiac knockout, communication in the CAR deficient brain is improved, suggesting a role for CAR in presynaptic processes

    Estilos de aprendizaje y su relación con variables sociodemográficas y académicas en estudiantes universitarios de Buenos Aires

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    Las dificultades que presentan los estudiantes universitarios para aprender se reflejan en diversos indicadores tales como, reinscripciones al sistema académico, demora en la finalización de los estudios, y el bajo número de graduados en relación a la cantidad de ingresantes entre otros. En este sentido conocer las preferencias que los estudiantes tienen para aprender posibilitaría planificar acciones tendientes a mejorar la calidad de sus aprendizajes. Los estilos de aprendizaje permiten conocer tales preferencias a partir del examen de las modalidades empleadas por los educandos para percibir y procesar la información académica. La presente investigación se propone así indagar los distintos estilos de aprendizaje según características sociodemográficas –sexo, edad, niveles educativos del padre y la madre- y académicas –facultad y momento académico-. Participaron 860 estudiantes universitarios (50.2% varones; 49.8% mujeres) del área metropolitana de Buenos Aires de entre 17 y 36 años de edad, de distintas facultades (Psicología, Ingeniería, Ciencias Exactas y Naturales) correspondientes a universidades públicas. Se aplicó un análisis multivariado de la covarianza (MANCOVA) observándose efectos significativos de las variables sexo, nivel educativo del padre, edad y facultad, sobre los estilos de aprendizaje. Los resultados de la investigación permiten describir el modo en que los estudiantes universitarios se enfrentan a las distintas situaciones académicas y asimilan la información. Se espera que los resultados puedan emplearse dentro del ámbito de aplicación por los diferentes actores que participan del sistema universitario –instituciones, profesores, psicólogos-, de cara al diseño de estrategias pedagógicas que faciliten a los educandos el aprendizaje de los distintos contenidos académicos