131 research outputs found


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    We relate our experience about ureteritis, especially non specific ureteritis. The traumatic, radiation ureteritis will be discussed in others chapters. Most cases of ureteritis are infective, and may be due to any of the organism normally found in urinary tract infections, particularly Escherichia Coli, staphylococci, streptococci, enterococci, proteus and pyocyaneus. It is really primary, but it usually ascending from an associated cystitis, descending from pyelonephritis, or due to direct spread from and adjacent inflammatory lesion such as appendicitis or salpingitis. The infection may also reach the ureter by lymphatic spread, particularly from the prostate and seminal vesicles. Any associated abnormalities of the ureter, such as stricture, megaloureter, ureterocele, and so on, will naturally predispose to infective ureteritis. As ureteritis is rarely primary, the first step in treatment must be toward the elucidation and cure of any underlying lesion. Thus calculi, cystitis, pyelitis, and so on, will need appropriate therapy, and this in itself will considerably improve or cure the ureteritis, and specially in the more acute cases. In the chronic cases with stricture formation, dilation or even excision of the stenosed portion may be required. For the treatment of the strictures we want emphasize the role of the ureteral stenting thinking its use is necessary to preserve the renal function

    Use of pedicle flap from the labia minora for the repair of female urethral strictures.

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    We present the method of pedicle labial urethroplasty for urethral reconstruction in female patients treated for urethral strictures.We performed urethral reconstruction using a pedicle labial flap in 2 female patients (23 and 70 years old) for urethral stricture (posttraumatic and postinflammatory origin). We used as a patch a pedicle skin flap obtained from the labia minora. The pedicle flap is slid beneath the vulvovaginal wall, until the urethra is reached.In both cases a normal micturition was obtained, and cystourethrography after 24 months showed a good urethral silhouette, without residual urine.The pedicle labial urethroplasty seems to be a reliable technique for the repair of urethral strictures

    L'iscrizione anagrafica dei richiedenti asilo dal decreto Salvini al decreto Lamorgese

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    Lo studio analizza il dibattito sulla sussistenza di un diritto dei richiedenti asilo a ottenere l'iscrizione anagrafic

    Carcinoma of the penis: our current therapeutic attitude.

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    24 cases of penile carcinoma, occurred from 1970 to 1979, have been examinated. The role of limphoadenectomy, the treatment of the primitive lesions and their consequences are discussed. It is opinion of the authors that the risks and the benefits of the treatment must be carefully evalued
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