22,114 research outputs found

    The intrinsic strangeness and charm of the nucleon using improved staggered fermions

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    We calculate the intrinsic strangeness of the nucleon, - , using the MILC library of improved staggered gauge configurations using the Asqtad and HISQ actions. Additionally, we present a preliminary calculation of the intrinsic charm of the nucleon using the HISQ action with dynamical charm. The calculation is done with a method which incorporates features of both commonly-used methods, the direct evaluation of the three-point function and the application of the Feynman- Hellman theorem. We present an improvement on this method that further reduces the statistical error, and check the result from this hybrid method against the other two methods and find that they are consistent. The values for and found here, together with perturbative results for heavy quarks, show that dark matter scattering through Higgs-like exchange receives roughly equal contributions from all heavy quark flavors.Comment: 17 pages, 14 figure

    Absolute absorption cross sections of ozone at 300 K, 228 K and 195 K in the wavelength region 185-240 nm

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    An account is given of progress of work on absorption cross section measurements of ozone at 300 K, 228 K and 195 K in the wavelength region 185-240 nm. In this wavelength region, the penetration of solar radiation into the Earth's atmosphere is controlled by O2 and O3. The transmitted radiation is available to dissociate trace species such as halocarbons and nitrous oxide. We have recently measured absolute absorption cross sections of O3 in the wavelength region 240-350 nm (Freeman et al., 1985; Yoshino et al., 1988). We apply these proven techniques to the determination of the absorption cross section of O3 at 300 K, 228 K and 195 K throughout the wavelength region 185-240 nm. A paper titled 'Absolute Absorption Cross Section Measurements of Ozone in the Wavelength Region 185-254 nm and the Temperature Dependence' has been submitted for publication in the Journal of Geophysical Research

    Determination of spectroscopic properties of atmospheric molecules from high resolution vacuum ultraviolet cross section and wavelength measurements

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    Progress is given on work on: cross section measurements in the transmission window regions of the Schumann-Runge bands of oxygen; the determinations of predissociation linewidths; the theoretical calculation of band oscillator strengths of the Schumann-Runge absorption bands of O-16O-18; the determination of molecular spectroscopic constants; and the combined Herzberg continuum cross sections. The experimental investigations relevant to the cross section measurements, predissociation linewidths, and molecular spectroscopic constants are effected at high resolution with a 6.65 m scanning spectrometer which is, by virtue of its small instrumental width (FWHM = 0.0013 nm), suitable for cross section measurements of molecular bands with discrete rotational structure. Such measurements are needed for accurate calculations of the stratospheric production of atomic oxygen and heavy ozone formed following the photo-predissociation of O-16O-18 by solar radiation penetrating between the absorption lines of O-16(sub 2)

    Accurate measurement of ^{13}C - ^{15}N distances with solid-state NMR

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    Solid-state NMR technique for measureing distances between hetero-nuclei in static powder samples is described. It is based on a two-dimensional single-echo scheme enhanced with adiabatic cross-polarization. As an example, the results for intra-molecular distances in α\alpha-crystalline form of glycine are presented. The measured NMR distances ^13 C(2) - ^15 N and ^13 C(1) - ^15 N are 1.496 ±\pm 0.002 \AA and 2.50 ±\pm 0.02 \AA, respectively.Comment: 12 page

    Simulator test to study hot-flow problems related to a gas cooled reactor

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    An advance study of materials, fuel injection, and hot flow problems related to the gas core nuclear rocket is reported. The first task was to test a previously constructed induction heated plasma GCNR simulator above 300 kW. A number of tests are reported operating in the range of 300 kW at 10,000 cps. A second simulator was designed but not constructed for cold-hot visualization studies using louvered walls. A third task was a paper investigation of practical uranium feed systems, including a detailed discussion of related problems. The last assignment resulted in two designs for plasma nozzle test devices that could be operated at 200 atm on hydrogen

    Enhancing Bremsstrahlung Production From Ultraintense Laser-Solid Interactions With Front Surface Structures

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    We report the results of a combined study of particle-in-cell and Monte Carlo modeling that investigates the production of Bremsstrahlung radiation produced when an ultraintense laser interacts with a tower-structured target. These targets are found to significantly narrow the electron angular distribution as well as produce significantly higher energies. These features combine to create a significant enhancement in directionality and energy of the Bremstrahlung radiation produced by a high-Z converter target. These studies employ short-pulse, high intensity laser pulses, and indicate that novel target design has potential to greatly enhance the yield and narrow the directionality of high energy electrons and γ\gamma-rays. We find that the peak γ\gamma-ray brightness for this source is 6.0×\times1019^{19} s−1mm−2mrad−2{\rm s^{-1}mm^{-2}mrad^{-2}} at 10MeV and 1.4×\times1019^{19} s−1mm−2mrad−2{\rm s^{-1}mm^{-2}mrad^{-2}} at 100MeV (0.1%\% bandwidth).Comment: arXiv admin note: text overlap with arXiv:1310.328

    HI studies of the Sculptor group galaxies. VIII. The background galaxies: NGC 24 and NGC 45

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    In order to complete our HI survey of galaxies in the Sculptor group area, VLA observations of NGC 24 and NGC 45 are presented. These two galaxies of similar magnitude M_B ~ -17.4 lie in the background of the Sculptor group and are low surface brightness galaxies, especially NGC 45. The HI distribution and kinematics are regular for NGC 24 while NGC 45 exhibits a kinematical twist of its major axis. A tilted-ring model shows that the position angle of the major axis changes by ~25 degrees. A best-fit model of their mass distribution gives mass-to-light ratios for the stellar disk of 2.5 and 5.2 for NGC 24 and NGC 45 respectively. These values are higher than the ones expected from stellar population synthesis models. Despite the large dark matter contribution, the galaxy mass is still dominated by the stellar component in their very inner regions. These high mass-to-light ratios are typical of what is seen in low surface brightness galaxies and may indicate that, in those galaxies, disks are far from the maximum disk case. The halo parameters derived from the best-fit models are thus lower limits.Comment: 23 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in The Astronomical Journa

    Network Structure, Topology and Dynamics in Generalized Models of Synchronization

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    We explore the interplay of network structure, topology, and dynamic interactions between nodes using the paradigm of distributed synchronization in a network of coupled oscillators. As the network evolves to a global steady state, interconnected oscillators synchronize in stages, revealing network's underlying community structure. Traditional models of synchronization assume that interactions between nodes are mediated by a conservative process, such as diffusion. However, social and biological processes are often non-conservative. We propose a new model of synchronization in a network of oscillators coupled via non-conservative processes. We study dynamics of synchronization of a synthetic and real-world networks and show that different synchronization models reveal different structures within the same network

    Control of Coercivities in (Ga,Mn)As Thin Films by Small Concentrations of MnAs Nanoclusters

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    We demonstrate that low concentrations of a secondary magnetic phase in (Ga,Mn)As thin films can enhance the coercivity by factors up to ~100 without significantly degrading the Curie temperature or saturation magnetisation. Magnetic measurements indicate that the secondary phase consists of MnAs nanoclusters, of average size ~7nm. This approach to controlling the coercivity while maintaining high Curie temperature, may be important for realizing ferromagnetic semiconductor based devices.Comment: 8 pages,4 figures. accepted for publication in Appl. Phys. Let
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