86 research outputs found

    On the equivalence between Implicit Regularization and Constrained Differential Renormalization

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    Constrained Differential Renormalization (CDR) and the constrained version of Implicit Regularization (IR) are two regularization independent techniques that do not rely on dimensional continuation of the space-time. These two methods which have rather distinct basis have been successfully applied to several calculations which show that they can be trusted as practical, symmetry invariant frameworks (gauge and supersymmetry included) in perturbative computations even beyond one-loop order. In this paper, we show the equivalence between these two methods at one-loop order. We show that the configuration space rules of CDR can be mapped into the momentum space procedures of Implicit Regularization, the major principle behind this equivalence being the extension of the properties of regular distributions to the regularized ones.Comment: 16 page

    Differential Equations for Definition and Evaluation of Feynman Integrals

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    It is shown that every Feynman integral can be interpreted as Green function of some linear differential operator with constant coefficients. This definition is equivalent to usual one but needs no regularization and application of RR-operation. It is argued that presented formalism is convenient for practical calculations of Feynman integrals.Comment: pages, LaTEX, MSU-PHYS-HEP-Lu2/9

    Defect Conformal Field Theory and Locally Localized Gravity

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    Gravity may be "locally localized" over a wide range of length scales on a d-dimensional anti-de Sitter (AdS) brane living inside AdS_{d+1}. In this paper we examine this phenomenon from the point of view of the holographic dual "defect conformal field theory". The mode expansion of bulk fields on the gravity side is shown to be precisely dual to the "boundary operator product expansion" of operators as they approach the defect. From the field theory point of view, the condition for localization is that a "reduced operator" appearing in this expansion acquires negative anomalous dimension. In particular, a very light localized graviton exists when a mode arising from the reduction of the ambient stress-energy tensor to the defect has conformal dimension Delta ~ d-1. The part of the stress tensor containing the defect dynamics has dimension Delta = d-1 in the free theory, but we argue that it acquires an anomalous dimension in the interacting theory, and hence does not participate in localization in the regime of small backreaction of the brane. We demonstrate that such an anomalous dimension is consistent with the conservation of the full stress-energy tensor. Finally, we analyze how to compute the anomalous dimensions of reduced operators from gravity at leading order in the interactions with the brane.Comment: 38 pages, LaTeX, 5 figures. v2: typos fixe

    Instant preheating mechanism and UHECR

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    Top-down models assume that the still unexplained Ultra High Energy Cosmic Rays (UHECR's) are the decay products of superheavy particles. Such particles may have been produced by one of the post-inflationary reheating mechanisms and may account for a fraction of the cold dark matter. In this paper, we assess the phenomenological applicability of the simplest instant preheating framework not to describe a reheating process, but as a mechanism to generate relic supermassive particles as possible sources of UHECR's. We use cosmic ray flux and cold dark matter observational data to constrain the parameters of the model.Comment: 7 pages, 2 figures, submitted to PR

    Anomalies, Anomalous U(1)'s and generalized Chern-Simons terms

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    A detailed analysis of anomalous U(1)'s and their effective couplings is performed both in field theory and string theory. It is motivated by the possible relevance of such couplings in particle physics, as well as a potential signal distinguishing string theory from other UV options. The most general anomaly related effective action is analyzed and parameterized. It contains Stuckelberg, axionic and Chern-Simons-like couplings. It is shown that such couplings are generically non-trivial in orientifold string vacua and are not in general fixed by anomalies. A similar analysis in quantum field theories provides similar couplings. The trilinear gauge boson couplings are also calculated and their phenomenological relevance is advocated. We do not find qualitative differences between string and field theory in this sector.Comment: 52 pages, 2 eps figures, LaTeX, feynmf & youngtab packages (v2 - Minor corrections, references added

    Thick de Sitter 3-Branes, Dynamic Black Holes and Localization of Gravity

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    The embedding of a thick de Sitter 3-brane into a five-dimensional bulk is studied, assuming a scalar field with potential is present in the bulk. A class of solutions is found in closed form that can represent a thick de Sitter 3-brane interpolating either between two dynamical black holes with a RĂ—S4R \times S_{4} topology or between two Rindler-like spacetimes with a R2Ă—S3R_{2}\times S_{3} topology. The gravitational field is localized in a small region near the center of the 3-brane. The analysis of graviton fluctuations shows that a zero mode exists and separates itself from a set of continuous modes by a mass gap. The existence of such a mass gap is shown to be universal. The scalar perturbations are also studied and shown to be stable.Comment: the study of scalar perturbations and some relevant references have been added. The most used definition for mass in de Sitter space has been adopte

    Integrable twists in AdS/CFT

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    A class of marginal deformations of four-dimensional N=4 super Yang-Mills theory has been found to correspond to a set of smooth, multiparameter deformations of the S^5 target subspace in the holographic dual on AdS_5 x S^5. We present here an analogous set of deformations that act on global toroidal isometries in the AdS_5 subspace. Remarkably, certain sectors of the string theory remain classically integrable in this larger class of so-called gamma-deformed AdS_5 x S^5 backgrounds. Relying on studies of deformed su(2)_gamma models, we formulate a local sl(2)_gamma Lax representation that admits a classical, thermodynamic Bethe equation (based on the Riemann-Hilbert interpretation of Bethe's ansatz) encoding the spectrum in the deformed AdS_5 geometry. This result is extended to a set of discretized, asymptotic Bethe equations for the twisted string theory. Near-pp-wave energy spectra within sl(2)_gamma and su(2)_gamma sectors provide a useful and stringent test of such equations, demonstrating the reliability of this technology in a wider class of string backgrounds. In addition, we study a twisted Hubbard model that yields certain predictions of the dual beta-deformed gauge theory.Comment: v2: references and clarifications added, 46 page

    Perturbative QCD and factorization of coherent pion photoproduction on the deuteron

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    We analyze the predictions of perturbative QCD for pion photoproduction on the deuteron, gamma D -> pi^0 D, at large momentum transfer using the reduced amplitude formalism. The cluster decomposition of the deuteron wave function at small binding only allows the nuclear coherent process to proceed if each nucleon absorbs an equal fraction of the overall momentum transfer. Furthermore, each nucleon must scatter while remaining close to its mass shell. Thus the nuclear photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D}(u,t), factorizes as a product of three factors: (1) the nucleon photoproduction amplitude, M_{gamma N_1 -> pi^0 N_1}(u/4,t/4), at half of the overall momentum transfer, (2) a nucleon form factor, F_{N_2}(t/4), at half the overall momentum transfer, and (3) the reduced deuteron form factor, f_d(t), which according to perturbative QCD, has the same monopole falloff as a meson form factor. A comparison with the recent JLAB data for gamma D -> pi^0 D of Meekins et al. [Phys. Rev. C 60, 052201 (1999)] and the available gamma p -> pi^0 p data shows good agreement between the perturbative QCD prediction and experiment over a large range of momentum transfers and center of mass angles. The reduced amplitude prediction is consistent with the constituent counting rule, p^11_T M_{gamma D -> pi^0 D} -> F(theta_cm), at large momentum transfer. This is found to be consistent with measurements for photon lab energies E_gamma > 3 GeV at theta_cm=90 degrees and \elab > 10 GeV at 136 degrees.Comment: RevTeX 3.1, 17 pages, 6 figures; v2: incorporates minor changes as version accepted by Phys Rev

    Slepton and Neutralino/Chargino Coannihilations in MSSM

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    Within the low-energy effective Minimal Supersymmetric extension of Standard Model (effMSSM) we calculated the neutralino relic density taking into account slepton-neutralino and neutralino-chargino/neutralino coannihilation channels. We performed comparative study of these channels and obtained that both of them give sizable contributions to the reduction of the relic density. Due to these coannihilation processes some models (mostly with large neutralino masses) enter into the cosmologically interesting region for relic density, but other models leave this region. Nevertheless, in general, the predictions for direct and indirect dark matter detection rates are not strongly affected by these coannihilation channels in the effMSSM.Comment: 12 pages, 9 figures, revte

    Rotating Strings with Two Unequal Spins in Lunin-Maldacena Background

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    We study a string motion in the Lunin-Maldacena background, that is, the \beta-deformed AdS_5 \times \tilde{S}^5 background dual to a \beta-deformation of \mathcal{N} = 4 super Yang-Mills theory. For real \beta we construct a rotating and wound string solution which has two unequal spins in \tilde{S}^5. The string energy is expressed in terms of the spins, the winding numbers and the deformation parameter. In the expansion of \lambda/J^2 with the total spin J and the string tension \sqrt{\lambda} we present ``one-loop" and ``two-loop" energy corrections. The ``one-loop" one agrees with the one-loop anomalous dimension of the corresponding gauge-theory scalar operators obtained in hep-th/0503192 from the \beta-deformed Bethe equation as well as the anisotropic Landau-Lifshitz equation.Comment: 13 pages, LaTeX, no figure
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