504 research outputs found

    Predictors of mortality in patients initiating antiretroviral therapy in Durban, South Africa

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    Objective. To identify predictors of mortality in patients initiating antiretroviral therapy (ART) in Durban, South Africa. Design. We conducted a retrospective cohort study analysing data on patients who presented to McCord Hospital, Durban, and started ART between 1 January 1999 and 29 February 2004. We performed univariate and multivariate analysis and constructed Kaplan-Meier curves to assess predictors. Results. Three hundred and nine patients were included. Forty-nine (16%) had died by the conclusion of the study. In univariate analysis, the strongest predictors of mortality were a CD4 cell coun

    Clinical Impact and Cost-Effectiveness of Expanded Voluntary HIV Testing in India

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    Background: Despite expanding access to antiretroviral therapy (ART), most of the estimated 2.3 to 2.5 million HIV-infected individuals in India remain undiagnosed. The questions of whom to test for HIV and at what frequency remain unclear. Methods: We used a simulation model of HIV testing and treatment to examine alternative HIV screening strategies: 1) current practice, 2) one-time, 3) every five years, and 4) annually; and we applied these strategies to three population scenarios: 1) the general Indian population (“national population”), i.e. base case (HIV prevalence 0.29%; incidence 0.032/100 person-years [PY]); 2) high-prevalence districts (HIV prevalence 0.8%; incidence 0.088/100 PY), and 3) high-risk groups (HIV prevalence 5.0%; incidence 0.552/100 PY). Cohort characteristics reflected Indians reporting for HIV testing, with a median age of 35 years, 66% men, and a mean CD4 count of 305 cells/”l. The cost of a rapid HIV test was 3.33.Outcomesincludedlifeexpectancy,HIV−relateddirectmedicalcosts,incrementalcost−effectivenessratios(ICERs),andsecondarytransmissionbenefits.Thethresholdfor“cost−effective”wasdefinedas3xtheannualpercapitaGDPofIndia(3.33. Outcomes included life expectancy, HIV-related direct medical costs, incremental cost-effectiveness ratios (ICERs), and secondary transmission benefits. The threshold for “cost-effective” was defined as 3x the annual per capita GDP of India (3,900/year of life saved [YLS]), or for “very cost-effective” was <1x the annual per capita GDP (1,300/YLS).Results:Comparedtocurrentpractice,one−timescreeningwasverycost−effectiveinthenationalpopulation(ICER:1,300/YLS). Results: Compared to current practice, one-time screening was very cost-effective in the national population (ICER: 1,100/YLS), high-prevalence districts (ICER: 800/YLS),andhigh−riskgroups(ICER:800/YLS), and high-risk groups (ICER: 800/YLS). Screening every five years in the national population (ICER: 1,900/YLS)andannualscreeninginhigh−prevalencedistricts(ICER:1,900/YLS) and annual screening in high-prevalence districts (ICER: 1,900/YLS) and high-risk groups (ICER: $1,800/YLS) were also cost-effective. Results were most sensitive to costs of care and linkage-to-care. Conclusions: In India, voluntary HIV screening of the national population every five years offers substantial clinical benefit and is cost-effective. Annual screening is cost-effective among high-risk groups and in high-prevalence districts nationally. Routine HIV screening in India should be implemented

    Designing for a Moving Target

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    The impact of HIV/HCV co-infection on health care utilization and disability: results of the ACTG Longitudinal Linked Randomized Trials (ALLRT) Cohort.

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    HIV/hepatitis C virus (HCV) co-infection places a growing burden on the HIV/AIDS care delivery system. Evidence-based estimates of health services utilization among HIV/HCV co-infected patients can inform efficient planning. We analyzed data from the ACTG Longitudinal Linked Randomized Trials (ALLRT) cohort to estimate resource utilization and disability among HIV/HCV co-infected patients and compare them to rates seen in HIV mono-infected patients. The analysis included HIV-infected subjects enrolled in the ALLRT cohort between 2000 and 2007 who had at least one CD4 count measured and completed at least one resource utilization data collection form (N = 3143). Primary outcomes included the relative risk of hospital nights, emergency department (ED) visits, and disability days for HIV/HCV co-infected vs HIV mono-infected subjects. When controlling for age, sex, race, history of AIDS-defining events, current CD4 count and current HIV RNA, the relative risk of hospitalization, ED visits, and disability days for subjects with HIV/HCV co-infection compared to those with HIV mono-infection were 1.8 (95% CI: 1.3-2.5), 1.7 (95% CI: 1.4-2.1), and 1.6 (95% CI: 1.3-1.9) respectively. Programs serving HIV/HCV co-infected patients can expect approximately 70% higher rates of utilization than expected from a similar cohort of HIV mono-infected patients

    HIV Cure Strategies: How Good Must They Be to Improve on Current Antiretroviral Therapy?

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    Background: We examined efficacy, toxicity, relapse, cost, and quality-of-life thresholds of hypothetical HIV cure interventions that would make them cost-effective compared to life-long antiretroviral therapy (ART). Methods: We used a computer simulation model to assess three HIV cure strategies: Gene Therapy, Chemotherapy, and Stem Cell Transplantation (SCT), each compared to ART. Efficacy and cost parameters were varied widely in sensitivity analysis. Outcomes included quality-adjusted life expectancy, lifetime cost, and cost-effectiveness in dollars/quality-adjusted life year (/QALY)gained.Strategiesweredeemedcost−effectivewithincrementalcost−effectivenessratios</QALY) gained. Strategies were deemed cost-effective with incremental cost-effectiveness ratios <100,000/QALY. Results: For patients on ART, discounted quality-adjusted life expectancy was 16.4 years and lifetime costs were 591,400.GeneTherapywascost−effectivewithefficacyof10591,400. Gene Therapy was cost-effective with efficacy of 10%, relapse rate 0.5%/month, and cost 54,000. Chemotherapy was cost-effective with efficacy of 88%, relapse rate 0.5%/month, and cost 12,400/monthfor24months.At12,400/month for 24 months. At 150,000/procedure, SCT was cost-effective with efficacy of 79% and relapse rate 0.5%/month. Moderate efficacy increases and cost reductions made Gene Therapy cost-saving, but substantial efficacy/cost changes were needed to make Chemotherapy or SCT cost-saving. Conclusions: Depending on efficacy, relapse rate, and cost, cure strategies could be cost-effective compared to current ART and potentially cost-saving. These results may help provide performance targets for developing cure strategies for HIV

    Climate and predation dominate juvenile and adult recruitment in a turtle with temperature-dependent sex determination

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    Conditions experienced early in life can influence phenotypes in ecologically important ways, as exemplified by organisms with environmental sex determination. For organisms with temperature-dependent sex determination (TSD), variation in nest temperatures induces phenotypic variation that could impact population growth rates. In environments that vary over space and time, how does this variation influence key demographic parameters (cohort sex ratio and hatchling recruitment) in early life stages of populations exhibiting TSD? We leverage a 17-year data set on a population of painted turtles, Chrysemys picta, to investigate how spatial variation in nest vegetation cover and temporal variation in climate influence early life-history demography. We found that spatial variation in nest cover strongly influenced nest temperature and sex ratio, but was not correlated with clutch size, nest predation, total nest failure, or hatching success. Temporal variation in climate influenced percentage of total nest failure and cohort sex ratio, but not depredation rate, mean clutch size, or mean hatching success. Total hatchling recruitment in a year was influenced primarily by temporal variation in climate-independent factors, number of nests constructed, and depredation rate. Recruitment of female hatchlings was determined by stochastic variation in nest depredation and annual climate and also by the total nest production. Overall population demography depends more strongly on annual variation in climate and predation than it does on the intricacies of nest-specific biology. Finally, we demonstrate that recruitment of female hatchlings translates into recruitment of breeding females into the population, thus linking climate (and other) effects on early life stages to adult demographics
