5,844 research outputs found

    Self-consistent variational theory for globules

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    A self-consistent variational theory for globules based on the uniform expansion method is presented. This method, first introduced by Edwards and Singh to estimate the size of a self-avoiding chain, is restricted to a good solvent regime, where two-body repulsion leads to chain swelling. We extend the variational method to a poor solvent regime where the balance between the two-body attractive and the three-body repulsive interactions leads to contraction of the chain to form a globule. By employing the Ginzburg criterion, we recover the correct scaling for the θ\theta-temperature. The introduction of the three-body interaction term in the variational scheme recovers the correct scaling for the two important length scales in the globule - its overall size RR, and the thermal blob size ξT\xi_{T}. Since these two length scales follow very different statistics - Gaussian on length scales ξT\xi_{T}, and space filling on length scale RR - our approach extends the validity of the uniform expansion method to non-uniform contraction rendering it applicable to polymeric systems with attractive interactions. We present one such application by studying the Rayleigh instability of polyelectrolyte globules in poor solvents. At a critical fraction of charged monomers, fcf_c, along the chain backbone, we observe a clear indication of a first-order transition from a globular state at small ff, to a stretched state at large ff; in the intermediate regime the bistable equilibrium between these two states shows the existence of a pearl-necklace structure.Comment: 7 pages, 1 figur

    Lectures on mathematical aspects of (twisted) supersymmetric gauge theories

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    Supersymmetric gauge theories have played a central role in applications of quantum field theory to mathematics. Topologically twisted supersymmetric gauge theories often admit a rigorous mathematical description: for example, the Donaldson invariants of a 4-manifold can be interpreted as the correlation functions of a topologically twisted N=2 gauge theory. The aim of these lectures is to describe a mathematical formulation of partially-twisted supersymmetric gauge theories (in perturbation theory). These partially twisted theories are intermediate in complexity between the physical theory and the topologically twisted theories. Moreover, we will sketch how the operators of such a theory form a two complex dimensional analog of a vertex algebra. Finally, we will consider a deformation of the N=1 theory and discuss its relation to the Yangian, as explained in arXiv:1308.0370 and arXiv:1303.2632.Comment: Notes from a lecture series by the first author at the Les Houches Winter School on Mathematical Physics in 2012. To appear in the proceedings of this conference. Related to papers arXiv:1308.0370, arXiv:1303.2632, and arXiv:1111.423

    Finite Heisenberg Groups in Quiver Gauge Theories

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    We show by direct construction that a large class of quiver gauge theories admits actions of finite Heisenberg groups. We consider various quiver gauge theories that arise as AdS/CFT duals of orbifolds of C^3, the conifold and its orbifolds and some orbifolds of the cone over Y(p,q). Matching the gauge theory analysis with string theory on the corresponding spaces implies that the operators counting wrapped branes do not commute in the presence of flux.Comment: 25 pages, 13 figure

    Field theoretic approach to the counting problem of Hamiltonian cycles of graphs

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    A Hamiltonian cycle of a graph is a closed path that visits each site once and only once. I study a field theoretic representation for the number of Hamiltonian cycles for arbitrary graphs. By integrating out quadratic fluctuations around the saddle point, one obtains an estimate for the number which reflects characteristics of graphs well. The accuracy of the estimate is verified by applying it to 2d square lattices with various boundary conditions. This is the first example of extracting meaningful information from the quadratic approximation to the field theory representation.Comment: 5 pages, 3 figures, uses epsf.sty. Estimates for the site entropy and the gamma exponent indicated explicitl

    Simulation of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore

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    The probability that a randomly accelerated particle in two dimensions has not yet left a simply connected domain A{\cal A} after a time tt decays as eE0te^{-E_0t} for long times. The same quantity E0E_0 also determines the confinement free energy per unit length Δf=kBTE0\Delta f=k_BT\thinspace E_0 of a semiflexible polymer in a narrow cylindrical pore with cross section A{\cal A}. From simulations of a randomly accelerated particle we estimate the universal amplitude of Δf\Delta f for both circular and rectangular cross sections.Comment: 10 pages, 2 eps figure

    Spatial Constraint Corrections to the Elasticity of dsDNA Measured with Magnetic Tweezers

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    In this paper, we have studied, within a discrete WLC model, the spatial constraints in magnetic tweezers used in single molecule experiments. Two elements are involved: first, the fixed plastic slab on which is stuck the initial strand, second, the magnetic bead which pulls (or twists) the attached molecule free end. We have shown that the bead surface can be replaced by its tangent plane at the anchoring point, when it is close to the bead south pole relative to the force. We are led to a model with two parallel repulsive plates: the fixed anchoring plate and a fluctuating plate, simulating the bead, in thermal equilibrium with the system. The bead effect is a slight upper shift of the elongation, about four times smaller than the similar effect induced by the fixed plate. This rather unexpected result, has been qualitatively confirmed within the soluble Gaussian model. A study of the molecule elongation versus the countour length exhibits a significant non-extensive behaviour. The curve for short molecules (with less than 2 kbp) is well fitted by a straight line, with a slope given by the WLC model, but it does not go through the origin. The non-extensive offset gives a 15% upward shift to the elongation of a 2 kbp molecule stretched by a 0.3 pN force.Comment: 28 pages, 6 figures An explanatory figure has been added. The physical interpretation of the results has been made somewhat more transparen

    Plasticization and antiplasticization of polymer melts diluted by low molar mass species

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    An analysis of glass formation for polymer melts that are diluted by structured molecular additives is derived by using the generalized entropy theory, which involves a combination of the Adam-Gibbs model and the direct computation of the configurational entropy based on a lattice model of polymer melts that includes monomer structural effects. Antiplasticization is accompanied by a "toughening" of the glass mixture relative to the pure polymer, and this effect is found to occur when the diluents are small species with strongly attractive interactions with the polymer matrix. Plasticization leads to a decreased glass transition temperature T_g and a "softening" of the fragile host polymer in the glass state. Plasticization is prompted by small additives with weakly attractive interactions with the polymer matrix. The shifts in T_g of polystyrene diluted by fully flexible short oligomers are evaluated from the computations, along with the relative changes in the isothermal compressibility at T_g to characterize the extent to which the additives act as antiplasticizers or plasticizers. The theory predicts that a decreased fragility can accompany both antiplasticization and plasticization of the glass by molecular additives. The general reduction in the T_g and fragility of polymers by these molecular additives is rationalized by analyzing the influence of the diluent's properties (cohesive energy, chain length, and stiffness) on glass formation in diluted polymer melts. The description of glass formation at fixed temperature that is induced upon change the fluid composition directly implies the Angell equation for the structural relaxation time as function of the polymer concentration, and the computed "zero mobility concentration" scales linearly with the inverse polymerization index N.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figure

    Arguments for F-theory

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    After a brief review of string and MM-Theory we point out some deficiencies. Partly to cure them, we present several arguments for ``FF-Theory'', enlarging spacetime to (2,10)(2, 10) signature, following the original suggestion of C. Vafa. We introduce a suggestive Supersymmetric 27-plet of particles, associated to the exceptional symmetric hermitian space E6/Spinc(10)E_{6}/Spin^{c}(10). Several possible future directions, including using projective rather than metric geometry, are mentioned. We should emphasize that FF-Theory is yet just a very provisional attempt, lacking clear dynamical principles.Comment: To appear in early 2006 in Mod. Phys. Lett. A as Brief Revie

    Small coupling limit and multiple solutions to the Dirichlet Problem for Yang Mills connections in 4 dimensions - Part I

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    In this paper (Part I) and its sequels (Part II and Part III), we analyze the structure of the space of solutions to the epsilon-Dirichlet problem for the Yang-Mills equations on the 4-dimensional disk, for small values of the coupling constant epsilon. These are in one-to-one correspondence with solutions to the Dirichlet problem for the Yang Mills equations, for small boundary data. We prove the existence of multiple solutions, and, in particular, non minimal ones, and establish a Morse Theory for this non-compact variational problem. In part I, we describe the problem, state the main theorems and do the first part of the proof. This consists in transforming the problem into a finite dimensional problem, by seeking solutions that are approximated by the connected sum of a minimal solution with an instanton, plus a correction term due to the boundary. An auxiliary equation is introduced that allows us to solve the problem orthogonally to the tangent space to the space of approximate solutions. In Part II, the finite dimensional problem is solved via the Ljusternik-Schirelman theory, and the existence proofs are completed. In Part III, we prove that the space of gauge equivalence classes of Sobolev connections with prescribed boundary value is a smooth manifold, as well as some technical lemmas used in Part I. The methods employed still work when the 4-dimensional disk is replaced by a more general compact manifold with boundary, and SU(2) is replaced by any compact Lie group

    The Self-Dual String and Anomalies in the M5-brane

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    We study the anomalies of a charge Q2Q_2 self-dual string solution in the Coulomb branch of Q5Q_5 M5-branes. Cancellation of these anomalies allows us to determine the anomaly of the zero-modes on the self-dual string and their scaling with Q2Q_2 and Q5Q_5. The dimensional reduction of the five-brane anomalous couplings then lead to certain anomalous couplings for D-branes.Comment: 13 pages, Harvmac, refs adde