6,668 research outputs found

    Phase Diagram of the Dissipative Hofstadter Model

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    The dissipative quantum mechanics of a charged particle in a uniform magnetic field and periodic potential has delocalization critical points which correspond to backgrounds for the open string. We study the phase diagram of this system (in the magnetic field/dissipation constant plane) and find a fractal structure which, in the limit of zero dissipation, matches the fractal energy level structure of the pure quantum mechanical version of this problem (Hofstadter model).Comment: 23 page

    Critical Theories of the Dissipative Hofstadter Model

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    It has recently been shown that the dissipative Hofstadter model (dissipative quantum mechanics of an electron subject to uniform magnetic field and periodic potential in two dimensions) exhibits critical behavior on a network of lines in the dissipation/magnetic field plane. Apart from their obvious condensed matter interest, the corresponding critical theories represent non-trivial solutions of open string field theory, and a detailed account of their properties would be interesting from several points of view. A subject of particular interest is the dependence of physical quantities on the magnetic field since it, much like θQCD\theta_{\rm QCD}, serves only to give relative phases to different sectors of the partition sum. In this paper we report the results of an initial investigation of the free energy, NN-point functions and boundary state of this type of critical theory. Although our primary goal is the study of the magnetic field dependence of these quantities, we will present some new results which bear on the zero magnetic field case as well.Comment: 42 pages (25 reduced

    Dynamics of Diblock Copolymers in Dilute Solutions

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    We consider the dynamics of freely translating and rotating diblock (A-B), Gaussian copolymers, in dilute solutions. Using the multiple scattering technique, we have computed the diffusion and the friction coefficients D_AB and Zeta_AB, and the change Eta_AB in the viscosity of the solution as functions of x = N_A/N and t = l_B/l_A, where N_A, N are the number of segments of the A block and of the whole copolymer, respectively, and l_A, l_B are the Kuhn lengths of the A and B blocks. Specific regimes that maximize the efficiency of separation of copolymers with distinct "t" values, have been identified.Comment: 20 pages Revtex, 7 eps figures, needs epsf.tex and amssymb.sty, submitted to Macromolecule

    The universality of the shift of the Chern-Simons parameter for a general class of BRS invariant regularizations

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    We consider a biparametric family of BRS invariant regularization methods of SU(N) Chern-Simons theory (the parameters defining the family taking arbitrary values in \RR^2) and show that the shift k→k+sign(k)Nk\to k + sign(k) N of the Chern-Simons parameter kk occurs for arbitrary values of the family defining parameters. This supports irrefutably the conjecture that the shift of kk is universal for BRS invariant regulators.Comment: phyzzx, 7 pages (no figures

    T-duality and Differential K-Theory

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    We give a precise formulation of T-duality for Ramond-Ramond fields. This gives a canonical isomorphism between the "geometrically invariant" subgroups of the twisted differential K-theory of certain principal torus bundles. Our result combines topological T-duality with the Buscher rules found in physics.Comment: 23 pages, typos corrected, submitted to Comm.Math.Phy

    One size fits all: equilibrating chemically different polymer liquids through universal long-wavelength description

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    Mesoscale behavior of polymers is frequently described by universal laws. This physical property motivates us to propose a new modeling concept, grouping polymers into classes with a common long-wavelength representation. In the same class samples of different materials can be generated from this representation, encoded in a single library system. We focus on homopolymer melts, grouped according to the invariant degree of polymerization. They are described with a bead-spring model, varying chain stiffness and density to mimic chemical diversity. In a renormalization group-like fashion library samples provide a universal blob-based description, hierarchically backmapped to create configurations of other class-members. Thus large systems with experimentally-relevant invariant degree of polymerizations (so far accessible only on very coarse-grained level) can be microscopically described. Equilibration is verified comparing conformations and melt structure with smaller scale conventional simulations

    On Supermultiplet Twisting and Spin-Statistics

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    Twisting of off-shell supermultiplets in models with 1+1-dimensional spacetime has been discovered in 1984, and was shown to be a generic feature of off-shell representations in worldline supersymmetry two decades later. It is shown herein that in all supersymmetric models with spacetime of four or more dimensions, this off-shell supermultiplet twisting, if non-trivial, necessarily maps regular (non-ghost) supermultiplets to ghost supermultiplets. This feature is shown to be ubiquitous in all fully off-shell supersymmetric models with (BV/BRST-treated) constraints.Comment: Extended version, including a new section on manifestly off-shell and supersymmetric BRST treatment of gauge symmetry; added reference

    Apex Exponents for Polymer--Probe Interactions

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    We consider self-avoiding polymers attached to the tip of an impenetrable probe. The scaling exponents γ1\gamma_1 and γ2\gamma_2, characterizing the number of configurations for the attachment of the polymer by one end, or at its midpoint, vary continuously with the tip's angle. These apex exponents are calculated analytically by ϵ\epsilon-expansion, and numerically by simulations in three dimensions. We find that when the polymer can move through the attachment point, it typically slides to one end; the apex exponents quantify the entropic barrier to threading the eye of the probe

    Shift versus no-shift in local regularizations of Chern-Simons theory

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    We consider a family of local BRS-invariant higher covariant derivative regularizations of SU(N)SU(N) Chern-Simons theory that do not shift the value of the Chern-Simons parameter kk to k+\,{\rm sign}(k)\,\cv at one loop.Comment: phyzzx, 6 pages, FTUAM 94/8, NIKHEF-H 94/14 and UPRF 93/39
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