8 research outputs found

    Quantifying organic matter and functional groups in particulate matter filter samples from the southeastern United States, part I: Methods

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    Comprehensive techniques to describe the organic composition of atmospheric aerosol are needed to elucidate pollution sources, gain insights into atmospheric chemistry, and evaluate changes in air quality. Fourier transform infrared absorption (FT-IR) spectrometry can be used to characterize atmospheric organic matter (OM) and its composition via functional groups of aerosol filter samples in air monitoring networks and research campaigns. We have built FT-IR spectrometry functional group calibration models that improve upon previous work, as demonstrated by the comparison of current model results with those of previous models and other OM analysis methods. Laboratory standards that simulated the breadth of the absorbing functional groups in atmospheric OM were made: particles of relevant chemicals were first generated, collected, and analyzed. Challenges of collecting atmospherically relevant particles and spectra were addressed by including interferences of particle water and other inorganic aerosol constituents and exploring the spectral effects of intermolecular interactions. Calibration models of functional groups were then constructed using partial least-squares (PLS) regression and the collected laboratory standard data. These models were used to quantify concentrations of five organic functional groups and OM in 8 years of ambient aerosol samples from the southeastern aerosol research and characterization (SEARCH) network. The results agreed with values estimated using other methods, including thermal optical reflectance (TOR) organic carbon (OC; R-2 = 0:74) and OM calculated as a difference between total aerosol mass and inorganic species concentrations (R-2 = 0:82). Comparisons with previous calibration models of the same type demonstrate that this new, more complete suite of chemicals has improved our ability to estimate oxygenated functional group and overall OM concentrations. Calculated characteristic and elemental ratios including OM/OC, O/C, and H/C agree with those from previous work in the southeastern US, substantiating the aerosol composition described by FT-IR calibration. The median OM/OC ratio over all sites and years was 2.1 +/- 0.2. Further results discussing temporal and spatial trends of functional group composition within the SEARCH network will be published in a forthcoming article

    Heterogeneous Nucleation Drives Particle Size Segregation in Sequential Ozone and Nitrate Radical Oxidation of Catechol

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    Secondary organic aerosol formation via condensation of organic vapors onto existing aerosol transforms the chemical composition and size distribution of ambient aerosol, with implications for air quality and Earth’s radiative balance. Gas-to-particle conversion is generally thought to occur on a continuum between equilibrium-driven partitioning of semivolatile molecules to the pre-existing mass size distribution and kinetic-driven condensation of low volatility molecules to the pre-existing surface area size distribution. However, we offer experimental evidence in contrast to this framework. When catechol is sequentially oxidized by O3and NO3in the presence of (NH4)2SO4seed particles with a single size mode, we observe a bimodal organic aerosol mass size distribution with two size modes of distinct chemical composition with nitrocatechol from NO3oxidation preferentially condensing onto the large end of the pre-existing size distribution (∼750 nm). A size-resolved chemistry and microphysics model reproduces the evolution of the two distinct organic aerosol size modes─heterogeneous nucleation to an independent, nitrocatechol-rich aerosol phase

    Nighttime and daytime dark oxidation chemistry in wildfire plumes: an observation and model analysis of FIREX-AQ aircraft data

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    Wildfires are increasing in size across the western US, leading to increases in human smoke exposure and associated negative health impacts. The impact of biomass burning (BB) smoke, including wildfires, on regional air quality depends on emissions, transport, and chemistry, including oxidation of emitted BB volatile organic compounds (BBVOCs) by the hydroxyl radical (OH), nitrate radical (NO3), and ozone (O3). During the daytime, when light penetrates the plumes, BBVOCs are oxidized mainly by O3 and OH. In contrast, at night or in optically dense plumes, BBVOCs are oxidized mainly by O3 and NO3. This work focuses on the transition between daytime and nighttime oxidation, which has significant implications for the formation of secondary pollutants and loss of nitrogen oxides (NOx=NO+NO2) and has been understudied. We present wildfire plume observations made during FIREX-AQ (Fire Influence on Regional to Global Environments and Air Quality), a field campaign involving multiple aircraft, ground, satellite, and mobile platforms that took place in the United States in the summer of 2019 to study both wildfire and agricultural burning emissions and atmospheric chemistry. We use observations from two research aircraft, the NASA DC-8 and the NOAA Twin Otter, with a detailed chemical box model, including updated phenolic mechanisms, to analyze smoke sampled during midday, sunset, and nighttime. Aircraft observations suggest a range of NO3 production rates (0.1–1.5 ppbv h−1) in plumes transported during both midday and after dark. Modeled initial instantaneous reactivity toward BBVOCs for NO3, OH, and O3 is 80.1 %, 87.7 %, and 99.6 %, respectively. Initial NO3 reactivity is 10–104 times greater than typical values in forested or urban environments, and reactions with BBVOCs account for >97 % of NO3 loss in sunlit plumes (jNO2 up to 4×10−3s−1), while conventional photochemical NO3 loss through reaction with NO and photolysis are minor pathways. Alkenes and furans are mostly oxidized by OH and O3 (11 %–43 %, 54 %–88 % for alkenes; 18 %–55 %, 39 %–76 %, for furans, respectively), but phenolic oxidation is split between NO3, O3, and OH (26 %–52 %, 22 %–43 %, 16 %–33 %, respectively). Nitrate radical oxidation accounts for 26 %–52 % of phenolic chemical loss in sunset plumes and in an optically thick plume. Nitrocatechol yields varied between 33 % and 45 %, and NO3 chemistry in BB plumes emitted late in the day is responsible for 72 %–92 % (84 % in an optically thick midday plume) of nitrocatechol formation and controls nitrophenolic formation overall. As a result, overnight nitrophenolic formation pathways account for 56 %±2 % of NOx loss by sunrise the following day. In all but one overnight plume we modeled, there was remaining NOx (13 %–57 %) and BBVOCs (8 %–72 %) at sunrise

    Airborne Observations Constrain Heterogeneous Nitrogen and Halogen Chemistry on Tropospheric and Stratospheric Biomass Burning Aerosol

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    Abstract Heterogeneous chemical cycles of pyrogenic nitrogen and halides influence tropospheric ozone and affect the stratosphere during extreme Pyrocumulonimbus (PyroCB) events. We report field‐derived N2O5 uptake coefficients, γ(N2O5), and ClNO2 yields, φ(ClNO2), from two aircraft campaigns observing fresh smoke in the lower and mid troposphere and processed/aged smoke in the upper troposphere and lower stratosphere (UTLS). Derived φ(ClNO2) varied across the full 0–1 range but was typically <0.5 and smallest in a PyroCB (<0.05). Derived γ(N2O5) was low in agricultural smoke (0.2–3.6 × 10−3), extremely low in mid‐tropospheric wildfire smoke (0.1 × 10−3), but larger in PyroCB processed smoke (0.7–5.0 × 10−3). Aged biomass burning aerosol in the UTLS had a higher γ(N2O5) of 17 × 10−3 that increased with sulfate and liquid water, but that was 1–2 orders of magnitude lower than values for aqueous sulfuric aerosol used in stratospheric models

    Schmelzviscositäten hochpolymerer Stoffe

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    Basic rheological concepts

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