14 research outputs found

    AmyloĂŻdosis, sarcoidosis and systemic lupus erythematosus

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    The occurrence of renal and multiple organ AmyloĂŻdosis is currently considered exceptional in the course of systemic lupus erythematosus. We report a case of a concomitant SLE and AmyloĂŻdosis in a 57 year old female patient with hypothyroidism history, who presented with erythema nodosum, fever, arthralgia and sicca syndrome. Biological findings showed an inflammatory syndrome, renal failure, proteinuria (1g / 24h), positive auto antibodies and anti DNA. Lung radiology revealed medistinal lymphadenopathy, pleural nodules, ground glass infiltrates and pleuritis. Bronchial biopsy showed non specific inflammation. The salivary gland biopsy showed amyloĂŻd deposits. This case report reminds us that lupus and AmyloĂŻdosis association, although exceptional remains possible. The occurrence of Lofgren syndrome in this situation make the originality of this report.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Systemic lupus erythematous revealed by cytomegalovirus infection

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    Cytomegalovirus (CMV) infection have been described as exacerbing systemic lupus erythematous (SLE). The role of CMV in starting off SLE remains object of debate. We report a severe presentation of SLE revealed by CMV infection with hemophogocytic syndrome. A 22 old women without a history of systemic disease developed a cutaneous eruption with fever and myalgia persistant for 2 weeks. Laboratory studies revealed a CMV serology supporting acute CMV infection, with positive antinuclear antidody, anti ds DNA, elevated liver functions tests, pancytopenia. Further exams revealed an hemophagocytic syndrome and a lupus nephritis. While receiving antiviral and corticosteroid therapy, the patient developed seizures related to a cerebral vasculitis. The outcome was favorable when intravenous immunoglobulins were associated. This observation showed that CMV infection in patients with SLE is often serious and difficult to diagnose and to treat, especially when SLE is not yet recognized. So we suggest all patients with recent SLE have routine testing for CMV immunity.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 2

    Tuberculose multifocale chez les immunocompétents

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    La tuberculose multifocale est dĂ©finie par la l’atteinte d’au moins deux sites extra-pulmonaires associĂ©e ou non Ă  une atteinte pulmonaire. On se propose d’étudier les diffĂ©rentes caractĂ©ristiques cliniques et Ă©volutives de la tuberculose multifocale Ă  travers une Ă©tude rĂ©trospective de 10 cas. Parmi 41 cas de tuberculose colligĂ©s entre 1999 et 2013. Dix patients avaient une tuberculose multifocale, soit 24% des patients . Il s’agissait de 9 femmes et 1 homme d’ñge moyen Ă  50 ans (30-68 ans). Nos patients Ă©taient tous correctement vaccinĂ©s par le BCG. Un bilan Ă  la recherche d’une Ă©ventuelle immunodĂ©pression fait pour tous les patients Ă©tait nĂ©gatif . Il s’agissait d’une tuberculose ganglionnaire dans 7 cas, digestive dans 3 cas, pĂ©ricardique dans 2 cas, ostĂ©o-articulaire dans 2 cas, cĂ©rĂ©brale dans 1 cas, urinaire dans 2 cas, uro-gĂ©nitale dans 4 cas, surrĂ©nalienne dans 1 cas, cutanĂ©e dans 1 cas et musculaire dans 1 cas. Tous nos patients ont bĂ©nĂ©ficiĂ© d’un traitement antituberculeux pour une durĂ©e moyenne de 10 mois avec bonne Ă©volution. La tuberculose multifocale est une des maladies Ă  diagnostic difficile. Elle peut toucher les immunocompĂ©tents mais son pronostic est souvent bon. Un traitement anti-tuberculeux doit ĂȘtre instaurĂ© le plus rapidement possible pour Ă©viter les sĂ©quelles.Pan African Medical Journal 2016; 24:1

    A Seropositive Nodular Rheumatoid Polyarthritis without Arthritis: Does It Exist?

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    The rheumatoid polyarthritis is the most frequent chronic polyarthritis. It affects essentially the woman between 40 and 60 years. Rheumatic subcutaneous nodules and tenosynovitis are usually associated with seropositive symptomatic rheumatoid polyarthritis. It is, however, rare that they constitute the essential clinical expression of the disease. In this case, it makes dispute another exceptional form of rheumatoid arthritis such as rheumatoid nodulosis. A 60-year-old woman was hospitalized for tumefaction of the dorsal face of the right hand evolving two months before. The clinical examination found subcutaneous nodules from which the exploration ended in rheumatoid nodules with tenosynovitis. The evolution after four years was favourable under corticosteroid therapy, methotrexate, and colchicine

    Cellulitis in aged persons: a neglected infection in the literature

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    Cellulitis is a frequent soft tissue and skin infection. The lower limbs are affected in 70 to 80% of cases. Cellulitis in aged persons is not yet well described in literature. A retrospective descriptive study conducted in the Internal Medicine Department of Sahloul hospital in Sousse in Tunisia. It included patients whose age was up to 65 years old admitted into hospital for cellulitis of the legs, the arms or the face. One hundred fifty eight patients with a mean age of 73 years old (range: 65 to 94 years old) were included. Female to male sex ratio was 0.68. Among them, we noted diabetes mellitus in 81 cases (50.6%). The infection was located in the lower limbs in 155 cases (98%), in the face in two cases (1.3%) and in the upper limb in one case (0.7%). Twenty one patients (13.3%) presented with severe cellulitis and one presented with necrotizing fasciitis. All patients received intra venous antibiotic therapy. Surgical treatment was indicated in 14 cases. Cefazolin was prescribed in 77 cases (48%). Favorable evolution was noted in 144 patients (91.1%). Forty four patients (27.8%) received prophylactic antibiotics. Prevention of skin and soft tissue infection is a crucial step to preserve health in aged persons.Keywords: Cellulitis, aged person, diabetes, necrotizing fasciitis, antibiotic, surger

    Nasal oral fistula revealing LangerhansÂŽ cell histiocytosis in adult patient: case report

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    Langerhans cell histiocytosis (LCH) is a rare systemic disease caused by proliferation of mature histiocytes; its association to histiocyto fibroma is rarely reported. It rarely affects adults. We report a case of systemic LCH, in an adult patient with osteolytic lesion causing a fistula between the left nasal cavity and hard palate, involving the bone, lung, lymph node and associated to multiple histiocyto fibroma. The patient was operating for a fistula, and he was treated by chemotherapy and corticosteroids. LangerhansÂŽ cell histiocytosis is a rare case, especially in adult patient. The diagnosis was based on histological and immunohistochemical analyses. This patient was treated by steroids and chemotherapy

    Oral Lichen Planus and Lichenoid Lesions in Sjogren’s Syndrome Patients: A Prospective Study

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    Objective. The aim of this study was to investigate the prevalence and characteristics of oral lichen planus (OLP) and oral lichenoid lesions (OLL) in Sjogren’s syndrome (SS) patients. Patients and Methods. A prospective clinical study was conducted at the Department of Oral Medicine and Oral Surgery in Sahloul Hospital, Sousse, from January 2012 to June 2018. The patients involved in this study were diagnosed with Sjogren’s syndrome according to the AECG (American-European consensus group) diagnostic criteria. Among these patients, we searched for those affected by OLP or OLL as determined by the WHO (World Health Organisation) classification of 2003. Clinical variables such as age, sex, medical conditions and medications, type of SS (primary or secondary), clinical form of OLP, and treatment were analyzed. The assessment of the results was performed using SPSS software. Results. We evaluated 30 patients (27 females and 3 males) diagnosed with SS (24 had primary SS) with a mean age of 55 years and 11 months (±11,714). Overall, 9 patients had oral lesions (30%). Two patients had OLP associated with secondary SS (25%). Primary Sjogren’s syndrome patients had 6 OLP lesions and one erythematous lichenoid lesion. OLP was erosive in eight patients, among them two had vulvo-vaginal-gingival syndrome. OLP lesions showed improvement in symptoms after topical or general corticosteroids treatment, while OLL showed improvement only under antibiotic treatment. Conclusion. The results of our analysis suggest that patients with SS have 30% prevalence of OLP and OLL. This possible association shows the importance of screening for oral dryness in patients with OLP or OLL. Treatment includes topical or general corticosteroids for erosive forms associated or not with topical antifungal treatment to treat or prevent oral candidiasis