11 research outputs found

    Measurement of Conductivity and Charge Storage in Insulators Related to Spacecraft Charging

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    Improved experimental methods are discussed for laboratory measurement of conductivity and electric field in insulating spacecraft material intended for space radiation and plasma environments. These measurement techniques investigate the following features: 1) Measurements of conductivity are up to four orders of magnitude smaller than those determined by existing standard methods. 2) Conductivity is altered as radiation accumulates and trapping states fill with electrons. 3) With intense keV electron irradiation, electrons are continually emitted for hours from the irradiated surface after the irradiation ceases. 4) Charging induced by electron irradiation is strongly modified by the electron-hole pairs that the irradiation generates in the insulator. 5) High field effects at 106 V/cm act strongly on the electron-hole pairs and on electrons in shallow traps to provide extended conductivity. 6) The capacitance of the sample can be measured in the same apparatus along with the other testing. 7) Visible light can be used to investigate conduction by electrons (or holes) emitted from shallow trapping levels. The qualitative physics of such processes in solid dielectrics has long been known, and instrumentation is developed here for measuring the effects in practical spacecraft charging applications

    Experimentally Derived Resistivity for Dielectric Samples From the CRRES Internal Discharge Monitor

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    Resistivity values were experimentally determined using charge storage methods for six samples remaining from the construction of the Internal Discharge Monitor (IDM) flown on the Combined Release and Radiation Effects Satellite (CRRES). Three tests were performed over a period of four to five weeks each in a vacuum of ~5×10-6 torr with an average temperature of ~25 ºC to simulate a space environment. Samples tested included FR4, PTFE, and alumina with copper electrodes attached to one or more of the sample surfaces. FR4 circuit board material was found to have a dark current resistivity of ~1×1018 Ω-cm and a moderately high polarization current. Fiber filled PTFE exhibited little polarization current and a dark current resistivity of ~3×1020 Ω-cm. Alumina had a measured dark current resistivity of ~3·1017 Ω-cm, with a very large and more rapid polarization. Experimentally determined resistivity values were two to three orders of magnitude more than found using standard ASTM test methods. The one minute wait time suggested for the standard ASTM tests is much shorter than the measured polarization current decay times for each sample indicating that the primary currents used to determine ASTM resistivity are caused by the polarization of molecules in the applied electric field rather than charge transport through the bulk of the dielectric. Testing over much longer periods of time in vacuum is required to allow this polarization current to decay away and to allow the observation of charged particles transport through a dielectric material. Application of a simple physics-based model allows separation of the polarization current and dark current components from long duration measurements of resistivity over day- to month-long time scales. Model parameters are directly related to the magnitude of charge transfer and storage and the rate of charge transport

    Methods For High Resistivity Measurements Related To Spacecraft Charging

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    A key parameter in modeling differential spacecraft charging is the resistivity of insulating materials. This parameter determines how charge will accumulate and redistribute across the spacecraft, as well as the time scale for charge transport and dissipation. ASTM constant voltage methods are shown to provide inaccurate resistivity measurements for materials with resistivities greater than ~1017 Ω-cm or with long polarization decay times such as are found in many polymers. These data have been shown to often be inappropriate for spacecraft charging applications, and have been found to underestimate charging effects by one to four orders of magnitude for many materials. The charge storage decay method is shown to be the preferred method to determine the resistivities of such highly insulating materials. A review is presented of methods to measure the resistivity of highly insulating materials—including the electrometer-resistance method, the electrometer-constant voltage method, and the charge storage method. The different methods are found to be appropriate for different resistivity ranges and for different charging circumstances. A simple, macroscopic, physics-based model of these methods allows separation of the polarization current and dark current components from long duration measurements of resistivity over day- to month-long time scales. Model parameters are directly related to the magnitude of charge transfer and storage and the rate of charge transport. The model largely explains the observed differences in resistivity found using the different methods and provides a framework for recommendations for the appropriate test method for spacecraft materials with different resistivities and applications

    Proposed Modifications to Engineering Design Guidelines Related to Resistivity Measurements and Spacecraft Charging

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    A key parameter in modeling differential spacecraft charging is the resistivity of insulating materials. This determines how charge will accumulate and redistribute across the spacecraft, as well as the time scale for charge transport and dissipation. Existing spacecraft charging guidelines recommend use of tests and imported resistivity data from handbooks that are based principally upon ASTM methods that are more applicable to classical ground conditions and designed for problems associated with power loss through the dielectric, than for how long charge can be stored on an insulator. These data have been found to underestimate charging effects by one to four orders of magnitude for spacecraft charging applications. A review is presented of methods to measure the resistive of highly insulating materials, including the electrometer-resistance method, the electrometer-constant voltage method, the voltage rate-of-change method and the charge storage method. This is based on joint experimental studies conducted at NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory and Utah State University to investigate the charge storage method and its relation to spacecraft charging. The different methods are found to be appropriate for different resistivity ranges and for different charging circumstances. A simple physics-based model of these methods allows separation of the polarization current and dark current components from long duration measurements of resistivity over day- to month-long time scales. Model parameters are directly related to the magnitude of charge transfer and storage and the rate of charge transport. The model largely explains the observed differences in resistivity found using the different methods and provides a framework for recommendations for the appropriate test method for spacecraft materials with different resistivities and applications. The proposed changes to the existing engineering guidelines are intended to provide design engineers more appropriate methods for consideration and measurements of resistivity for many typical spacecraft charging scenarios

    A Study of Spacecraft Charging Due to Exposure to Interplanetary Protons

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    Long life spacecraft may be exposed to one or more major solar storms during the mission lifespan. This research task was undertaken to determine the risk to long duration interplanetary spacecraft from spacecraft charging due to exposure to solar energetic protons

    Test Protocol for Charge Storage Methods

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