3,732 research outputs found

    Studies of Birds and Mammals in the Baird and Schwatka Mountains, Alaska

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    In 1963 a joint University of Alaska-Smithsonian Institution crew worked at five locations in the Baird and Schwatka mountains in northwestern Alaska, conducting an ecological reconnaissance and faunal and floral inventory. Standard methods of observation and collection were used. Camps in the Kobuk drainage were located in the Redstone River valley and at Walker Lake, both on the margin of the taiga. The Noatak valley was represented by one camp each in the lower, middle, and upper reaches of the river, all in tundra. A summary of pre-1963 ornithological work in the region is presented. Significant records of distribution and/or breeding were obtained for the following birds: Podiceps grisegena, Anas platyrhynchos, Aythya valisineria, Histrionicus histrionicus, Melanitta perspicillata, Mergus merganser, Aphrizia virgata, Bartramia longicauda, Actitis macularia, Tringa flavipes, Phalaropus fuficarius, Lobipes lobatus, Larus hyperboreus,Xema sabini, Sayornis saya, Nuttalornis borealis, Eremophilia alpestris, Tachycineta thalassina, Riparia riparia, Petrochelidon pyrrhonota, Phylloscopus borealis, Dendroica petechia, Leucosticte tephrocotis, Zonotrichia atricapilla, Calcarius pictus; and the mammal, Spermophilus undulatus. Good series of Cletihrionomys rutilius (350) and Microtus miurus (147) have been deposited in the University of Alaska Museum. Severe doubt has been raised regarding the validity of the standard three-night trap grid for population estimation under wet conditions in arctic areas

    Control integration concept for hypersonic cruise-turn maneuvers

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    Piloting difficulties associated with conducting aircraft maneuvers in hypersonic flight are caused in part by the nonintuitive nature of the aircraft response and the stringent constraints anticipated on allowable angle of attack and dynamic pressure variations. An approach is documented that provides precise, coordinated maneuver control during excursions from a hypersonic cruise flight path and the necessary flight condition constraints. The approach is to achieve specified guidance commands by resolving altitude and cross range errors into a load factor and bank angle command by using a coordinate transformation that acts as an interface between outer and inner loop flight controls. This interface, referred to as a 'resolver', applies constraints on angle of attack and dynamic pressure perturbations while prioritizing altitude regulation over cross range. An unpiloted test simulation, in which the resolver was used to drive inner loop flight controls, produced time histories of responses to guidance commands and atmospheric disturbances at Mach numbers of 6, 10, 15, and 20. Angle of attack and throttle perturbation constraints, combined with high speed flight effects and the desire to maintain constant dynamic pressure, significantly impact the maneuver envelope for a hypersonic vehicle

    Productivity of Florida Springs: Second annual report to Biology Branch, Office of Naval Research progress from January 1 to December 31, 1954

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    Production measurements at different times of the year indicate a linear relationship of light intensity and overall production at about 8% of the visible light energy reaching plant level. Measurements of a coral reef at Eniwetok indicate 6%. Further evidence of breeding at all seasons but with a quantitative pulse in the seasons of maximum light indicates that the seasonal fluctuation in primary production is routed through reproduction rather than through major changes in populations. The succession of plants and anmals of the aufwuchs has been shown with glass slides and counts from Sagittaria blades. Losss of oxygen bubbles during the day and emergence of aquatic insects at night have been measured with funnels. Bell jar measurements are reported for bacterial metabolism on mud surfaces. pH determined CO2 uptake agrees with titration determinations. A few rough estimates of herbivore production have been made from caged snails, aufwuchs succession, and fish tagging. Nitrate uptake a night by aufwuchs communities has been confirmed in a circulating microcosm experiment as well as in bell jars in the springs. Distributions of oxygen and organisms have been used to criticize the saprobe stream classification system. Theoretical consideration of maximum photosynthetic rates in teh literature data indicates logarithmic rate variation inversely with organismal size just as for respiratory metabolism. Extreme pyramid shapes are thus shown for communities in which organismal size decreases up the food chain and for other communities with the same energy influx but with organismal size increasing up the food chain. Literature data is used to further demonstrate the validity of the optimum efficiency-maximum power principle for photosynthesis. Work on plants by Dr. Delle Natelson indicates essential stability of aquatic plant communities after 3 years and about 10-20% reproducibility in previous biomass estimates by Davis. Work on an animal picture of the fishery characteristics by Caldwell, Barry, and Odum is half completed. The study of aquatic insects in relationship to spring gradients by W.C. Sloan has been completed an an M.S. thesis. J. Yount has begun a study of affect of total productivity on community composition using aufwuchs organisms on glass slides placed in different current and light conditions in Silver Springs. (49pp.

    Brief of Kaiser Permanente as Amicus Curiae in Support of Petitioners

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    Brief of Amici Curiae ("friend of the court") submitted by Kaiser Permanente in support of petitioners on petition for a Writ of Certiorari (No. 11-725

    The Importance Of Female Choice: Evolutionary Perspectives On Constraints, Expressions, And Variations

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    This chapter introduces the reader to some of the influential perspectives on female mate choice in human evolutionary biology, including parental investment theory. We then present two key theories in evolutionary psychology that have been applied to understand variations in women’s mating preferences and choices: sexual strategies theory and strategic pluralism theory. Although the importance of female choice has gained widespread acceptance in the biological sciences, the influence that female choice has on mating systems can be limited by many factors, such as control over mating decisions by parents and men’s control over women’s sexuality. Despite these constraints on female choice, women are able to exercise their mate preferences through extramarital affairs and influencing parental attempts to arrange marriages.https://digitalcommons.chapman.edu/psychology_books/1015/thumbnail.jp

    Collagen Fibrillogenesis in Tissues, in Solution and from Modeling: A Synthesis

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    Collagen fibril formation has been studied in tissues by light and electron microscopy; in solution by light scattering and microscopy; and from modeling based on the amino acid sequence of type I collagen. Taken together these studies indicate that collagen fibril assembly involves a stepwise formation of intermediate aggregates in which each intermediate is formed from earlier aggregates. In this sequence, monomeric collagen contributes only to the formation of early aggregates; and fibrils grow in length by the addition of intermediate aggregates to the end of a subfibril and in width by lateral wrapping of subfibrils. Modeling based on amino acid sequence data of possible intermolecular charge-charge interactions indicate 2 different kinds, one which promotes linear aggregation and the other which promotes lateral aggregation. The effects of different colla-gens and coprecipitants such as glycoproteins and proteoglycans can begin to be explained by their influence on the character of intermediate subassemblies. Ultrastructural data from 2 tissues, embryonic cornea and tendon, indicate that the site of fibril growth and assembly is at the cell surface

    NF96-269 Chiggers

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    This NebFact has information on chiggers

    G94-1210 Borers of Shade Trees and Ornamental Plants

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    This publication describes the important shade tree and ornamental borers in Nebraska and discusses their management. Nearly all shade trees are subject to borer attack. If damage is severe, young trees are likely to decline or die

    G94-1210 Borers of Shade Trees and Ornamental Plants

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    This publication describes the important shade tree and ornamental borers in Nebraska and discusses their management. Nearly all shade trees are subject to borer attack. If damage is severe, young trees are likely to decline or die
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