612 research outputs found

    Notierungen zum Stichwort "TA-Netzwerke"

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    Astronomical calibration of the geological timescale: closing the middle Eocene gap

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    To explore cause and consequences of past climate change, very accurate age models such as those provided by the astronomical timescale (ATS) are needed. Beyond 40 million years the accuracy of the ATS critically depends on the correctness of orbital models and radioisotopic dating techniques. Discrepancies in the age dating of sedimentary successions and the lack of suitable records spanning the middle Eocene have prevented development of a continuous astronomically calibrated geological timescale for the entire Cenozoic Era. We now solve this problem by constructing an independent astrochronological stratigraphy based on Earth's stable 405 kyr eccentricity cycle between 41 and 48 million years ago (Ma) with new data from deep-sea sedimentary sequences in the South Atlantic Ocean. This new link completes the Paleogene astronomical timescale and confirms the intercalibration of radioisotopic and astronomical dating methods back through the Paleocene–Eocene Thermal Maximum (PETM, 55.930 Ma) and the Cretaceous–Paleogene boundary (66.022 Ma). Coupling of the Paleogene 405 kyr cyclostratigraphic frameworks across the middle Eocene further paves the way for extending the ATS into the Mesozoic

    Evidence for vivianite formation and its contribution to long-term phosphorus retention in a recent lake sediment: a novel analytical approach

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    Vivianite, Fe3(PO4)2 · 8 H2O, is a ferrous iron phosphate mineral which forms in waterlogged soils and sediments. The phosphorus (P) bound in its crystal lattice is considered to be immobilised because vivianite is stable under anoxic, reducing, sedimentary conditions. Thus, vivianite formation can make a major contribution to P retention during early diagenesis. Much remains unknown about vivianite in sediments, because technical challenges have rendered direct identification and quantification difficult. To identify vivianite and assess its significance for P burial during early diagenesis we studied the consequences of a 1992/1993 in-lake application of FeCl3 and Fe(OH)3 aimed at restoring Lake Groß-Glienicke (Berlin, Germany). In a novel approach, we firstly applied a heavy-liquid separation to the iron-rich surface sediments which allowed direct identification of vivianite by X-ray diffraction in the high-density (ρ > 2.3 g cm−3) sediment fraction. Secondly, we assessed the contribution of vivianite to P retention, combining results from chemical digestion with magnetic susceptibility data derived from magnetic hysteresis measurements. Scanning electron microscopy revealed that the dark blue spherical vivianite nodules were 40–180 μm in diameter, and formed of platy- and needle-shaped crystal aggregates. Although equilibrium calculations indicated supersaturation of vivianite throughout the upper 30 cm of the sediment, the vivianite deposits were homogeneously distributed within, and restricted to, the upper 23 cm only. Thus, supersaturated pore water alone cannot serve as a reliable predictor for the in situ formation of vivianite. In Lake Groß -Glienicke, vivianite formation continues to be triggered by the artificial iron amendment more than 20 yr ago, significantly contributing to P retention in surface sediments

    Orientierungsprobleme der Risikoforschung im Konfliktfeld von Wissenschaft und Öffentlichkeit

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    Serpentinization-Driven H2 Production From Continental Break-Up to Mid-Ocean Ridge Spreading: Unexpected High Rates at the West Iberia Margin

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    Molecular hydrogen (H2) released during serpentinization of mantle rocks is one of the main fuels for chemosynthetic life. Processes of H2 production at slow-spreading mid-ocean ridges (MORs) have received much attention in the past. Less well understood is serpentinization at passive continental margins where different rock types are involved (lherzolite instead of harzburgite/dunite at MORs) and the alteration temperatures tend to be lower (<200°C vs. >200°C). To help closing this knowledge gap we investigated drill core samples from the West Iberia margin. Lherzolitic compositions and spinel geochemistry indicate that the exhumed peridotites resemble sub-continental lithospheric mantle. The rocks are strongly serpentinized, mainly consist of serpentine with little magnetite, and are generally brucite-free. Serpentine can be uncommonly Fe-rich, with XMg = Mg/(Mg + Fe) < 0.8, and shows distinct compositional trends toward a cronstedtite endmember. Bulk rock and silicate fraction Fe(III)/∑Fe ratios are 0.6–0.92 and 0.58–0.8, respectively; our data show that 2/3 of the ferric Fe is accounted for by Fe(III)-serpentine. Mass balance and thermodynamic calculations suggest that the sample’s initial serpentinization produced ∼120 to >300 mmol H2 per kg rock. The cold, late-stage weathering of the serpentinites at the seafloor caused additional H2 formation. These results suggest that the H2 generation potential evolves during the transition from continental break-up to ultraslow and, eventually, slow MOR spreading. Metamorphic phase assemblages systematically vary between these settings, which has consequences for H2 yields during serpentinization. At magma-poor rifted margins and ultraslow-spreading MORs, serpentine hosts most Fe(III). Hydrogen yields of 120 to >300 mmol and 50–150 mmol H2 per kg rock, respectively, may be expected at temperatures of <200°C. At slow-spreading MORs, in contrast, serpentinization may produce 200–350 mmol H2, most of which is related to magnetite formation at >200°C. Since, in comparison to slow-spreading MORs, geothermal gradients at magma-poor margins and ultraslow-spreading MORs are lower, larger volumes of low-temperature serpentinite should form in these settings. Serpentinization of lherzolitic rocks at magma-poor margins should produce particularly high amounts of H2 under conditions within the habitable zone. Magma-poor margins may hence be more relevant environments for hydrogenotrophic microbial life than previously thought

    A New Grounding-line Proximal Sedimentary Record from Inner Pine Island Bay

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    Pine Island Glacier (PIG) is one of the fastest changing ice streams of the West Antarctic Ice Sheet. Its ice shelf underwent major calving events throughout recent years. The main factor for the considerable mass loss of PIG is sub-ice shelf melting caused by the advection of warm deep water into Pine Island Bay on the shelf of the southeastern Amundsen Sea Embayment (ASE). Unique ice conditions during expedition PS104 with RV “Polarstern” to the ASE in February-March 2017 allowed to recover a 7.59 m-gravity core in an area that had been covered by the PIG ice shelf until 2015. The sediment core PS104_008-2 was taken at a water depth of 698 m near the eastern margin of the ice shelf. The new sedimentological data from the core will provide insights into sub-ice shelf environmental conditions and the Holocene history of meltwater plume deposition and oceanic ice-shelf melting. We will present results of our new multi-proxy study, including down-core lithological changes, grain size distribution and excess 210Pb data. Occasional occurrence of calcareous benthic foraminifera shells in the lower part of the core will allow the application of radiocarbon dating. Coupled with the excess 210Pb data, the AMS 14C ages will provide constraints on sub-ice shelf sediment accumulation rates and the discharge rates of subglacial meltwater plumes