15 research outputs found
Resistance to anthracnose in narrow-leafed lupin (Lupinus angustifolius L.): sources of resistance and development of molecular markers
Zuchtlinien und Genbankakzessionen der Blauen Lupine wurden unter Anwendung eines zuverlässigen und standardisierten Resistenztests unter Gewächshausbedingungen auf Anthraknose-Resistenz evaluiert. Während alle getesteten deutschen Blaulupinensorten sich als anfällig erwiesen, konnten zwei Zuchtlinien mit hoher Widerstandsfähigkeit gegenüber Colletotrichum lupini identifiziert werden. Eine dieser Linien wurde bislang im Feldversuch getestet, wo sich ihre hohe Resistenz bestätigte. Es wurde mit dem Aufbau von F2-Kartierungspopulationen für die genetische Analyse dieser möglicherweise neuen Anthraknose-Resistenz begonnen. Für die Kartierungsarbeiten stehen vor allem 150 genbasierte molekulare Marker der University of Western Australia zur Verfügung. Darüber hinaus werden die Genomdaten der leguminosen Modellgenome von Medicago truncatula und Lotus japonicus für die Entwicklung zusätzlicher molekularer Marker in der Blauen Lupine genutzt.Breeding lines and genebank accessions were screened for novel anthracnose resistances by use of a reliable and standardized resistance test under greenhouse conditions. While all the German cultivars tested proved to be susceptible, two breeding lines were identified which displayed strong resistance to Colletotrichum lupini. One of these was subsequently tested in the field and strong resistance could be confirmed. F2 populations for the mapping of the potentially novel resistances were started to be set up. For mapping purposes, 150 gene-based molecular markers provided by M. Nelson (University of Western Australia, Perth) are being used. Sequence information from the Medicago truncatula and Lotus japonicus genomes is also addressed to develop additional molecular markers in narrow-leafed lupin
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Policy Paper 12: U.S. Intervention in Ethnic Conflict
Transnational ethnic conflict is a major source of violence and instability in the contemporary international system. It is too early to tell whether this threat will prove to be a transitory consequence of the collapse of multinational states, such as the Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia, or will become a defining characteristic of post-Cold War world politics. In either case, recent instances of ethnic strife in Bosnia, Chechnya, Rwanda and the Kurdish area of northern Iraq remind us that ethnic conflicts will pose continuing problems for U.S. foreign policy
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Policy Paper 12: U.S. Intervention in Ethnic Conflict
Transnational ethnic conflict is a major source of violence and instability in the contemporary international system. It is too early to tell whether this threat will prove to be a transitory consequence of the collapse of multinational states, such as the Soviet Union and the former Yugoslavia, or will become a defining characteristic of post-Cold War world politics. In either case, recent instances of ethnic strife in Bosnia, Chechnya, Rwanda and the Kurdish area of northern Iraq remind us that ethnic conflicts will pose continuing problems for U.S. foreign policy