29 research outputs found

    Non \ue8 pi\uf9 quella di una volta. La mafia e le attivit\ue0 estorsive in Sicilia

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    Il volume presenta i risultati di una ricerca volta alla descrizione dei fenomeni estorsivi e della loro intensit\ue0 in Sicilia, raccontando, sulla base di appositi parametri oggettivi e di valutazioni soggettive degli esponenti del mondo delle associazioni e delle forze dell\u2019ordine, le aree pi\uf9 esposte, quelle meno esposte, quelle dove i fenomeni hanno una rilevanza residuale, in una fase in cui i sodalizi mafiosi sono sempre pi\uf9 pressati dall\u2019azione di contrasto. Per raggiungere questo obiettivo ci si \ue8 avvalsi di strumenti qualitativi e dati quantitativi, approfondendo l\u2019analisi delle trasformazioni delle condotte estorsive durante la crisi, concentrandosi in modo specifico su casi emersi nell\u2019ambito di recenti inchieste giudiziarie. Il libro ricostruisce anche la prospettiva e le difficolt\ue0 di alcuni imprenditori siciliani che, dopo aver pagato il pizzo, hanno scelto di denunciare i propri estorsori e di collaborare con le istituzioni

    Promoting the Flexibility of Thermal Prosumers Equipped with Heat Pumps to Support Power Grid Management

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    The increasing share of renewable energy sources in energy systems will lead to unpredictable moments of surplus/deficit in energy production. To address this issue, users with heat pumps can provide support to power grid operators through flexible unit operation achieved via Demand Response programs. For buildings connected to low-temperature heating networks with ensured third-party access, further room for flexibility can be explored by investigating the production of surplus heat that can be sold to the network. A key aspect lies in the identification of the energy pricing options that could encourage such flexible operation of a heat pump by “thermal prosumers”. To this aim, the present study investigates the impact of ad hoc variations in the electricity purchasing price through discounts or penalties included in the “network cost” component of the price on cost-effective operation of a heat pump connected to the thermal network. To discuss the effects of different pricing options in terms of increased flexibility, an office building located in Italy and equipped with a high-temperature heat pump is adopted as the case study. A heuristic profit-oriented management strategy of the heat pump is assumed, and dynamic simulations are performed. The results indicate that at current electricity prices, the heat pump operation is profitable both when supplying the heat to meet the building’s requirements and when producing surplus heat for sale to the thermal network. In addition, it is revealed that the penalties applied to the electricity purchasing price are effective in encouraging changes in the heat pump operation strategy, reducing its average production (the building increasingly relying on buying heat from the network) and the associated electricity consumption by 46.0% and 79.7% in the “light” and “severe” local power deficit scenarios, respectively

    Le scienze sociali e la Terza missione delle università

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    Alcune riflessioni sull'impatto delle scienze sociali sulla Terza Missione delle Universit

    Adsorption performance and thermodynamic analysis of SAPO-34 silicone composite foams for adsorption heat pump applications

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    Abstract In the present work, adsorption performances of an innovative composite adsorber, based on SAPO-34-silicone composite macro-cellular foams, are reported. The choice of a foamed structure was assessed to improve the water vapor access towards the embedded zeolite keeping good adsorption heat pump dynamic performance. Depending on zeolite amount used as filler, zeolite/silicone foams evidenced a soft and open cell configuration (low zeolite content) or rigid and closed one (high zeolite content). Morphological analysis evidenced that the cellular structure of the foam is homogeneous and well distributed along the foam cross section. Adsorption tests showed that the adsorbent foamed samples have very effective adsorption capabilities indicating that the porous structure of the filled pure zeolite was not obstructed. SAPO-34 filler contributed actively, with an efficiency above 90%, to the adsorption performances of the composite foam. Starting from experimental equilibrium data, a simple thermodynamic analysis based on energy balances was carried out for air conditioning application. Results of the analysis demonstrated that foam technology can guarantee cooling COP up to 7% higher than that estimated for the typical adsorber solution based on loose adsorbent grains inside an aluminum finned-flat tube heat exchanger, which is very promising for practical application in adsorption heat pumps

    Cementitious composite materials for thermal energy storage applications: a preliminary characterization and theoretical analysis

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    The lack of robust and low-cost sorbent materials still represents a formidable technological barrier for long-term storage of (renewable) thermal energy and more generally for Adsorptive Heat Transformations—AHT. In this work, we introduce a novel approach for synthesizing cement-based composite sorbent materials. In fact, considering the number of available hygrosopic salts that can be accommodated into a cementitious matrix—whose morphological properties can be also fine-tuned—the new proposed in situ synthesis paves the way to the generation of an entire new class of possible sorbents for AHT. Here, solely focusing on magnesium sulfate in a class G cement matrix, we show preliminary morphological, mechanical and calorimetric characterization of sub-optimal material samples. Our analysis enables us to theoretically estimate one of the most important figures of merit for the considered applications, namely the energy density which was found to range within 0.088–0.2 GJ/m3 (for the best tested sample) under reasonable operating conditions for space heating applications and temperate climate. The above estimates are found to be lower than other composite materials in the literature. Nonetheless, although no special material optimization has been implemented, our samples already compare favourably with most of the known materials in terms of specific cost of stored energy. Finally, an interesting aspect is found in the ageing tests under water sorption-desorption cycling, where a negligible variation in the adsorption capability is demonstrated after over one-hundred cycles

    Economia, organizzazioni criminali e corruzione

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    L\u2019economia \ue8 la scienza che osserva il comportamento umano di fronte alla scarsit\ue0; e la corruzione \ue8 assai spesso la strada pi\uf9 redditizia per procurarsi risorse scarse. L\u2019organizzazione \ue8 la scienza che studia le forme razionali di divisione e coordinamento del lavoro umano; e la corruzione ha bisogno del supporto di forme efficaci di organizzazione del lavoro umano, legale o criminale che sia, per essere realizzata. L\u2019analisi dei saggi contenuti nel volume sostiene la tesi che tra il fenomeno della corruzione e i fenome- ni economici e organizzativi ci siano relazioni intense. Gli autori dei con- tributi sono economisti, sociologi, aziendalisti, giuristi, storici e statistici. Il lettore pertanto potr\ue0 farsi un\u2019idea del fenomeno della corruzione attingen- do a prospettive di analisi assai diverse tra di loro

    Giovani e legalitĂ  in tempo di pandemia

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    This volume focuses on subjects and data analysed from different perspectives in the light of the health emergency. An emergency which has prompted everyone not only to deal with medical, biological or statistical information (dynamics of contagions, increase in contagions, immune response, effectiveness of vaccines, etc.), but also with the processes of producing of norms, rules and regulations to be interpreted and assessed, as well as with the modification of the spaces of freedom of individuals and organisations

    Introduzione a: Giovani e legalitĂ  in tempo di pandemia

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    Introduction to the book: Giovani e legalitĂ  in tempo di pandemi