25 research outputs found

    MOSAiC goes O2A - Arctic Expedition Data Flow from Observations to Archives

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    During the largest polar expedition in history starting in September 2019, the German research icebreaker Polarstern spends a whole year drifting with the ice through the Arctic Ocean. The MOSAiC expedition takes the closest look ever at the Arctic even throughout the polar winter to gain fundamental insights and most unique on-site data for a better understanding of global climate change. Hundreds of researchers from 20 countries are involved. Scientists will use the in situ gathered data instantaneously in near-real time modus as well as long afterwards all around the globe taking climate research to a completely new level. Hence, proper data management, sampling strategies beforehand, and monitoring actual data flow as well as processing, analysis and sharing of data during and long after the MOSAiC expedition are the most essential tools for scientific gain and progress. To prepare for that challenge we adapted and integrated the research data management framework O2A “Data flow from Observations to Archives” to the needs of the MOSAiC expedition on board Polarstern as well as on land for data storage and access at the Alfred Wegener Institute Computing and Data Center in Bremerhaven, Germany. Our O2A-framework assembles a modular research infrastructure comprising a collection of tools and services. These components allow researchers to register all necessary sensor metadata beforehand linked to automatized data ingestion and to ensure and monitor data flow as well as to process, analyze, and publish data to turn the most valuable and uniquely gained arctic data into scientific outcomes. The framework further allows for the integration of data obtained with discrete sampling devices into the data flow. These requirements have led us to adapt the generic and cost-effective framework O2A to enable, control, and access the flow of sensor observations to archives in a cloud-like infrastructure on board Polarstern and later on to land based repositories for international availability. Major roadblocks of the MOSAiC-O2A data flow framework are (i) the increasing number and complexity of research platforms, devices, and sensors, (ii) the heterogeneous interdisciplinary driven requirements towards, e. g., satellite data, sensor monitoring, in situ sample collection, quality assessment and control, processing, analysis and visualization, and (iii) the demand for near real time analyses on board as well as on land with limited satellite bandwidth. The key modules of O2A's digital research infrastructure established by AWI are implementing the FAIR principles: SENSORWeb, to register sensor applications and sampling devices and capture controlled meta data before and alongside any measurements in the field Data ingest, allowing researchers to feed data into storage systems and processing pipelines in a prepared and documented way, at best in controlled near real-time data streams Dashboards allowing researchers to find and access data and share and collaborate among partners Workspace enabling researchers to access and use data with research software utilizing a cloud-based virtualized infrastructure that allows researchers to analyze massive amounts of data on the spot Archiving and publishing data via repositories and Digital Object Identifiers (DOI

    Selbstständiges Lernen in der Schule

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    Die jährlich stattfindenden öffentlichen Foren der Arbeitsstelle Gymnasiale Oberstufe (ARGOS), einer Einrichtung des Fachbereichs Erziehungswissenschaft/Humanwissenschaften der Universität Kassel, stellen Beiträge zur Schul- und Unterrichtsentwicklung dar. Sie thematisieren jeweils Fragestellungen, die im Zentrum der notwendigen Veränderungen von Schule stehen. In gewisser Weise respondiert das fünfte Forum auf die internationalen Vergleichsstudien TIMSS und PISA. Denn diese haben mit ihren für die Bundesrepublik Deutschland vernichtenden Ergebnissen die – auch schon zuvor bekannten – Schwächen des deutschen Bildungswesens in die Kritik und in die öffentliche Diskussion gebracht. Zugleich haben sie mit großer Deutlichkeit aufgewiesen, dass sich alle Schulformen und -stufen verstärkt um die Förderung der Selbstständigkeit ihrer Schülerinnen und Schüler bemühen müssen. Das fünfte ARGOS-Forum hat diese Herausforderung aufgegriffen und zum Thema gemacht. Das vorliegende Heft dokumentiert dieses Forum. Seine Texte stellen die überarbeitete und erweiterte Fassung der Forums-Beiträge dar. (DIPF/Orig.

    TRAIL/NF-κB/CX3CL1 Mediated Onco-Immuno Crosstalk Leading to TRAIL Resistance of Pancreatic Cancer Cell Lines

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    Pancreatic ductal adenocarcinoma (PDAC) is one of the most lethal malignant neoplasms and registers rising death rates in western countries. Due to its late detection in advanced stages, its extremely aggressive nature and the minimal effectiveness of currently available therapies, PDAC is a challenging problem in the clinical field. One characteristic of PDAC is a distinct desmoplasia consisting of fibroblasts, endothelial and immune cells as well as non-cellular components, contributing to therapy resistance. It is well established that the NF-κB signaling pathway controls inflammation, cancer progression and apoptosis resistance in PDAC. This study attempts to identify NF-κB target genes mediating therapy resistance of humane PDAC cell lines towards death ligand induced apoptosis. By using a genome wide unbiased approach the chemokine CX3CL1 was established as a central NF-κB target gene mediating therapy resistance. While no direct impact of CX3CL1 expression on cancer cell apoptosis was identified in co-culture assays it became apparent that CX3CL1 is acting in a paracrine fashion, leading to an increased recruitment of inflammatory cells. These inflammatory cells in turn mediate apoptosis resistance of PDAC cells. Therefore, our data dissect a bifunctional cross-signaling pathway in PDAC between tumor and immune cells giving rise to therapy resistance

    Der Bologna-Prozess und die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer trinationalen Studie

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    Schäfer E, Bredl K, Holzer D, Jütte W, Schilling A. Der Bologna-Prozess und die wissenschaftliche Weiterbildung - Ausgewählte Ergebnisse einer trinationalen Studie. In: Gützkow F, Quaißer G, eds. Jahrbuch Hochschule gestalten 2006. Denkanstöße zum Lebenslangen Lernen. Jahrbuch Hochschule gestalten. Vol 2006. Bielefeld: UVW, Webler; 2007: 51-68

    Evaluation of New Colorimetric Vitek 2 Yeast Identification Card by Use of Different Source Media ▿

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    The new colorimetric Vitek 2 YST card was evaluated for identification of yeasts (136 strains) with respect to the influence of different source media. The Vitek 2 YST card achieved satisfactory results for all yeast species tested, with the exception of Candida guilliermondii, Candida norvegensis, Candida parapsilosis, Candida rugosa, and Candida tropicalis. After simple additional tests, 93.7% of all the strains tested were correctly identified. A significant influence of the isolation medium on the identification rate could not be observed

    Potential analysis for patient education in acute non-specific low back pain / Potenzialanalyse zur Patienten/-innenedukation bei akuten unspezifischen lumbalen Rückenschmerzen

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    Recent health insurance statistics show that low back pain (LBP) takes the first place in individual diagnoses according to sick leave statistics. As stated by the German back pain study of 2003/2006, long-term prevalence amounts to a total of 74 % to 85 %. In the case of acute unspecific LRS guidelines, recommend the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs and patient education in order to motivate the patient to retain an active lifestyle, to stay physically active and to inform the patient about the background of the symptoms. Studies about the current medical supply situation in Germany show injections and passive therapy methods are part of the standard care, whereas educational measures are generally not applied