16 research outputs found

    Regio- and stereoselective studies of nucleophilic addition reactions to small ring systems and their application to the synthesis of valuable glycoconjugates

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    Carbohydrate chemistry currently constitutes a “multifaceted” discipline which is strongly connected with both organic and medicinal chemistry. Carbohydrates are important biomolecules whose role is not only limited to energy storage, since they are constituents of glycoproteins, glycolipids, and other conjugates involved in important signaling and structural functions. Recently, studies in our laboratory have indicated α and β vinyl epoxides- and vinyl aziridines-glycal derived as excellent glycosyl donors able to give the corresponding 2,3-unsaturated- β− and α-O-glycosides, respectively, in a new, completely 1,4-regioselective, stereospecific, uncatalyzed and directly substrate-dependent glycosylation process. On these bases, we focused our attention on carbasugars and we moved towards enantioselective synthesis of α and β vinyl epoxides that are the carba analogues of glycal-derived α and β vinyl epoxides and the corresponding N-nosyl aziridines. Studies on reactivity and selectivity in nucleophilic addition reaction of these oxirane systems and elaboration of their 1,2-addition products have made possible the construction of O-linked carbohydrate mimetics and of pseudodisaccharides with a possible pharmacological activity

    Regio- and stereoselective behavior of l-arabinal-derived vinyl epoxide in nucleophilic addition reactions. Comparison with conformationally restricted d-galactal-derived analogs

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    Abstract The regio- and stereoselectivity of the addition reactions of O-, C-, N-, and S-nucleophiles to l-arabinal-derived vinyl epoxide 2, the simplest non-conformationally restricted glycal-derived vinyl epoxide, has been examined and compared with the corresponding, conformationally restricted d-galactal-derived analogs 1β and 1β-Me. Results indicated that the 1,4-/1,2-regioselectivity ratio and the related syn-1,4-/anti-1,2-stereoselectivity observed in glycal-derived vinyl oxiranes is independent of the presence of substituents on the six-membered unsaturated ring, and the absence of conformational freedom: it depends only on the ability of the nucleophile to give a coordination process with the oxirane oxygen in the form of a hydrogen bond or through a coordinating cation

    Synthesis and biological evaluation of non-glucose glycoconjugated N-hydroyxindole class LDH inhibitors as anticancer agents

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    Inhibitors of human lactate dehydrogenase A (LDH-A) are promising therapeutic agents against cancer. The development of LDH-A inhibitors that possess cellular activities has so far proved to be particularly challenging, since the enzyme’s active site is narrow and highly polar. In the recent past, we were able to develop a glucose-conjugated N-hydroxyindole-based LDH-A inhibitor designed to exploit the sugar avidity expressed by cancer cells (the Warburg effect). Herein we describe a structural modulation of the sugar moiety of this class of inhibitors, with the insertion of α-D-mannose, β-D-gulose, or β-N-acetyl-D-glucosamine portions in their structures. Their stereospecific chemical synthesis, which involve a substrate-dependent stereospecific glycosylation step, and their biological activity in reducing lactate production and proliferation in cancer cells are reported. Interestingly, the α-D-mannose conjugate displayed the best properties in the cellular assays, demonstrating an efficient antiglycolytic and antiproliferative activity in cancer cells

    Sintesi di azapiranosidi ed azazuccheri piperidinici e regio- stereoselettivita' di reazioni di addizione nucleofila ai "carba" analoghi degli allil epossidi derivati dal D,L-allale e D,L-galattale

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    I 6-desossi allil epossidi ed allil N-nosil aziridine derivati da imminoglicali si erano dimostrati degli eccellenti glicosil donatori ed avevano determinato una completa regioselettività 1,4 e completa stereoselettività direttamente substrato-dipendente nelle loro reazioni di glicosilazione di alcooli (ROH, O-nucleofili). Gli O-imminoglicosidi in questo modo ottenuti, oltre ad essere interessanti per sè stessi, possono essere ulteriormente elaborati per ottenere azazuccheri piperidinici, una interessante classe di composti a possibile attività inibitoria nei confronti di glicosidasi e glicosiltransferasi. Nella prima parte della mia tesi ho così rivolto la mia attenzione alla individuazione di appropriati protocolli in grado di effettuare tali trasformazioni. Per questo scopo, gli O-imminoglicosidi sono stati inizialmente diidrossilati (OsO4/NMO) a corrispondenti azapiranosidi e in modo completamente stereoselettivo con attacco elettrofilo dalla faccia opposta rispetto a quella verso cui si dirigono i due sostituenti allilici. La successiva elaborazione prevede l’allontanamento del gruppo benzilossicarbonilico (H2-Pd/C) ed il contemporaneo distacco del gruppo alcossi a dare, come desiderato, gli azazuccheri corrispondenti. Contemporaneamente a questo studio, il mio lavoro di tesi è stato diretto anche verso l’esame del comportamento regio- e stereochimico degli allil epossidi diastereoisomeri cis e trans carbaciclici. Lo scopo di questa indagine era duplice: a) verificare la possibilità di realizzare anche su epossidi “carba” di questo tipo una regioselettiva addizione 1,4 di O-nucleofili, utile per la possibile sintesi di strutture mimiche di 1,6-oligosaccaridi e, b) ricavare informazioni utili al fine di razionalizzare il comportamento di questi sistemi allil ossiranici in reazioni di addizione nucleofila. Lo studio del comportamento regio- e stereoselettivo dei nuovi allil ossirani in reazioni di addizione di O-, N-, ed S-nucleofili ha indicato come la loro reattività sia fortemente a favore dell’addizione-1,2 rispetto alla alternativa addizione-1,4, con la sola eccezione della reazione con C-nucleofili. In questo contesto, mentre l’ addotto-1,2 è caratterizzato costantemente da una completa stereoselettività anti, con relativa configurazione trans, l’addotto-1,4, quando non è ottenuto come miscela di diastereoisomeri cis e trans, presenta una configurazione che dipende molto dal tipo di nucleofilo impiegato. La sufficiente corrispondenza trovata tra la regioselettività delle reazioni di addizione nucleofila degli epossidi ed il principio HSAB contrasta con la difficoltà ad applicare lo stesso, in modo certo, agli epossidi sul sistema glicale. Questo è dovuto al fatto che, come risultato da opportuni calcoli effettuati nel nostro laboratorio, in questi ultimi sistemi, i due siti reattivi C(1) e C(3) presentano un carattere hard/soft non ben definito. E’quindi da ritenere che in questi sistemi, la regioselettività osservata non dipenda dalla natura hard/soft dei siti e dei nucleofili, ma dall’intervento di altri fattori, quali ad esempio gli effetti di coordinazione substrato-nucleofilo, che, al contrario, i carba analoghi si sono dimostrati assai meno efficaci nel promuovere

    Synthesis of 6-deoxy-N-Cbz-D,L-iminoglycal-derived vinyl epoxides and examination of their regio-and stereoselectivity in nucleophilic addition reactions

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    The regio-and stereoselectivity of the addition reactions of O-, C-, N-, and S-nucleophiles to 6-deoxy-D,L- iminoallal-and-D,L-iminogalactal-derived epoxides 2a and 2b was examined. Results indicated that the 1,4-/1,2-regioselectivity ratio and the related syn-1,4-/anti-1,2-stereoselectivity is closely and directly dependent on the ability of the nucleophile to coordinate with the oxirane oxygen and the configuration of the epoxide. A formal synthesisof of a 1,6-dideoxy-piperidine azasugar is also described

    A waste-minimized protocol for the preparation of 1,2-azido alcohols and 1,2-amino alcohols

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    Under solvent-free conditions the reaction of epoxides 1a–i with trimethylsilylazide (2) catalyzed by poly- stiryl-supported fluoride (PS-DABCOF2) has led to the efficient preparation of the corresponding O-TMS protected 1,2-azido alcohols 3a–i that, by treatment with Dowex-H, gave the related 1,2-azido alcohols 4a–i in excellent yields (83–99% and 82–96%, respectively). The use of a flow procedure has allowed us to significantly minimize waste in the preparation of representative 1,2-azido alcohols 4a, 4c and 4i that have been obtained with E-factors of 1.6, 2.1, and 1.9, respectively. The 1,2-amino alcohols 5a, 5c and 5f have been also prepared, in quantitative yields, by reduction of the corresponding O-TMS protected 1,2-azido alcohols 3a, 3c, and 3f by Pd on the Al3O3/HCOOH system

    Enantiopure Cis-2,5-Disubstituted 2,5-Dihydropyrroles from d-Glycal-Derived Vinyl Aziridines

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    Upon treatment with the K- and Li-enolates of a methylene active compound, such as dimethyl malonate and dibenzoylmethane, D-allal- and D-galactal-derived vinyl N-mesyl aziridines are stereoselectively transformed, in a unique step, into diastereoisomeric, highly functionalized, enantiopure cis-2,5-disubstituted N-mesyl-2,5-dihydropyrroles

    Stereoselective innovative synthesis and biological evaluation of new real carba analogues of minimal epitope Manα(1,2)Man as DC-SIGN inhibitors

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    International audienceAntagonists of the C-type lectin DC-SIGN are promising therapeutic agents against viruses and bacteria. The development of glycomimetic ligands for DC-SIGN has so far proved to be challenging, since this membrane-protein presents four carbohydrate-binding domains (CRD) that specifically recognize mannose and fucose. In the recent past, we were able to develop inhibitors mimicking the minimal natural epitope Mana(1,2) Man using a mannoside with conformationally restricted dimethyl cycloexandicarboxylate-based aglycons designed to exploit the high enzymatic stability and to generate multivalent or solid supported systems as potent lectin ligands. Herein we describe the innovative synthesis of a different class of pseudodisaccharides, mimics of the natural Mana(1,2) Man moiety, characterized by the presence of a real D-carbamannose unit instead of a simpler mimic structure. Their chemical synthesis and biological activity using an SPR inhibition assay are reported. These pseudodisaccharides display inhibition values similar to those of the natural disaccharide Mana(1,2) Man, with a good affinity for DC-SIGN and can be considered as possible candidates for further structural modifications towards improved inhibitors