48 research outputs found

    Imunokompleksi u krvnom serumu teladi u neonatalnom periodu i kod odraslih goveda

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    In this work immune complexes (IC) in the sera of healthy calves from birth to four months of age, heifers and cows were investigated. Polyethylen glycol (PEG) precipitation assay was applied after previous standardization. Optical density (OD) of redissolved precipitates, formed after adding PEG to serum samples, was a measure of IC level. The upper-limit values for normal IC levels were established using isolated cattle IgG in different amounts and aggregated by heat as an IC model in vitro, in the same assay. In newborn calves before colostrum intake, OD of 0.047±0.024 was registered in redissolved PEG precipitates, far below the values obtained for native monomeric IgG. Therefore, these values can not be considered to refer to immune complexes. After colostrum intake, OD values for normal IC levels were higher, with significant interindividual differences: in calves at 6 24 and 48 hours after birth the mean OD values of solubilized PEG precipitates were 0.069±0.025, 0.148±0.079, and 0.136±0.062 respectively. In the sera of calves 10 days after birth mean OD value was slightly lower 0.089±0.053, whereas in the serum of 1, 2, 3 and 4 month old calves normal levels of IC rose to 0.165±0.067, 0.157±0.080, 0,231±0,124 and 0.261±0.092 respectively. OD values for IC levels for adult animals were found to be 0,456±0,150 for heifers, and 0,183±0,031 for cows. Together, the obtained data may be included in a reference values system for normal levels of IC at different ages, in relation to which the IC levels under pathological conditions could be estimated.U radu je ispitivan nivo imunokompleksa (IC) u krvnom serumu teladi od rođenja do četiri meseca starosti, kao i kod junica i krava. Za analize je posle predhodne standardizacije korišćen polietilenglikol precipitacioni test (direktan PEG test). Meru nivoa IC predstavljale su vrednosti optičke gustine (OD) rastvorenog precipitata dobijenog nakon taloženja imunokompleksa iz seruma PEG-om. Gornja granica normalnih vrednosti za nivo IC utvrđena je prema vrednostima dobijenim za izolovane i toplotom agregirane kravlje IgG, u istom testu, gde su takvi IgG korišćeni kao modeli IC in vitro. U grupi novorođene teladi pre uzimanja kolostruma vrednosti OD su bile ekstremno niske (OD 0,047±0.024) i nisu mogle biti pripisane imunokompleksima. Vrednosti OD za normalan nivo IC u serumu teladi nakon uzimanja kolostruma su bile više: za telad 6, 24 i 48 sati nakon rođenja taj nivo je iznosio 0,069±0,025, 0,148±0,079 i 0,136±0,062 respektivno. U odnosu na ove vrednosti, nivo IC u serumu teladi 10 dana od rođenja je bio nešto niži i iznosio 0,089±0,053, da bi se, zatim, kontinuirano povećavao kod teladi uzrasta od 1 do 4 meseca i iznosio 0,165±0,067 za telad od 1-og meseca, 0,157±0,080 za telad od 2 meseca, 0,231±0,124 za telad od 3 meseca i 0,261±0,092 za telad od 4 meseca starosti. Nivo imunokompleksa u serumu odraslih goveda iznosio je kod junica 0,456±0,150 i krava 0,183±0,031. Dobijeni rezultati mogu biti uključeni u kontrolni sistem vrednosti za normalan nivo IC u raznim starosnim grupama goveda, koji se može koristiti pri određivanju nivoa IC PEG testom pod patološkim uslovima kod teladi junica i krava

    Elektroforetske i imunoelektroforetske karakteristike IgG kao konstituenata peg precipitabilnih imunokompleksa seruma kod teladi do četvrtog meseca starosti

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    Preruminant calves encounter numerous antigens, and formation of immune complexes is necessary for antigens elimination. The capability of immunologically immature calves to form immune complexes has not yet been studied in detail. For immune complexes studies, selective precipitation by PEG was performed, in combination with agarose gel electrophoresis and immunoelectrophoresis, with an aim to determine some properties of IgG, as constituents of immune complexes. In our previous work it was shown that the level of PEG precipitable immune complexes increased in the period from birth to 48-hours of life, decreased at day 10, increased in one month old animals, and after that, stayed unchanged until 4th month of age. Electrophoretic and immunoelectrophoretic analysis showed that until one month of age, calves' sera and PEG precipitates contained only one part of IgG molecules which corresponded to fast, anionic γ globulins. Although at the age of one month, preruminant calves' sera contained all molecular forms of IgG molecules present in the sera of adult cattle, only one part of serum IgG (fast, anionic IgG) was precipitated by PEG. In older calves, all molecular forms of serum IgG had the capacity to form PEG precipitable immune complexes. Presented data, as well as the results of our previous work, can be used as parameters with reference to physicochemical and immunochemical characteristics of IgG immune complexes of preruminant calves under pathological conditions.Telad od rođenja dolazi u kontakt sa velikim brojem antigena za čije je efikasno uklanjanje neophodno formiranje imunokompleksa. Sposobnost ovih, još uvek imunološki nezrelih, životinja da formiraju iminokomplekse, kao i sastav njihovih konstituenata, nisu detaljno ispitivani. U ovom radu smo imunokomplekse iz seruma teladi izolovali precipitacijom polietilen glikolom (PEGom), a osobine IgG, kao potencijalnih konstituenata imunokompleksa, analizirali metodama elektroforeze i imunoelektroforeze. U našem prethodnom radu dokazali smo da se nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunokompleksa menja sa uzrastom teladi. On raste od rođenja do 48. sata, opada desetog dana, ponovo raste u prvom mesecu, nakon čega ostaje nepromenjen do četvrtog meseca starosti. Elekroforetske i imunoelektroforetske analize su ukazale da se u serumu i PEG precipitatima seruma teladi do mesec dana starosti nalazi samo jedna molekulska frakcija IgG koja odgovara brzim, anjonskim IgG. Iako se u serumima teladi već u prvom mesecu starosti nalaze sve molekulske forme IgG koje se nalaze i u serumu odraslih krava, samo jedan njihov deo (brzi, anjonski γ globulini) ima sposobnost da formira imune komplekse. Kod starijih teladi, kao i kod odraslih krava, sve molekulske forme serumskih IgG mogu da formiraju imune komplekse. Ovi rezultati, zajedno sa rezultatima našeg predhodnog rada, se mogu koristiti za dobijanje referentnog sistema vrednosti nivoa i sastava imunokompleksa kod zdravih teladi, a koji bi se mogao koristiti za određivanje nivoa i sastava imunokompleksa kod teladi u patološkim uslovima

    Levels of insulin, insulin-like growth factor-I and thyroid hormones in relation to the body condition score changes in periparturient dairy cows

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    The objective of this study was to determine the levels of insulin, insulin like growth factor I (IGF-I) and thyroid hormones in relation to the body condition score (BCS) of periparturient dairy cows. The study was carried out on twenty Holstein-Friesian dairy cows with average milk production of 7000 L/305 days in the previous lactation, parity ranging from 2-4. All cows were BCS scored during the early dry period, 7±3 days before and after parturition. Based on the BCS at the early dry period, cows were divided in two groups: cows with high BCS (3.75- 4.25, HBCS, n=10), and cows with moderate BCS (2.75-3.75, MBCS, n=10). Blood samples were taken at the time of BCS evaluation. Concentrations of insulin, IGF-I, triiodothyroinine (T3) and thyroxine (T4) were determined by radioimmunoassay (RIA, INEP-Zemun, Serbia). Statistical differences between mean values were determined using Student t-test (p<0.01). Mean BCS values at early dry period were significantly different compared to two other periods (p<0.01) within both groups, but BCS was similar in both groups at 7±3 days after calving (2.69±0.67:2.62± 0.27, p>0.05). IGF-I level in HBCS cows at days 7±3 before calving was significantly higher (16.28±3.07:11.76±2.28, p<0.01), with a reverse relationship after calving (3.77±1.64:8.46±2.37, p<0.01). Insulin level was significantly lower at 7±3 days before calving in HBCS cows (16.26±4.60:20.18±4.96mIU/L, p<0.05). Thyroid hormones levels were significantly lower in HBCS group et all examined periods. [Projekat Ministarstva nauke Republike Srbije, br. III 46002 i br. 31003

    Prosudba metaboličkog statusa mliječnih krava simentalske pasmine tijekom kasne gravidnosti i na početku laktacije.

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    The objective of this experiment was to evaluate the metabolic status of late pregnant and early lactation dairy cows based on changes in characteristic blood metabolites. Blood samples were collected from 15 late pregnant cows and 15 early lactation cows to measure beta-hydroxybutyrate (BHB), non-esterified fatty acids (NEFA), triglycerides (TG), glucose, total protein (TP), albumin, total bilirubin, urea and the activity of aspartate transaminase (AST) and gamma-glutamyl transferase (GGT). Cows in early lactation had significantly higher (P0.4 mmol/L) was detected in 6 (40%) of early lactation cows but in none of the late pregnant cows, while subclinical ketosis (BHB>1.2 mmol/L) was detected in 14 (94.4%) of the early lactation cows and 4 (26.6%) of the late pregnant cows. AST activities above 100 U/L were detected in 2 early lactation cows and in none of the late pregnant cows. TG levels below 0.12 mmol/L and glucose below 2.5 mmol/L were found in 7 (44%) and 10 (66.6%) of the early lactation cows, respectively, and in none of the late pregnant cows. Early lactation cows were found to have lower blood serum levels of TG (P0.05) activities and higher concentrations of total bilirubin (P>0.05) TP (P>0.05) and AST activities (P0,4 mmol/L) utvrđene su u 40% krava na početku laktacije, ali u nijedne visoko gravidne krave, dok je supklinička ketoza utvrđena (BHM>1,2 mmol/L) kod 14 (94,4%) krava na početku laktacije te kod 4 (26,6%) visoko gravidnih krava. Aktivnost AST u krvnom serumu iznad 100 U/L utvrđena je u dvije (13,3%) krave na početku laktacije, a nije utvrđena u krava u kasnoj gravidnosti. Vrijednosti TG u krvi bile su ispod 0,12 mmol/L u sedam (44%), a glukoze ispod 2,5 mmol/L u 10 (66,6%) krava na početku laktacije dok nisu dokazane u krava u visokoj gravidnosti. Uspoređujući funkciju jetre, u krvnom serumu krava na početku laktacije utvrđene su niže vrijednosti TG (P0,05), odnosno veće vrijednosti ukupnog bilirubina (P>0,05), TP (P>0,05) i aktivnosti AST (P<0,05) u odnosu na vrijednosti ovih pokazatelja krvi kod krava u visokom stupnju gravidnosti. Vrijednosti glukoze, BHB, NEFA, TG i aktivnosti AST u krvnom serumu upućuju na zaključak da su krave na početku laktacije opterećene metaboličkim poremećajima koji su povezani s ketozom i određenim stupnjem oštećenja hepatocita, vjerojatno, kao posljedica masne infiltracije. Navedeni pokazatelji krvi mogu biti od velikog značenja u procjeni metaboličkog statusa mliječnih krava u peripartalnom razdoblju

    Imunski kompleksi u krvnom serumu teladi sa kliničkim simptomima bronhopneumonije

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    Pneumonia in preruminant calves is a multifactorial disease. Infectious agents, the environment, management and the immune status of the calves are all important factors in determining the outcome of an infection. Until today, the level and composition of circulating immune complexes in preruminant calves with pneumonia have not been studied in detail. We performed this work with the aim to determine whether pneumonia in three-month-old calves is followed by changes in the immune complex level and changes in the γ-globulin level as their possible constituents. Immune complexes from the calves' sera were isolated by polyethylene glycol (PEG) precipitation methods. Optical density at 350 nm (OD350) of redissolved precipitates was measured to determine the circulating immune complexes level. The OD350 level of PEG precipitates of calves with pneumonia at the time of diagnosis was 0.577±0.206 and it was statistically significantly higher (p lt 0.001) than OD350 the level of PEG precipitates of healthy calves (0.286±0.080). Electrophoretic analysis of sera and PEG precipitates showed that both slow and fast γ-globulins are found among serum and immune-complexes' γ-globulins, but the concentration of fast γ-globulins was significantly lower in sera of diseased calves. The level of PEG precipitable immune complexes was not correlated with the concentration of serum and PEG precipitable g-globulins. The results of this study have shown that by relatively simple PEG precipitation assay it is possible to detect an increased level of circulating immune complexes in calves with pneumonia. This can be used as an additional diagnostic parameter for the detection and follow up of the disease.Oboljenja respiratornog trakta goveda su kompleksne etiologije, a javljaju se kao posledica interakcije imunskog sistema jedinke, stresogenih činilaca prisutnih u spoljašnjoj sredini i patogenih mikroorganizama. Nivo i uloga cirkulišućih imunskih kompleksa u serumima teladi obolelih od ove bolesti do sada nisu izučavani. Ovaj rad je urađen sa ciljem da se utvrdi da li su bolesti respiratornog trakta kod teladi u uzrastu od tri meseca praćene promenom nivoa imunskih kompleksa u serumu i promenom nivoa serumskih proteina, pre svega γ globulina, kao osnovnih konstituenata imunskih kompleksa. Imunski kompleksi iz seruma teladi su izolovani precipitacijom polietilen glikolom (PEG-om). Nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa je određivan merenjem optičke gustine PEG precipitata na 350 nm (OD350). OD350 PEG precipitata obolele teladi je iznosila 0,577±0,206 i bila je statistički značajno viša (p lt 0,001) u odnosu na vrednosti dobijene kod zdrave teladi (OD350 = 0,286±0,080). U γ-globulinskoj frakciji seruma i PEG precipitata i zdrave i obolele teladi bili su prisutni i spori, katjonski, i brzi, anjonski γ-globulini, ali je koncentracija brzih γ-globulina bila značajno niža kod obolele teladi. Nivo ukupnih γ-globulina i γ-globulinskih frakcija nije statistički značajno korelirao sa nivoom PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa. Na osnovu dobijenih razultata može se zaključiti da se u serumima tri meseca starih teladi obolelih od bolesti respiratornog trakta detektuje povećan nivo PEG precipitabilnih imunskih kompleksa, a rezultati dobijeni ovim relativno jednostavnim testom mogu se koristiti kao dodatni parametar za dijagnozu i praćenje toka bolesti

    Evaluation of metabolic status in the Holstein dairy cows during different stages of lactation

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    The objective of the present study was to estimate metabolic status in Holstein dairy cows during different stages of lactation, on the basis changes of blood concentrations of selected biochemical markers. Blood samples were collected from 100 Holstein dairy cows and blood serum parameters were evaluated. The cows were allocated to four groups according to the production period, including Group 1 – cows in early lactation (n=18), Group 2 – cows in full lactation (n=26), Group 3 – cows in mid lactation (n=25), and Group 4 – cows in late lactation (n=31). Statistically significant differences (P < 0.01) were found between the experimental groups of cows in blood NEFA, BHB, TP, TG, TChol, urea, globulin, levels, and enzyme activities of AST, ALT, ALP, GGT and LDH. The intensity of lipomobilisation (NEFA or BHB concentrations) correlated positively (P < 0.05) with the markers of cell damage or liver function impairment (tBIL.,serum AST, ALT, LDH and GGT activities), but negatively (P < 0.05) with the circulating concentrations of compounds synthesised in liver (glucose, TG and urea). All these biochemical metabolites may be used as important biochemical markers in the determination of the metabolic status in high-yielding dairy cows.Congress Proceeding

    Effects of oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite during prepartum period on colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows

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    This research paper addresses the hypothesis that an oral supplementation with organically modified clinoptilolite will improve colostrum quality in primiparous dairy cows whilst having no adverse effects on the cows' health. A total of 36 pregnant Holstein primiparous dairy cattle were randomly assigned to receive daily oral drenching, two hours following morning feeding, with 1 l of water containing either 0 g/l (n = 16) or 150 g/l (n = 20) of clinoptilolite. Treatment lasted from 24 +/- 4 d prior to expected parturition until two days postpartum (pp). Colostrum was collected at 2 to 3 h, 12, 24 and 36 h pp and blood samples were collected at 24 +/- 4 and 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 1, 2 and 7 d pp. Overall mean dry matter, fat and total protein percentage as well as IgG concentration and mass were significantly greater in colostrum collected from cattle drenched with clinoptilolite (total protein increased by 15% and IgG concentration and mass by 21 and 38% respectively at first sampling and further at second sampling). Total gamma globulin and most other blood serum biochemistry parameters did not differ between cattle treated and not treated with clinoptilolite, the only exception being the fast anionic gamma globulin fraction that was 17% greater at 4 +/- 2 d prior to parturition and 10% lower on the 1st day pp in treated cattle. These results showed that organically modified oral clinoptilolite supplementation at 150 g/d significantly increases the IgG concentration in colostrum and has no adverse effects on the energy status, protein, lipid, and mineral metabolism in primiparous dairy cattle during prepartum period

    Brix refractometry of colostrum from primiparous dairy cows and new-born calf blood serum in the evaluation of failure of passive transfer

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    Failure of passive transfer (FPT) of immunoglobulins (IgG) is associated with increased morbidity and mortality of calves. In this study we evaluated the digital Brix refractometer usefulness for the assessment of FPT. A number of 16 colostrum samples from the first milking (2-3h post-partum) of Holstein-Friesian dairy heifers and 29 blood sera of 3-6 days old calves were analyzed with a digital Brix refractometer. Total proteins were determined by the biuret reaction. Colostral IgG were determined by radial immunodiffusion (RID), and colostral whey and blood serum. globulin (composed almost entirely of IgG) were determined by agarose protein gel electrophoresis (APE) and densitometry. Colostral % Brix score was 25.5 +/- 3.4%. Concentrations of colostrum IgG and colostral whey. globulin were 130 +/- 33 g/L and 100 +/- 24 g/L respectively. The concentration of total proteins in colostral whey was 134 +/- 30 g/L. The correlations between Brix values and the concentrations of IgG determined with RID and the concentrations of. globulin determined with APE were positive and highly significant (P lt 0.001 and P lt 0.01). The concentration of serum proteins of new-born calves was 57.75 +/- 11.8 g/L, the concentration of. globulin was 14.4 +/- 7.8 g/L, and the Brix score was 8.6 +/- 1.0%. FPT (serum. globulin lt 10 g/L) was detected in 34.5% (10/29) calves. Brix score correlated with the concentration of blood serum. globulins in all examined calves. The results have confirmed that digital Brix refractometry allows the producers to use this technique in order to estimate colostral and calf serum IgG, thereby monitoring both colostrum quality and success of passive transfer

    Effect of natural zeolite on biochemical and hematological parameters in blood, body mass and growth of calves

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    U radu je dat prikaz rezultata ispitivanja uticaja prirodnog zeolita (u tipu klinoptilolita) na stepen resorpcije kolostralnih imunoglobulina, vrednosti hematoloških parametara i aktivnost enzima u krvnom serumu (AST, ALT i LDH), telesnu masu i dnevni prirast teladi u prva tri meseca života. Istraživanja su obavljena na tri grupe od po 10 muške i ženske teladi, sa odnosom polova 1:1, (kontrolna, K i dve ogledne, I i II) crno bele rase u tipu holštajna. Sve tri grupe teladi hranjene su uobičajenim obrocima (kolostrum, zbirno kravlje mleko, krmna smeša sa 18% ukupnih proteina i seno lucerke). Ogledne grupe teladi, za razliku od kontrolne, dobijale su kolostrum odnosno zbirno kravlje mleko sa dodatkom preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita u količini od 5 odnosno 10 g/L mleka. Koncentracija imunoglobulina G u krvnom serumu oglednih grupa teladi bila je značajno veća od kontrolne grupe (35,9 ± 6,43 g/l kod I ogledne grupe; 32,5 ± 7,39 g/l kod II ogledne grupe; 20,8 ± 6,88 g/l kod kontrolne grupe). Rezultati ispitivanja vrednosti hematoloških parametara (broj eritrocita, koncentracija hemoglobina i vrednost hematokrita) ne pokazuju odstupanja od fizioloških vrednosti i približ no su iste kod oglednih i kontrolne grupe teladi, što ukazuje na to da ispitivani kvalitet preparata na bazi prirodnog zeolita nije uticao na stepen resorpcije gvožđa i drugih oligoelemenata značajnih za eritropoezu. Podaci o aktivnosti enzima u krvnom serumu ukazuju na to da ispitivani preparat ne prouzrokuje značajnije funkcionalne i morfološke promene u tkivu parenhimatoznih organa i mišićima. Kod teladi oglednih grupa nisu primećeni značajniji poremećaji zdravlja, dok su u kontrolnoj grupi 3 teleta imala gastrointestinalne poremećaje (dijareja). Telad I ogledne grupe koja su dobijala kolostrum odnosno zbirno kravlje mleko sa dodatkom 5g zeolita/L mleka imala su 90. dana života značajno veću prosečnu telesnu masu i dnevni prirast od teladi kontrolne grupe (116,0 ± 6,9 :105,3± 6,4 kg), odnosno (0,868:0,743 g). Dodatak prirodnog zeolita u količini od 5g/L kolostruma/mleka za napajanje teladi daje bolje rezultate i ima prednost u odnosu na veću dozu zeolita od 10g/L.The work presents the results of investigations of the effect of natural zeolite (clinoptilolite type) on the degree of resorption of colostral immunoglobulins, the value of hematological parameters and enzyme activity in blood serum (AST, ALT, and LDH), body mass, and daily growth of calves in the first three months of life. Investigations were carried out on three groups of 10 male and female calves each, with a 1:1 ratio of sexes, (control, K, and two experimental groups, I and II), of the black-and-white breed, Holstein type. All three groups of calves were fed with the usual rations (colostrum, collective cows’ milk, fodder mix with 18% total proteins, and lucerne hay).The experimental groups of calves, as opposed to the controls, received colostrum and collective cows’ milk with the addition of a preparation based on natural zeolite in quantities of 5 and 10 g/l milk. The concentration of immunoglobulin G in blood serum of experimental groups of calves was significantly higher than the values of the control group (35.9±6.43 g/l in Group I; 32.5±7.39 g/l in Group II; 20.8±6.88 g/l in control group K). The results of the investigations of the values of hematological parameters (number of erythrocytes, hemoglobin concentration, and hematocrit value) do not show any digressions from the physiological values and are approximately the same in the experimental and the control groups of calves, which indicates that the examined quality of the zeolite-based preparation did not affect the degree of the resorption of iron and other oligoelements significant for erythropoiesis. The data on the enzyme activity in blood serum indicate that the examined preparation does not cause any significant functional or morphological changes in the tissue of parenchymatous organs or muscles. There were no significant disorders in the health of calves of the experimental groups, while 3 calves of the control group had gastrointestinal disorders (diarrhea). Calves of experimental group I which received colostrum and collective cows’ milk with an addition of 5g zeolite/l milk had a significantly greater average body mass and daily growth on the 90th day of life than calves of the control group (116.0-6.9: 105.3-6.4 kg, and 0.868:0.743 g). The addition of natural zeolite in quantities of 5 g/l colostrum or milk yields better results and has an advantage over the higher doze of zeolite of 10 g/l

    Concentration of cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-I and immunoglobulin G class in blood of neonatal calves of different body mass at birth

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    The objective of this work was to examine whether concentrations of cortisol, insulin-like growth factor-I (IGF-I) and immunoglobulin G class (IgG), in fact blood parameters which are believed to be of extreme importance in the postnatal survival of calves, are dependant on the body mass of calves at birth. Investigations were performed on 12 newborn calves of the Holstein-Friesian breed, placed into two groups on the grounds of their body mass at birth. The first group (n=6) comprised calves whose body mass was more than 35 kg at birth (41.67±3.08 kg), while the second group (n=6) comprised calves whose body mass at birth was less than 35 kg (32.00±3.58 kg). Blood samples were taken immediately preceding the consuming of colostrum, as well as at 32 hours of neonatal life. Cortisol and IGF-I concentrations were determined in blood serum samples taken immediately before colostrum consumption, while IgG concentration was determined in the samples taken 32 hours after the birth of the calves. The cortisol concentration in calves born with a greater body mass (61.51±32.78 nmol/l) was lower (p=0.052) than in calves born with a smaller body mass (94.89±17.74 nmol/l). A significant negative correlation (r= -0.592; p<0.05) was established between the body mass of calves at birth and the cortisol concentration. The IGF-I concentration determined immediately following birth in calves with a greater boy mass at birth (10.17±1.71 nmol/l) was statistically significantly higher (p<0.05) in comparison with calves born with a smaller body mass (7.04±1.15 nmol/l). There was a significant positive correlation (r = 0.519; p<0.10) between the body mass of calves at birth and the IGF-I concentration. Thirty-two hours following birth, the IgG concentration in blood serum of calves born with a bigger body mass (18.72±1.99 g/l) was significantly higher (p<0.05) than in calves born with a smaller body mass (11.68±4.79 g/l). A significant positive correlation was established between the body mass of calves at birth and the IgG concentration determined at 32 hours of neonatal life (r = 0.620; p<0.05). The obtained results point to the conclusion that calves of body mass over 35 kg at birth are better adapted to the conditions of the outer environment in comparison with calves born with a body mass of less than 35 kg.