37 research outputs found

    Orthosymplectic Yangians

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    We study the RTT orthosymplectic super Yangians and present their Drinfeld realizations for any parity sequence, generalizing the results of for non-super types BCD, a standard parity sequence, and super A-type.Comment: v1: 64pp, comments are welcome

    Rational Lax matrices from antidominantly shifted extended Yangians: BCD types

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    Generalizing our recent joint paper with Vasily Pestun (arXiv:2001.04929), we construct a family of SO(2r),Sp(2r),SO(2r+1)SO(2r),Sp(2r),SO(2r+1) rational Lax matrices, polynomial in the spectral parameter, parametrized by the divisors on the projective line with coefficients being dominant integral coweights of associated Lie algebras. To this end, we provide the RTT realization of the antidominantly shifted extended Drinfeld Yangians of so2r,sp2r,so2r+1\mathfrak{so}_{2r}, \mathfrak{sp}_{2r}, \mathfrak{so}_{2r+1}, and of their coproduct homomorphisms. This establishes some of the recent conjectures in the physics literature by Costello-Gaiotto-Yagi (arXiv:2103.01835) in the classical types.Comment: v3: 67 pages, minor corrections, details added. v2: 65 pages, minor corrections, some details added, Remark 4.37 added. v1: 64 pages, comments are welcome

    Baxter Operators and Hamiltonians for "nearly all" Integrable Closed gl(n) Spin Chains

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    We continue our systematic construction of Baxter Q-operators for spin chains, which is based on certain degenerate solutions of the Yang-Baxter equation. Here we generalize our approach from the fundamental representation of gl(n) to generic finite-dimensional representations in quantum space. The results equally apply to non-compact representations of highest or lowest weight type. We furthermore fill an apparent gap in the literature, and provide the nearest-neighbor Hamiltonians of the spin chains in question for all cases where the gl(n) representations are described by rectangular Young diagrams, as well as for their infinite-dimensional generalizations. They take the form of digamma functions depending on operator-valued shifted weights.Comment: 26 pages, 1 figur

    Exact solution of an integrable non-equilibrium particle system

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    We consider the boundary-driven interacting particle systems introduced in [FGK20a] related to the open non-compact Heisenberg model in one dimension. We show that a finite chain of NN sites connected at its ends to two reservoirs can be solved exactly, i.e. the non-equilibrium steady state has a closed-form expression for each NN. The solution relies on probabilistic arguments and techniques inspired by integrable systems. It is obtained in two steps: i) the introduction of a dual absorbing process reducing the problem to a finite number of particles; ii) the solution of the dual dynamics exploiting a symmetry obtained from the Quantum Inverse Scattering Method. The exact solution allows to prove by a direct computation that, in the thermodynamic limit, the system approaches local equilibrium. A by-product of the solution is the algebraic construction of a direct mapping (a conjugation) between the generator of the non-equilibrium process and the generator of the associated reversible equilibrium process.Comment: 46 pages, 2 figure

    Algebraic Bethe ansatz for Q-operators of the open XXX Heisenberg chain with arbitrary spin

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    In this note we construct Q-operators for the spin s open Heisenberg XXX chain with diagonal boundaries in the framework of the quantum inverse scattering method. Following the algebraic Bethe ansatz we diagonalise the introduced Q-operators using the fundamental commutation relations. By acting on Bethe off-shell states and explicitly evaluating the trace in the auxiliary space we compute the eigenvalues of the Q-operators in terms of Bethe roots and show that the unwanted terms vanish if the Bethe equations are satisfied.Comment: 17 page

    Orthosymplectic superoscillator Lax matrices

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    We construct Lax matrices of superoscillator type that are solutions of the RTT-relation for the rational orthosymplectic RR-matrix, generalizing orthogonal and symplectic oscillator type Lax matrices previously constructed by the authors in arXiv:2001.06825, arXiv:2104.14518 and arXiv:2112.12065. We further establish factorisation formulas among the presented solutions.Comment: 25 page

    Integrable heat conduction model

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    We consider a stochastic process of heat conduction where energy is redistributed along a chain between nearest neighbor sites via an improper beta distribution. Similar to the well-known Kipnis-Marchioro-Presutti (KMP) model, the finite chain is coupled at its ends with two reservoirs that break the conservation of energy when working at different temperatures. At variance with KMP, the model considered here is integrable and one can write in a closed form the nn-point correlation functions of the non-equilibrium steady state. As a consequence of the exact solution one can directly prove that the system is in a `local equilibrium' and described at the macro-scale by a product measure. Integrability manifests itself through the description of the model via the open Heisenberg chain with non-compact spins. The algebraic formulation of the model allows to interpret its duality relation with a purely absorbing particle system as a change of representation.Comment: 27 page

    Bethe ansatz for Yangian invariants: Towards super Yang–Mills scattering amplitudes

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    We propose that Baxter's Z -invariant six-vertex model at the rational gl(2) point on a planar but in general not rectangular lattice provides a way to study Yangian invariants. These are identified with eigenfunctions of certain monodromies of an auxiliary inhomogeneous spin chain. As a consequence they are special solutions to the eigenvalue problem of the associated transfer matrix. Excitingly, this allows to construct them using Bethe ansatz techniques. Conceptually, our construction generalizes to general (super) Lie algebras and general representations. Here we present the explicit form of sample invariants for totally symmetric, finite-dimensional representations of gl(n) in terms of oscillator algebras. In particular, we discuss invariants of three- and four-site monodromies that can be understood respectively as intertwiners of the bootstrap and Yang–Baxter equation. We state a set of functional relations significant for these representations of the Yangian and discuss their solutions in terms of Bethe roots. They arrange themselves into exact strings in the complex plane. In addition, it is shown that the sample invariants can be expressed analogously to Graßmannian integrals. This aspect is closely related to a recent on-shell formulation of scattering amplitudes in planar N=4 super Yang–Mills theory

    An Integrability Primer for the Gauge-Gravity Correspondence: an Introduction

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    We introduce a series of articles reviewing various aspects of integrable models relevant to the AdS/CFT correspondence. Topics covered in these reviews are: classical integrability, Yangian symmetry, factorized scattering, the Bethe ansatz, the thermodynamic Bethe ansatz, and integrable structures in (conformal) quantum field theory. In the present article we highlight how these concepts have found application in AdS/CFT, and provide a brief overview of the material contained in this series.Comment: v2, published versio