6 research outputs found

    Agitation, agression and violence in the psychiatric emergency of Hospital Curry Cabral. Some thoughts

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    Trata-se de um artigo que redige a comunicação oral efectuada no Simpósio do Serviço de Psiquiatria do Hospital Fernando Fonseca sob o lema “Psiquiatria de Urgência”. A partir da experiência da autora enquanto psiquiatra do Centro Hospitalar Psiquiátrico de Lisboa (CHPL) no Serviço de Urgência de Psiquiatria no Hospital Curry Cabral, tece-se a descrição da praxis e do seu contexto, apresentam-se conceptualizações sobre a mesma, acompanhadas de um modelo que a enquadra, e reflexões críticas da própria

    General Education Learning Outcomes and Demographic Correlates in University Students in Hong Kong

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    Although there are studies showing that higher education would benefit university students, empirical research that comprehensively assesses student general education learning outcomes and related demographic correlates based on longitudinal data is minimal, especially in the Chinese context. To address the research gaps, the present study was conducted to investigate learning outcomes amongst university students in one university in Hong Kong based on a four-year longitudinal design (N = 460). Four dimensions of student general education learning outcomes were measured, including effective reasoning and problem solving, leadership, moral character, and integration of learning. Results suggested a U-shaped pattern of student learning outcomes for most dimensions, with no improvement or even a decrement in the second year and a steady growth thereafter. While family background did not affect student development, gender showed a significant moderating effect on students’ development in two dimensions (i.e., effective reasoning and problem solving, and integration of learning). These findings suggest that students benefit from general education-embedded university study in multiple dimensions, especially after the first year of transition period. Practical implications of the findings and future research directions were also discussed

    Mental health outcomes in times of economic recession: a systematic literature review

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