339 research outputs found

    Designing with marginal fills

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    Some of the most sustainable and economical benefits of using geosynthetics are found in reinforcement applications. These applications allow the use of lower quality on-site material such as fine grained soils often referred to as ‘marginal fills’. This paper identifies the state of practice and understanding of designing with these soils in applications such as embankments, slopes and retaining walls. Designers often rely on published guidance documents and the paper discusses the influence BS 8006 (2010) has on the use of ‘marginal fills’ in construction and how the need for clearer more specific guidance. The study highlights that often well compacted fine grained fills placed close to optimum moisture content generate suctions, and this results in relatively high strength interaction between the fill and geosynthetic reinforcement. In cases where a fine grained fill with high moisture content is used, geosynthetic reinforcement that provides in-plane drainage may be beneficial

    Constraints and barriers to the application of geosynthetics

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    This paper outlines the current state of practice in the UK with regard to the use of geosynthetics in construction projects. It examines the awareness that geotechnical engineers possess about the technical and sustainability (i.e. reduced CO2) advantages that geosynthetics can provide over traditional construction techniques, and the barriers to their increased use. A survey of UK International Geosynthetic Society (IGS) Corporate Sponsors was carried out to understand the perceived constraints and barriers to increased early stage inclusion of geosynthetic based design solutions, and to obtain views on the current awareness of the UK construction industry of the sustainability benefits. The findings from the survey highlight a lack of clarity in the guidance on fill material provided in the literature. The survey results also showed that main barriers to the use of geosynthetics were education and the conservative approach of consultants

    The Transit Light Curve Project. IV. Five Transits of the Exoplanet OGLE-TR-10b

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    We present I and B photometry of five distinct transits of the exoplanet OGLE-TR-10b. By modeling the light curves, we find the planetary radius to be R_P = 1.06 +/- 0.08 R_Jup and the stellar radius to be R_S = 1.10 +/- 0.07 R_sun. The uncertainties are dominated by statistical errors in the photometry. Our estimate of the planetary radius is smaller than previous estimates that were based on lower-precision photometry, and hence the planet is not as anomalously large as was previously thought. We provide updated determinations of all the system parameters, including the transit ephemerides.Comment: Accepted in the Astrophysical Journal, 23 October 2006. Includes observations of additional transits to confirm earlier results. [15 pg, 6 figs

    The Antarctic ozone hole during 2015 and 2016

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    We reviewed the 2015 and 2016 Antarctic ozone holes, making use of a variety of ground-based and spacebased measurements of ozone and ultraviolet radiation, supplemented by meteorological reanalyses. The ozone hole of 2015 was one of the most severe on record with respect to maximum area and integrated deficit and was notably longlasting, with many values above previous extremes in October, November and December. In contrast, all assessed metrics for the 2016 ozone hole were at or below their median values for the 37 ozone holes since 1979 for which adequate satellite observations exist. The 2015 ozone hole was influenced both by very cold conditions and enhanced ozone depletion caused by stratospheric aerosol resulting from the April 2015 volcanic eruption of Calbuco (Chile)

    The Antarctic ozone hole during 2014

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    We review the 2014 Antarctic ozone hole, making use of a variety of ground-based and space-based measurements of ozone and ultra-violet radiation, supplemented by meteorological reanalyses. Although the polar vortex was relatively stable in 2014 and persisted some weeks longer into November than was the case in 2012 or 2013, the vortex temperature was close to the long-term mean in September and October with modest warming events occurring in both months, preventing severe depletion from taking place. Of the seven metrics reported here, all were close to their respective median values of the 1979–2014 record, being ranked between 16th and 21st of the 35 years for which adequate satellite observations exist

    The Transit Light Curve Project. IV. Five Transits of the Exoplanet OGLE-TR-10b

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    We present I and B photometry of five distinct transits of the exoplanet OGLE-TR-10b. By modeling the light curves, we find the planetary radius to be R_P = 1.06 +/- 0.08 R_Jup and the stellar radius to be R_S = 1.10 +/- 0.07 R_sun. The uncertainties are dominated by statistical errors in the photometry. Our estimate of the planetary radius is smaller than previous estimates that were based on lower-precision photometry, and hence the planet is not as anomalously large as was previously thought. We provide updated determinations of all the system parameters, including the transit ephemerides

    Street-level green spaces support a key urban population of the threatened Hispaniolan parakeet Psittacara chloropterus

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    From Springer Nature via Jisc Publications RouterHistory: accepted 2021-03-28, registration 2021-03-29, pub-electronic 2021-04-14, online 2021-04-14, pub-print 2021-12Publication status: PublishedAbstract: While urbanisation remains a major threat to biodiversity, urban areas can sometimes play an important role in protecting threatened species, especially exploited taxa such as parrots. The Hispaniolan Parakeet Psittacara chloropterus has been extirpated across much of Hispaniola, including from most protected areas, yet Santo Domingo (capital city of the Dominican Republic) has recently been found to support the island’s densest remaining population. In 2019, we used repeated transects and point-counts across 60 1 km2 squares of Santo Domingo to examine the distribution of parakeets, identify factors that might drive local presence and abundance, and investigate breeding ecology. Occupancy models indicate that parakeet presence was positively related to tree species richness across the city. N-Mixture models show parakeet encounter rates were correlated positively with species richness of trees and number of discrete ‘green’ patches (> 100 m2) within the survey squares. Hispaniolan Woodpecker Melanerpes striatus, the main tree-cavity-producing species on Hispaniola, occurs throughout the city, but few parakeet nests are known to involve the secondary use of its or other cavities in trees/palms. Most parakeet breeding (perhaps 50–100 pairs) appears to occur at two colonies in old buildings, and possibly only a small proportion of the city’s 1500+ parakeets that occupy a single roost in street trees breed in any year. Our models emphasise the importance of parks and gardens in providing feeding resources for this IUCN Vulnerable species. Hispaniola’s urban centres may be strongholds for populations of parakeets and may even represent sources for birds to recolonise formerly occupied areas on the island

    Photophysical pore control in an azobenzene- containing metal-organic framework †

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    The synthesis and structure of an azobenzene functionalized isoreticular metal-organic framework (azo-IRMOF-74-III) [Mg 2 (C 26 H 16 O 6 N 2 )] are described and the ability to controllably release a guest from its pores in response to an external stimulus has been demonstrated. Azo-IRMOF-74-III is an isoreticular expansion of MOF-74 with an etb topology and a 1-D hexagonal pore structure. The structure of azo-IRMOF-74-III is analogous to that of MOF-74, as demonstrated by powder X-ray diffraction, with a surface area of 2410 m 2 g À1 BET. Each organic unit within azo-IRMOF-74-III is decorated with a photoswitchable azobenzene unit, which can be toggled between its cis and trans conformation by excitation at 408 nm. When propidium iodide dye was loaded into the MOF, spectroscopic studies showed that no release of the luminescent dye was observed under ambient conditions. Upon irradiation of the MOF at 408 nm, however, the rapid wagging motion inherent to the repetitive isomerization of the azobenzene functionality triggered the release of the dye from the pores. This light-induced release of cargo can be modulated between an on and an off state by controlling the conformation of the azobenzene with the appropriate wavelength of light. This report highlights the ability to capture and release small molecules and demonstrates the utility of self-contained photoactive switches located inside highly porous MOFs

    Biomarkers of coagulation, endothelial function, and fibrinolysis in critically ill patients with COVID-19: A single-center prospective longitudinal study

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    Background: Immunothrombosis and coagulopathy in the lung microvasculature may lead to lung injury and disease progression in coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). We aim to identify biomarkers of coagulation, endothelial function, and fibrinolysis that are associated with disease severity and may have prognostic potential. Methods: We performed a single-center prospective study of 14 adult COVID-19(+) intensive care unit patients who were age- and sex-matched to 14 COVID-19(−) intensive care unit patients, and healthy controls. Daily blood draws, clinical data, and patient characteristics were collected. Baseline values for 10 biomarkers of interest were compared between the three groups, and visualized using Fisher\u27s linear discriminant function. Linear repeated-measures mixed models were used to screen biomarkers for associations with mortality. Selected biomarkers were further explored and entered into an unsupervised longitudinal clustering machine learning algorithm to identify trends and targets that may be used for future predictive modelling efforts. Results: Elevated D-dimer was the strongest contributor in distinguishing COVID-19 status; however, D-dimer was not associated with survival. Variable selection identified clot lysis time, and antigen levels of soluble thrombomodulin (sTM), plasminogen activator inhibitor-1 (PAI-1), and plasminogen as biomarkers associated with death. Longitudinal multivariate k-means clustering on these biomarkers alone identified two clusters of COVID-19(+) patients: low (30%) and high (100%) mortality groups. Biomarker trajectories that characterized the high mortality cluster were higher clot lysis times (inhibited fibrinolysis), higher sTM and PAI-1 levels, and lower plasminogen levels. Conclusions: Longitudinal trajectories of clot lysis time, sTM, PAI-1, and plasminogen may have predictive ability for mortality in COVID-19
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