506 research outputs found

    Determinants of Household Poverty Dynamics in Rural Regions of the Eastern Cape Province, South Africa

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    Poverty has always been studied in a world of certainty. However, if the aim of studying poverty is not only improving the well-being of households who are currently poor, but also preventing people from becoming poor in the future, a new forward looking perspective must be adopted. For thinking about appropriate forward-looking anti-poverty interventions (i.e. interventions that aim to prevent or reduce future poverty rather than alleviate current poverty), the critical need then is to go beyond a cataloging of who is currently poor and who is not, to an assessment of households’ vulnerability to poverty. This study analyses a panel dataset on a representative sample of 150 rural households interviewed in 2007 and 2008 in the Amathole District Municipality of the Eastern Cape Province to empirical assess the dynamics of poverty and estimate the determinants of households’ vulnerability to poverty. The result of the study indicates that the number of vulnerable households is significantly larger than for the currently poor households; the vulnerability index was found to be 0,62 compared to 0,56 headcount index in 2008. This implies that while 56 percent of the sampled households are poor (ex post) in 2008, 62 percent are vulnerable to becoming poor (ex ante) in future. The result of the Probit model shows that the age, level of education and occupation of the household head, dependency ratio, exposure to idiosyncratic risks and access to credit are statistically significant in explaining a households’ vulnerability to poverty.Poverty, vulnerability, poverty dynamics, risks, rural households, Food Security and Poverty,

    Institutional economics and the environment

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    [From text] What is Institutional Economics? Before delving into the concept of institutional economics, it will be useful to explain what is meant by institutions because institutions in economics have a particular meaning. The most commonly agreed upon definition for institutions is a set of formal and informal rules of conduct that facilitate coordination or govern relationships between individuals or groups. The formal rules include laws, contracts, political systems, organisations, and markets, while the informal rules of conduct consist of norms, traditions, customs, value systems, religions and sociological trends. Institutions provide for more certainty in human interaction (North, 1990) and have an influence on outcomes such as economic performance, efficiency, economic growth and development. They can either benefit or hinder these economic measures. Williamson (2000) noted that new institutional economics operates at both the macro and micro levels. The macro level deals with the institutional environment, or the rules of the game, which affect the behaviour and performance of economic actors and in which organisational forms and transactions are embedded. Williamson (1993) described it as the set of fundamental political, social and legal ground rules that establish the basis for production, exchange and distribution. The micro level analysis known as the institutional arrangement, on the other hand, deals with the institutions of governance. These refer to the modes of managing transaction costs and include issues of social capital, property rights and collective action. Here the focus is on the individual transaction and the questions regarding organisational forms (private property versus common pool resources) are analysed. An institutional arrangement is an arrangement between economic units that govern the ways in which its members can co-operate or compete


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    The study uses multinomial logit model to investigate the factors that determine household cooking fuel choice between firewood, charcoal, and kerosene in Kisumu, Kenya. Empirical results indicate that level of education of wife, the level of education of husband, type of food mostly cooked, whether or not the household owns the dwelling unit, and whether or not the dwelling unit is traditional or modern type are important factors that determine household cooking fuel choice. Implications for regional and national fuel policies are discussed.Consumer/Household Economics,


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    This paper examines the technical efficiency of the resettlement sector of the agricultural system in Zimbabwe. The land reform programme aims to redistribute land from large-scale commercial farmers to the small-scale peasantry sector so as to reduce rural poverty. Since such an agrarian reform could result in higher output, higher labour absorption, and a more equitable distribution of income, it is important to assess the level of efficiency of the beneficiaries of this programme. The stochastic frontier function model of the Cobb-Douglas type was used to determine the technical efficiency of a group of 44 cotton farmers from Mutanda resettlement scheme of Manicaland province. Technical inefficiency effects are estimated and are assumed to be a function of other observable variables related to the farming operations. The results reveal some technical efficiency levels of the sample farmers that are varied widely, ranging from 22 per cent to 99 percent, with a mean value of about 71%. The technical inefficiency effects are found to be significant at the 25 per cent level. Technical inefficiency of cotton production decreased with increased family size and age of the head of household, but increased with farm size and education level of head of household.Agricultural and Food Policy, Crop Production/Industries, Institutional and Behavioral Economics,

    The effects of economic incentives in controlling pollution in the South African Leather Industry

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    Pollution of the environment is becoming an increasingly serious problem. A large contributor to this is industry which generates effluent as a by-product of its production process. Two methods of controlling the pollution generated by industry are the so-called “command and control†techniques and economic incentives. In theory, economic incentives promise a more economically efficient and equitable means of pollution control. This paper sets out to ascertain whether this would hold in practice by applying environmental economic theory to the practical problem of controlling the effluent generated by one particular industry, viz the South African leather industry.Environmental Economics and Policy,

    2010 FIFA World Cup stadium investment: Does the post-event usage justify the expenditure?

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    This paper provides an ex-post analysis of the utilisation of the stadiums that were built for the 2010 FIFA World Cup. The South African government invested approximately US1.57billionandUS1.57 billion and US523 million into the development of new stadiums and upgrades to existing stadiums, respectively. This paper determines whether the substantial investments into the stadiums’ infrastructure are justified by the utilisation of the stadiums after the 2010 FIFA World Cup event. A utilisation rate and a stadium usage index were used to analyse the utilisation benefits derived from the stadiums. Generally, the results suggest that there has been a significant decline in the utilisation of stadiums following the 2010 FIFA World Cup. Furthermore, the results indicate that the exorbitant costs of the stadiums for the 2010 FIFA World Cup were significant in relation to the underutilisation of the stadiums in the wake of the event. The 2010 FIFA World Cup has left the country with an expenditure legacy of an oversupply of stadiums, thus making some of the stadiums unsustainable. The results of this study appear to be in line with existing empirical research, which suggests that stadiums tend be underutilised and pose a financial burden for a host nation, subsequent to a mega-event.Keywords: 2010 FIFA World Cup; Stadium investment; Utilisatio

    Collagen-related biomarkers in severe sepsis: a big stretch?

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    Biomedical scientists are aggressively investigating biomarkers of disease and injury. The rationale for identifying biomarkers during pathological states, such as severe sepsis, is to improve clinical prognostication and stratify therapeutic interventions for optimal recovery. An added benefit of biomarker studies is knowledge genesis on pathophysiological mechanisms, critical information that provides a basis for hypothesis-driven research. Unfortunately, biomarkers rarely alter our clinical approach in severe sepsis as they are often non-specific, lack adequate sensitivity and/or are difficult to measure and interpret accurately. Given the complexity and heterogeneity of severe sepsis, and the unique genetically derived susceptibilities of individuals, it is highly unlikely that one or even a handful of biomarkers will provide adequate biomedical information for clinical guidance. Thus, biomarkers will ultimately alter clinical decision making only once a panel of promising biomarkers is identified, maximizing sensitivity and specificity, and then adequately scrutinized with quantitative scoring methods over large populations of patients

    Exploring the importance of vocabulary for English as an additional language learners’ reading comprehension

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    This exploratory study represents an attempt to investigate the factors that may affect the reading comprehension abilities of English as an additional language (EAL) learners. For this study, we examined a participant group of 31 (25 EAL and 6 first language English) learners studying at an international school in Japan. We assessed the participants according to four factors shown to influence reading comprehension: vocabulary knowledge, word decoding skills, reading fluency, and general linguistic ability. Our results show that differences in vocabulary knowledge show more variance in reading comprehension scores than the other factors examined in this study, highlighting the importance of vocabulary knowledge for reading comprehension. However, other factors such as reading fluency and general linguistic knowledge are also shown to be moderate to strong predictors of reading comprehension. Based on these results, we suggest that EAL learners need targeted language support to enhance academic text comprehension

    Diabetic ketoacidosis-associated stroke in children and youth

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    Diabetic ketoacidosis (DKA) is a state of severe insulin deficiency, either absolute or relative, resulting in hyperglycemia and ketonemia. Although possibly underappreciated, up to 10 of cases of intracerebral complications associated with an episode of DKA, and/or its treatment, in children and youth are due to hemorrhage or ischemic brain infarction. Systemic inflammation is present in DKA, with resultant vascular endothelial perturbation that may result in coagulopathy and increased hemorrhagic risk. Thrombotic risk during DKA is elevated by abnormalities in coagulation factors, platelet activation, blood volume and flow, and vascular reactivity. DKA-associated cerebral edema may also predispose to ischemic injury and hemorrhage, though cases of stroke without concomitant cerebral edema have been identified. We review the current literature regarding the pathogenesis of stroke during an episode of DKA in children and youth. Copyright © 2011 Jennifer Ruth Foster et al