18 research outputs found

    Additional file 2: Table S2. of Selection on the mitochondrial ATP synthase 6 and the NADH dehydrogenase 2 genes in hares (Lepus capensis L., 1758) from a steep ecological gradient in North Africa

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    Posterior probabilities (PP) for the currently studied sites following the BEB approach in PAML. These values were reported for single gene analyses and the concatenated genes and for both models allowing positive selection. PP > 0.95 are grey shaded. (DOCX 11 kb

    Additional file 3: Table S3. of Selection on the mitochondrial ATP synthase 6 and the NADH dehydrogenase 2 genes in hares (Lepus capensis L., 1758) from a steep ecological gradient in North Africa

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    Pairwise FST values for the three regions as obtained from the different markers. Upper diagonal, FST values (based on haplotype frequencies) as calculated from ATP6, ATP6 synonymous (syn.) positions only, ND2, ND2 syn. positions only, mtHV1, and from the microsatellite data. Lower diagonal, FST values (based on the distance method) as calculated from ATP6, ATP6 syn. positions, ND2, ND2 syn. positions and mtHV1, with 95% CI indicated between parentheses. Significance levels, *: P < 0.05, **: P < 0.01, ***: P < 0.001. (DOCX 13 kb

    Additional file 1: Table S1. of Selection on the mitochondrial ATP synthase 6 and the NADH dehydrogenase 2 genes in hares (Lepus capensis L., 1758) from a steep ecological gradient in North Africa

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    Basic sequence statistics for the three mitochondrial regions (ND2, ATP6, mtHV1) as calculated by the software DNASP (Librado & Rozas 2009). S: number of segregating (polymorphic) sites; h: haplotype diversity; π: nucleotide diversity; k: average number of nucleotide differences; D (Tajima 1989); D (Fu & Li 1993); F (Fu & Li 1993), and F (Fu 1997). (DOCX 14 kb


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    Final alignment of HPRT1 sequences used in this work. Data is phased - alternative alleles in females are indicated by a and b. A polymorphic poly-T of undetermined length was removed


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    Final alignment of MSN sequences used in this work. Data is phased - alternative alleles in females are indicated by a and b


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    Final alignment of PHKA2 sequences used in this work. Data is phased - alternative alleles in females are indicated by a and b


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    Final alignment of SMCX sequences used in this work. Data is phased - alternative alleles in females are indicated by a and b


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    Genotypes of 6 microsatellite loci (Sat2, Sat8, Sat12, INRACCDDv358, Lsa2, Sol30Le) from a total of 342 specimens from three species: Lepus granatensis, Lepus europaeus and Lepus timidus. Population code and number are indicated in the second and third column respectively