5 research outputs found

    Plasmonic crystal demultiplexer and multiports

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    Artificially built periodic optical structures in dielectric and metallic media have generated considerable interest due to their potential for optical device miniaturization. In this context plasmonics, i.e., optics based on surface plasmon polaritons (SPPs) offers new exciting prospects. SPPs are hybrid light/electron surface waves at the interface between a dielectric and a metal and as such hold the potential for 2D optical functionality. Indeed, SPP elements as mirrors, splitters and interferometers have been recently demonstrated. However, for plasmonics to qualify at the information technology level requires necessarily the realization of wavelength division (demultiplexing) which constitutes a fundamental ingredient of optical communication. In the following we experimentally demonstrate 2D SPP demultiplexing in the visible spectral range by using photonic crystals for SPPs (plasmonic crystals). In addition, we demonstrate that plasmonic crystal are capable of realizing integrated linear multiports which could constitute building blocks of analog or quantum optical computing.Comment: Nano Lett.7, 1697 (2007

    How to erase surface plasmon fringes

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    We report the realization of a dual surface plasmon polariton (SPP) microscope based on leakage radiation (LR) analysis. The microscope can either image SPP propagation in the direct space or tin the Fourier space. This particularity allows in turn manipulation of the LR image for a clear separation of different interfering SPP contributions present close to optical nanoelements.Comment: Appl. Phys. Lett. 89, 091117 (2006

    Surface Plasmon Polariton microscope with Parabolic Reflectors

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    We report the realization of a two--dimensional optical microscope for surface plasmons polaritons (SPPs) based on parabolic Bragg mirrors. These mirrors are built from lithographically fabricated gold nanostructures on gold thin films. We show by direct imaging by leakage radiation microscopy that the magnification power of the SPP microscope follows basic predictions of geometrical optics. Spatial resolution down to the value set by the diffraction limit is demonstrated.Comment: Opt.Lett.32, 2414 (2007