34 research outputs found

    Selected Risks in a Metallurgical Plant

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    Import 03/08/2012Bakalářská práce pojednává o rizicích provozů hutního komplexu. Práce je rozdělena do několika kapitol. V počátečních kapitolách bakalářské práce jsou popsány hlavní technologie metalurgických procesů. Další část pojednává o ohrožení vnějšího okolí podniku emisemi, zejména vlivu emisí na lidské zdraví a životní prostředí. Součástí této části je vyčíslení ekonomických ztrát a vývoj množství emisí za uplynulé roky. Závěrečná kapitola hodnotí rizika možných havárií hutního podniku pomocí názorného příkladu z praxe a dává doporučení na použití optimálních metod hodnocení.The thesis deals with the risks in a metallurgical plant. The work is divided into several chapters. In first chapters are described main technologies of metallurgical processes. The next chapter deals with threats on outside environment of plant, in particular of emissions influence on human health and enviroment. Part of this section is enumeration of economical losses and development of emissions for previous years. The final chapter assesses risks of possible accidents in metallurgical plants with an illustrative example from practise and provides reccomendations for using optimal methods of evaluation.Prezenční050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn

    Safety of Transport of Dangerous Chemicals on a Factory Siding

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    Import 05/08/2014Předložená diplomová práce se věnuje problematice dopravy nebezpečných chemických látek v rámci podnikové vlečky hutní firmy. Úvodní část popisuje objekt firmy a technologii dopravy na vlečce, charakterizuje přítomné nebezpečné látky s jejich zařazením ve výrobním procesu. Další část přináší analýzy rizik vybranými metodami a jejich vyhodnocení. Závěr práce předkládá návrhy nápravných opatření na základě výsledků analýz rizik. Cílem diplomové práce je zvýšení bezpečnosti zaměstnanců i obyvatel minimalizací současných rizik vycházejících z přepravy nebezpečných chemických látek. Navrhovaná opatření zahrnují doporučení pro zasahující složky i změny v současné legislativě.This diploma thesis deals with issues relating to the transport of dangerous chemicals within steel producing factory‘s siding. Introduction part describes area of the factory, its environment and technology of transport at factorysiding, features existing dangerous chemicals and states its inclusion in a process. Following part brings risk analysis executed by selected methods and its subsequent evaluation. Conclusion of this thesis introduces proposals of remedies on the basis of risk analysis results. The aim of the thesis is safety increase of employees and inhabitants thorough decreasing of currently existing risks. Proposed measures includes recommendation for acting parts as well as changes in contemporary legal order.Prezenční050 - Katedra ochrany obyvatelstvavýborn

    Measuring the metallurgical supply chain resilience using fuzzy analytic network process

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    The article presents a methodology for measuring the metallurgical supply chain resilience, which enables the ascertainment of key resilience capabilities and measurable criteria, and determining a level of the resilience. The methodology is based on Analytic Network Process (ANP), which is used to solve the complex decision-making problems, whose structures can be mapped as non-linear networks. Since ambiguous pairwise comparisons expressed by fuzzy sets are considered, the Fuzzy Analytic Network Process (FANP) is applied. The methodology is verified on the generalised model of a metallurgical supply chain. The SuperDecisions software was used for the application. The experiments performed demonstrate the high level of suitability of the FANP approach for measuring metallurgical supply chain resilience.Web of Science55478678

    Modified PROMETHEE V method for supplier portfolio selection

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    This paper focuses on the problem of supplier portfolio selection where a company has to choose the best possible set of suppliers with respect to various constraints. An intuitive heuristic can suggest to use any of the methods for suppliers ranking and then to put the first one into the portfolio. If some required constraint is not met, then the second supplier according to the ranking is added, and so on, until all the constraints are satisfied. However, such approach can result in a non-optimal decision. The constraints can cause that a combination of the alternatives with lower rankings can be better, than some higher-ranked alternative from the perspective of feasibility. To build the optimization model, the authors of this paper use the PROMETHEE V method: a popular combination of multi-criteria decision making method PROMETHEE and mixed integer programming. However, it is shown that the original PROMETHEE V method, namely the logic under which an objective function is set, is not suitable here and leads to discrimination of suppliers with worse ranking. Therefore, a modification, which brings more reasonable results, is proposed in this paper. A numerical example is used to show the suitability of the proposed approach and compare the results with the original algorithm and also with one prior modification introduced by by other authors in the past. The analysis is further supported by a thorough sensitivity analysis using flexible and parametric programming.Web of Science9330129

    The Complex Evaluation of the Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic at Universities: A Soft Computing Approach

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    The COVID-19 pandemic impacted the educational process since the teaching process has been forced to go online in many countries. This enforced change revealed the weaknesses and strengths of the national educational systems and particular institutions. This article aims to analyse the impact of COVID-19 at selected European universities and assess the satisfaction of students, teachers, IT staff and management. This study is unique for its systematicity and complexity – it aggregates the opinions of all interested groups of stakeholders, distinguishes several time periods (before, during and after the pandemic), and allows the respondents to express hesitance in their evaluation. The evaluation model uses fuzzy sets to capture the uncertainty and to aggregate the opinions of different stakeholder groups. The empirical results show that most of the satisfaction development is the same or similar for all institutions examined. Then, the pandemic strongly influenced the satisfaction of all stakeholder groups at the universities examined. This impact was mostly negative, however, several lessons learnt have been revealed. Therefore, it was shown that it is highly beneficial to include these aspects to obtain a reliable picture of overall satisfaction

    Revised PROMETHEE algorithm with reference values

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    PROMETHEE method is a very popular quantitative method of decision-making with many benefits. However, the evaluation of alternatives in the original PROMETHEE method is derived only from differences in values, i.e., regardless the performance values themselves. In some situations, ignoring these values can distort the final results. This paper brings several examples of such situations, for which the original PROMETHEE fails and does not bring reliable results. Ishizaka and Resce (Soft Comput 22:7325-7338, 2018) have recently introduced the modification of PROMETHEE which considers the performance values, but also changed substantially the logic of the ranking algorithm. The aim of this paper is to modify the original PROMETHEE method to make it possible to include the performance values, without losing any main benefit of the original method and with keeping the original logic of the algorithm based on pair-wise comparisons. Two particular preference functions' types are proposed for the proposed extension (Gaussian function and strictly concave function), whose choice depends on the performance of the worst-performing alternative under consideration. In addition, the new algorithm is provided also in the fuzzy environment, which is useful if the decision-maker is not able to set the input parameters of the preference function precisely. Both the deterministic and fuzzy extensions are demonstrated using numerical examples. The results show that the final ranking can be strongly influenced by the level of performance. Moreover, the fuzzy extension brings richer information through the natural interpretation provided by possibility and necessity measures if the parameters of the preference functions are imprecise.Web of Scienc

    Creation of the Ecologic-Economical Model for an Industrial Company

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    Import 04/07/2011Cílem mé diplomové práce bylo vytvořit ekologicko-ekonomický model pro průmyslovou společnost, který by maximalizoval zisk této společnosti a zároveň by optimalizoval její ekologické náklady. V teoretické části jsem se nejprve zaměřil na problematiku ekologické a ekonomické efektivnosti. Dále se věnuji problematice modelování – jeho metodice a postupům a nakonec rozebírám strukturní analýzu a lineární programování – metody operačního výzkumu, které tvoří základní pilíř celé práce. Praktická část obsahuje postup tvorby a specifika modelu, který je cílem mé práce. Následuje otestování modelu na datech konkrétní firmy a zhodnocení jeho výsledků.The aim of my diploma thesis was to create the ecologic-economical model for an industrial company. This model should maximalize the profits with optimized ecological costs. In the theoretic part I firstly focused on the ecological and economical efficiency. Then I analyzed the modelling- its methodology and methods and after all I dealed with the structural analysis and linear programming – the methods of the operation research, which are absolutely essential for my thesis. The second (practical) part consists of the process of model developing, which is actually a goal of my thesis. Then I test the model on the data of the concrete company and finally I interpret and review the results.157 - Katedra systémového inženýrstvívýborn

    On influence of emissions trading on efficiency of the EU national steel sectors

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    Environmental policy in the European Union is a hot topic for both practitioners and researchers. Their interests are attracted mainly by the main tool of this policy—emissions trading within the EU ETS. In literature focusing on the impacts of the EU ETS, the EU is usually considered to be a compact unit and its structure is omitted there. In particular, the impacts on a single company (regardless its geographical location), on a sector of industry (regardless the member countries), or on some subset of the involved companies with respect to non-EU competitors are often explored. However, through the eyes of national governments, it is vital for the countries to keep their national industrial sectors competitive not only against companies from countries outside the EU but also from other EU countries. This paper focuses on the influence of the EU ETS on the national steel sectors in the EU and their competitiveness. The hybrid PROMETHEE-DEA approach is used to assess how the price of emission allowance and grandfathering within the EU ETS impact the technical efficiency and competitiveness of these national sectors. The results of this study show that the volatile allowance price influences the efficiency and grandfathering affects the competitiveness of the EU national steel sectors

    Time Series Analysis and Forecasting for the Company Valuation

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    Import 01/09/2009Cílem mé bakalářské práce bylo vytvořit model pro regresní analýzu a následnou extrapolaci dat pro účel oceňování společností. V teoretické části jsem se nejprve zaměřil na problematiku oceňování podniků, abych stanovil rámec práce a zdůraznil možnosti využití výsledného modelu. S vazbou na jednu z nejdůležitějších částí oceňování, strategickou analýzu, jsem se dostal ke statistické teorii, bez které by nebylo možné model zkonstruovat. Praktická část obsahuje postup tvorby modelu, který je cílem celé práce. Následuje otestování modelu na datech konkrétní firmy a jeho vyhodnocení.The aim of my bachelor thesis was to create the model for regression analysis and for subsequent data forecasting for the company valuation. In the theoretic part I focused on company valuation theory at first to set the frame of the thesis and to point out the possibilities of the final model usage. In the relationship with one of the most important part of valuation, strategy analysis, I got to the statistical theory, which is absolutely necessary to construct the model. The second (practical) part contains the process of model developing, which is actually a goal of my thesis. Then I test the model on the data of the concrete company and I interpret the results.Prezenční157 - Katedra systémového inženýrstvívýborn

    On the work of French institutes IREM

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