15 research outputs found

    Production of anchor foot

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    Předložená bakalářská práce se zabývá návrhem kotvící patky sloužící pro uchycení dřevěných konstrukcí k betonovému podloží. Patka je vyráběna z ocelového plechu 11 375 (S235 JR) o tloušťce 4 mm. Výrobní série stanovena na 100 000 ks za rok. Z možností výroby byla jako nejoptimálnější technologie výroby zvolena výroba ve sdruženém nástroji. Na základě literární studie technologie stříhání a ohýbání byl navržen optimální postup výroby nové patky. Pro tyto technologie výroby byly provedeny technologické a kontrolní výpočty. Pomocí těchto výpočtů byl navržen sdružený nástroj a zpracována výkresová dokumentace. S ohledem na velikost celkové tvářecí síly byl zvolen výstředníkový lis LKDR 500 od firmy ŽĎAS. Z ekonomického hlediska byly určeny výrobní náklady na jednu kotvící patku a byl zjištěn bod zvratu 8 232 kusů, při jehož překročení se výroba stává ziskovou.The present bachelor thesis deals with a design of anchor foot used for fixing wooden structures to concrete foundation. The anchor foot is manufactured from 4 mm thick sheet steel 11 375 (S235 JR); the batch production is set out for 100,000 pieces per year. From among production possibilities, production on a combination tool was selected as the most optimal production technology. Based on the literature study of cutting and bending technology, an optimal production process of new anchor foot has been designed. For these production technologies, technological and control calculations have been carried out. Using these calculations, the combination tool was designed and project documentation was worked up. With regard to the size of total forming force, the eccentric press LKDR 500 from ŽĎAS Company was selected. In economic terms, the production costs were calculated for one anchor foot and the turning point of 8,232 pieces was found; exceeding this point makes the production profitable.

    Moder Approaches in Contemporary Management

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    The aim of this article is to inform about the application of modern approaches into management, mainly management of change. Modern approaches involve the application of some ideas of system theory, some ideas of biology, cybernetics and entropy.general system theory, entropy, complexity, success model, economic organism

    International Global Navigation Satellite Systems Society IGNSS Witch Navigator -a software GNSS receiver for education and research

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    ABSTRACT The paper introduces the Witch Navigator, which is an ExpressCard form factor software GNSS receiver for a notebook or a personal computer, developed for educational and research purposes. The signal processing runs on a FPGA and a PC processor, the mutual communication is realized via a PCI Express bus. The receiver is equipped with two reconfigurable front ends. The complex multi-antenna, multi-frequency and multi-constellation GNSS system can be built by interconnecting several receiver cards by a special connector. The receiver can operate in a classical mode with hardware GNSS correlators which are programmed into the FPGA, or in a pure processor mode in which the PC processor directly processes signal samples measured by the receiver in real time. For the processing of most of the GNSS signals, the universal GNSS correlator has been developed and tested. The FPGA signal processor is equipped with a signal capture unit for the measurement of the signal snapshots for the DSP signal acquisition in the PC. The processing of the extremely wideband GNSS signals (Galileo E5) is realizable by a special method the performance of which is only slightly poorer than the performance of the optimum receiver, while the hardware complexity is a quarter of the optimum one