2,226 research outputs found

    The X-ray and radio emission from SN 2002ap: The importance of Compton scattering

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    The radio and X-ray observations of the Type Ic supernova SN 2002ap are modeled. We find that inverse Compton cooling by photospheric photons explains the observed steep radio spectrum, and also the X-ray flux observed by XMM. Thermal emission from the shock is insufficient to explain the X-ray flux. The radio emitting region expands with a velocity of, roughly, 70,000 km/s. From the ratio of X-ray to radio emission we find that the energy densities of magnetic fields and relativistic electrons are close to equipartion.Comment: 15 pages, 2 figures, ApJ accepte

    Spin Inelastic Electron Tunneling Spectroscopy on Local Magnetic Moment Embedded in Josephson Junction

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    Recent experimental conductance measurements performed on paramagnetic molecular adsorbates on a superconducting surface, using superconducting scanning tunneling microscopy techniques, are theoretically investigated. For low temperatures, we demonstrate that tunneling current assisted excitations of the local magnetic moment cannot occur for voltage biases smaller than the superconducting gap of the scanning tunneling microscope. The magnetic moment is only excited for voltages corresponding to the sum of the superconducting gap and the spin excitation energies. In excellent agreement with experiment, we show that pumping into higher excitations give additional current signatures by accumulation of density in the lower ones. Using external magnetic fields, we Zeeman split possible degeneracy and thereby resolve all excitations comprised in the magnetic moment.Comment: 6 pages, 4 figures, submitte

    Electron Paramagnetic Resonance of Single Magnetic Moment on a Surface

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    We address electron spin resonance of single magnetic moments in a tunnel junction using time-dependent electric fields and spin-polarized current. We show that the tunneling current directly depends on the local magnetic moment and that the frequency of the external electric field mixes with the characteristic Larmor frequency of the local spin. The importance of the spin-polarized current induced anisotropy fields acting on the local spin moment is, moreover, demonstrated. Our proposed model thus explains the absence of an electron spin resonance for a half integer spin, in contrast with the strong signal observed for an integer spin.Comment: 6 pages, 2 figures, as publishe

    Theory of spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy applied to local spins

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    We provide a theory for scanning tunneling microscopy and spectroscopy using a spin-polarized tip. It it shown that the tunneling conductance can be partitioned into three separate contributions, a background conductance which is independent of the local spin, a dynamical conductance which is proportional to the local spin moment, and a conductance which is proportional to the noise spectrum of the local spin interactions. The presented theory is applicable to setups with magnetic tip and substrate in non-collinear arrangement, as well as for non-magnetic situations. The partitioning of the tunneling current suggests a possibility to extract the total spin moment of the local spin from the dynamical conductance. The dynamical conductance suggests a possibility to generate very high frequency spin-dependent ac currents and/or voltages. We also propose a measurement of the dynamical conductance that can be used to determine the character of the effective exchange interaction between individual spins in clusters. The third contribution to the tunneling current is associated with the spin-spin correlations induced by the exchange interaction between the local spin moment and the tunneling electrons. We demonstrate how this term can be used in the analysis of spin excitations recorded in conductance measurements. Finally, we propose to use spin-polarized scanning tunneling microscopy for detailed studies of the spin excitation spectrum.Comment: 12 pages, 4 figure, updated to match the published version, to appear in the Phys. Rev.

    Astrophysics in 2006

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    The fastest pulsar and the slowest nova; the oldest galaxies and the youngest stars; the weirdest life forms and the commonest dwarfs; the highest energy particles and the lowest energy photons. These were some of the extremes of Astrophysics 2006. We attempt also to bring you updates on things of which there is currently only one (habitable planets, the Sun, and the universe) and others of which there are always many, like meteors and molecules, black holes and binaries.Comment: 244 pages, no figure