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    Illegal fishing still occurs in Indonesian waters, although various efforts have been made to deal with it. This illegal activity is not only a problem for Indonesia, but also a cross-country problem because the actors and activities are cross-country, and because of that, the handling of this problem must be carried out cross-country, especially through bilateral cooperation. This study aims to determine the Indonesian Government's Efforts to Handle Illegal Fishing on the Border of Indonesia and the Philippines. The lack of a defense and security system in Indonesian waters has led to the emergence of threats such as illegal exploitation and exploration of fishery products that are not reported and are not in accordance with predetermined rules carried out by foreign parties. This act of fishing activity is commonly referred to as Illegal. This research uses a descriptive-analytic research method.With data collection techniques through interviews, observation and documentation. The results of the research show that cooperation between Indonesia and the Philippines can run well if the Philippines itself is quick in responding to ideas and agreements that have been mutually agreed upon, the slow response from the Philippines itself makes the second agreement slow to process, therefore the strategy that can be carried out by Indonesia in encouraging a quick response from the Philippines itself is by discussing every collaboration that is ongoing or has expired intensively and continuously. Bilateral talks can accelerate cooperation between the two countries in a better and more advanced direction.   &nbsp

    Peran Diplomasi Anime Dalam Menyebarkan Budaya Jepang Di Indonesia

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    Penyebaran budaya Jepang di Indonesia yang kian hari makin meluas merupakan salah satu dampak dari anime Jepang yang masuk ke Indonesia membawa nilai-nilai budaya yang dianut Jepang. Penyebaran budaya Jepang tersebut dapat dilihat dari maraknya event, festival maupun komunitas-komunitas Jejepangan di Indonesia. Hal itu tidak terlepas dari peran pemerintah Jepang sendiri yang sangat mendukung produksi dan peningkatan anime. Berdasarkan hal tersebut, penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui peran dari diplomasi yang dijalankan pemerintah dalam menyebarkan budaya Jepang melalui anime khususnya di Indonesia. Penelitian ini menggukanan jenis penelitian deskriptif. Data yang digunakan menggunakan data pustaka berbasis dokumen dan internet yang kemudian ditelaah dan ditarik kesimpulan. Analisis data menggunakan teknik analisis data kualitatif. Hasil kajian menunjukkan bahwa anime menjadi salah satu soft power Jepang yang disalurkan melalui diplomasi kebudayaan yang dilakukan di Indonesia, anime yang diproduksi tidak hanya diperuntukkan kepada kalangan anak-anak tetapi juga dikalangan orang dewasa, pemerintah Jepang menggunakan anime sebagai alat untuk melakukan diplomasi dengan memanfaatkan kepopuleran anime menjadi duta pariwisata.   Kata Kunci: Anime; Diplomasi; Budaya; Jepang; Indonesia.     ABSTRACT The spread of Japanese culture in Indonesia, which is increasingly widespread, is one of the impacts of Japanese anime entering Indonesia bringing the cultural values adopted by Japan. The spread of Japanese culture can be seen from the rampant events, festivals and the Japan communities in Indonesia. This is inseparable from the role of the Japanese government itself which strongly supports the production and improvement of anime. Based on this, this study aims to determine the role of government-run diplomacy in spreading Japanese culture through anime, especially in Indonesia. This research uses a descriptive type of research. The data used uses document-based and internet-based library data which is then reviewed and conclusions drawn. Data analysis uses qualitative data analysis techniques. The results of the study show that anime is one of Japan's soft powers channeled through cultural diplomacy carried out in Indonesia, anime produced are not only intended for children but also among adults, the Japanese government uses anime as a tool to conduct diplomacy by utilizing the popularity of anime to become tourism ambassadors.   Keywords: Anime; Culture; Diplomacy; Indonesian; Japanes

    Peran Indonesia Dalam Menangani Konflik Etnis Rohingya Di Myanmar

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    Artikel ini mengkaji tentang bagaimana peran Indonesia dalam menangani konflik etnis yang terjadi di Myanmar. Dengan menggunakan metode kualitatif penelitian ini akan melihat apa saja yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia dalam upaya membantu penyelesaian konflik yang terjadi di Myanmar antara etnis Rohingya yang adalah etnis minoritas yang ada di Mayanmar dengan etnis Rakhine yang adalah etnis mayoritas. Dari hasil penelitian tergambar bahwa pemerintah Indonesia telah berupaya melakukan banyak hal dalam membantu penyelesaian konflik yang terjadi di Myanmar khususnya terkait dengan kasus yang di alami oleh Etnis Rohingya. Adapun cara yang dilakukan diantaranya adalah dengan cara musyawarah atau memanfaatkan jalur hubungan diplomatik dengan pemerintah Myanmar, untuk meminta kepada pemerintah Myanmar agar permasalahan ini segera dihentikan. Selain itu, dalam membantu para pengungsi yang berada di Indonesia, Pemerintah Indonesia telah menampung dan memenuhi kebutuhan dasar pengungsi dengan cukup baik walaupun pemerintah Indonesia tidak dapat memberikan status pengungsian karena Indonesia bukan negara yang meratifikasi Konvensi 1951. Memang upaya yang dilakukan oleh pemerintah Indonesia belum sepenuhnya dapat memenuhi hak-hak dari para pengungsi etnis Rohingya, dan menyelesaikan konflik yang terjadi di Myanmar secara komprehensif.   Kata Kunci: Peran; Indonesia; Etnis Rohingya     ABSTRACT This article examines the role of Indonesia in dealing with ethnic conflicts that occurred in Myanmar. By using a qualitative research method, this research will look at what the Indonesian government is doing in an effort to help resolve the conflict that occurred in Myanmar between the Rohingya ethnicity who is an ethnic minority in Mayanmar and the ethnic Rakhine who is the majority ethnicity. From the results of the research, it is illustrated that the Indonesian government has tried to do many things to help resolve the conflicts that occurred in Myanmar, especially in relation to the cases experienced by the Rohingya ethnic group. The methods used include deliberations or utilizing diplomatic relations with the Myanmar government, to ask the Myanmar government to stop this problem immediately. In addition, in helping refugees who are in Indonesia, the Government of Indonesia has accommodated and fulfilled the basic needs of refugees quite well even though the Indonesian government cannot grant refugee status because Indonesia is not a country that ratified the 1951 Convention. Indeed, the efforts made by the Indonesian government have not been fully can fulfill the rights of Rohingya ethnic refugees, and comprehensively resolve the conflict that occurred in Myanmar.   Keywords: Role; Indonesia; Rohingya ethnicit