66 research outputs found

    Metabolic syndrome in polycystic ovary syndrome

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    Zespół metaboliczny (MS, metabolic syndrome) i zespół policystycznych jajników (PCOS, polycystic ovary syndrome) są często rozpoznawanymi zaburzeniami u kobiet. Częstość występowania zespołu metabolicznego u kobiet z PCOS zależy od zastosowanych kryteriów diagnostycznych. W prezentowanej pracy autorzy rozważają tezę, że przyczyną obu zaburzeń może być insulinooporność, będąca następstwem otyłości brzusznej. Ponadto dokonują przeglądu literatury dotyczącej występowania MS u kobiet z PCOS oraz omawiają wpływ wyboru określonych kryteriów diagnostycznych MS i PCOS na oszacowanie czêstoœci ich występowania.Both metabolic syndrome (MS) and polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS) are common among women. The exact prevalence of MS in women with PCOS is dependent upon the diagnostic criteria used for each. However, the frequent co-occurrence of both MS and PCOS in women is suggestive of a common aetiology. In this short review article we argue that insulin resistance, as a consequence of abdominal obesity, may represent such a common aetiology. We also review the literature on the prevalence of MS in women with PCOS and consider the impact that the particular criteria used to diagnose both MS and PCOS may have had on these estimates of prevalence

    Selecting the best candidates for resurrecting extinct-in-the-wild plants from herbaria

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    Resurrecting extinct species is a fascinating and challenging idea for scientists and the general public. Whereas some theoretical progress has been made for animals, the resurrection of extinct plants (de-extinction sensu lato) is a relatively recently discussed topic. In this context, the term ‘de-extinction’ is used sensu lato to refer to the resurrection of ‘extinct in the wild’ species from seeds or tissues preserved in herbaria, as we acknowledge the current impossibility of knowing a priori whether a herbarium seed is alive and can germinate. In plants, this could be achieved by germinating or in vitro tissue-culturing old diaspores such as seeds or spores available in herbarium specimens. This paper reports the first list of plant de-extinction candidates based on the actual availability of seeds in herbarium specimens of globally extinct plants. We reviewed globally extinct seed plants using online resources and additional literature on national red lists, resulting in a list of 361 extinct taxa. We then proposed a method of prioritizing candidates for seed-plant de-extinction from diaspores found in herbarium specimens and complemented this with a phylogenetic approach to identify species that may maximize evolutionarily distinct features. Finally, combining data on seed storage behaviour and longevity, as well as specimen age in the novel ‘best de-extinction candidate’ score (DEXSCO), we identified 556 herbarium specimens belonging to 161 extinct species with available seeds. We expect that this list of de-extinction candidates and the novel approach to rank them will boost research efforts towards the first-ever plant de-extinction

    El ballet en el siglo XX

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    Twentieth century ballet

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