64 research outputs found
Places of everyday generosity : the philanthropy of New Foundlanders in Fort McMurray.
This qualitative study explores and interprets the dynamic interplay of place and everyday philanthropy. Drawing upon the life stories of Newfoundland migrants in Fort McMurray, Alberta, it proposes that philanthropy permits migrants to remain 'in place' in their homeland while serving as a way to reproduce their homeland in the adopted locality. The extent to which the institutions of family and community along with the particular time-space articulation of Athabasca Oil Sands industry constrain or permit this socio-spatial anchorage is examined. Tackling Fort McMurray's social segmentation of 'us' versus 'them', it contends that near strangers and distant actors create the oppositional tension for spatial pockets of intensified caring. Marie Callaghan, Brian Hatfield, Tina Burden and Andrew Bradbury left economically depressed Newfoundland to find work in oil-rich Fort McMurray, Alberta, some 4,000 kilometres away. Aged 19 to 59, fleeing 'home' at different economic downturns, at different ages, they have individually shared their unique and richly layered life stories. Augmenting these stories are archival research and participant observation. The research results are presented as triptychs. The researcher introduces the story space. A life story is offered. Lastly, the story is interpreted in relation to supplemental ethnographic research and theories of place, space, and generosity. The paper concludes by discussing the merits of research situated at the nexus of the arts and social science
Call detail record aggregation methodology impacts infectious disease models informed by human mobility
This paper demonstrates how two different methods used to calculate population-level mobility from Call Detail Records (CDR) produce varying predictions of the spread of epidemics informed by these data. Our findings are based on one CDR dataset describing inter-district movement in Ghana in 2021, produced using two different aggregation methodologies. One methodology, "all pairs," is designed to retain long distance network connections while the other, "sequential" methodology is designed to accurately reflect the volume of travel between locations. We show how the choice of methodology feeds through models of human mobility to the predictions of a metapopulation SEIR model of disease transmission. We also show that this impact varies depending on the location of pathogen introduction and the transmissibility of infections. For central locations or highly transmissible diseases, we do not observe significant differences between aggregation methodologies on the predicted spread of disease. For less transmissible diseases or those introduced into remote locations, we find that the choice of aggregation methodology influences the speed of spatial spread as well as the size of the peak number of infections in individual districts. Our findings can help researchers and users of epidemiological models to understand how methodological choices at the level of model inputs may influence the results of models of infectious disease transmission, as well as the circumstances in which these choices do not alter model predictions
Re-visioning ultrasound through women's accounts of pre-abortion care in England
Feminist scholarship has demonstrated the importance of sustained critical engagement with ultrasound visualizations of pregnant women’s bodies. In response to portrayals of these images as “objective” forms of knowledge about the fetus, it has drawn attention to the social practices through which the meanings of ultrasound are produced. This article makes a novel contribution to this project by addressing an empirical context that has been neglected in the existing feminist literature concerning ultrasound, namely, its use during pregnancies that women decide to terminate. Drawing on semi-structured interviews with women concerning their experiences of abortion in England, I explore how the meanings of having an ultrasound prior to terminating a pregnancy are discursively constructed. I argue that women’s accounts complicate dominant representations of ultrasound and that in so doing, they multiply the subject positions available to pregnant women
Gerakan Oposisi Orang Banjar
Buku ini adalah catatan sekilas tentang peristiwa di Kalimantan Selatan. Peristiwa yang juga terjadi di berbagai daerah di Indonesia. Saya melihatnya sebagai sebuah gerakan berbasis politik. Sampai menjelang tahun 1959, keinginan untuk pembentukan negara Islam di Indonesia menjadi cita-cita utama perjuangan organisasi-organisasi Islam
Kill Bullying: Hentikan Kekerasan Di Sekolah
Bullying tampil dalam berbagai ragam, antara lain bentuk non fisik seperti ejekan, tapi juga dapat muncul sebagai aksi fisik. Kasus kematian banyak juga terjadi karena kekerasan fisik yang bermula dan aksi bullying. Tetapi kematian dan bunuh diri hanyalah sedikit contoh dan akibat bullying. Lebih banyak lagi anak-anak dan remaja korban bullying yang terus hidup dan tidak nekat mengakhiri hidupnya, namun tumbuh dewasa menjadi orang-orang berkepribadian rapuh, mudah marah dan tidak percaya din. Buku ini bertujuan mengenalkan bullying dan cara-cara penanganannya. Namun hasil akhirnya tergantung Anda sendiri. Dengan tekad dan kasih sayang kita pada anak-anak kita, niscaya kita bisa menyelamatkan mereka. Kita akan bisa menyelamatkan generasi penerus kita
Legislative Election 2019: Overview of the Civil Apparatus Position in Barito Kuala
The State Civil Apparatus (ASN) is a vital subject in a country's governance and development
system. ASN neutrality in politics is a must. In fact, ASN is often used as a political object from
the power of political parties and actors not only at the national but also regional level. This
study aims to describe the ASN's political position in the elections in Barito Kuala Regency. As a
critical review to explore and build a new paradigm of looking at ASN's political position
during the 2019 Legislative Election process in Barito Kuala Regency. A qualitative approach
with descriptive methods is used in research. Data collection techniques through three steps,
namely: observation, interviews, and documentation. Analysis of Miles and Hubermen's data
models and triangulation techniques are used to see the validity of the data. The results of the
study are described: (1) The Political Position of ASN in Barito Kuala Regency during the 2019
Legislative Election in some ASNs was still considered to be in favor of one of the legislative
candidates. Cases of neutrality violations that occurred in several ASNs, put themselves in a
neutral political position. The role of ASN in the formation and distribution of power is only in
the voting booth, namely choosing one of the existing legislative candidates. (2) The political
position of ASN in Barito Kuala Regency during the 2019 Legislative Election should be able to
place itself in a neutral position in accordance with the appeal of the circular letter from
MENPAN-RB and the applicable regulations. To build a new paradigm for ASN's political
position, the perpetrators of ASN neutrality violations should be fostered because most do not
understand their position. For ASN which shows partiality, the organizer (Bawaslu) should
take action on this matte
CSR & Social Entepreneurship
Dapat dipastikan bahwa setiap perusahaan yang baik senantiasa terkait dengan CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility). Selain melalui peraturan pemerintah, penerapan CSR juga dilakukan dalam rangka praktik good corporate governance atau tata kelola perusahaan. Laporan CSR menjadi public domain penilaian awal kredibilitas. investasi sosial SETIA BUDHI, PhD Buku sederhana ini mengantarkan pemahaman tentang manajemen CSR dan implementasinya. Semoga bermanfaat untuk kalangan peneliti dan penggiat pendampingan masyarakat
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