21,409 research outputs found

    Thermal infrared spectroscopy of Europa and Callisto

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    The trailing hemispheres of Europa and Callisto were observed at 9–13 μm, and a spectrum of Europa with better spectral resolution and a better signal-to-noise ratio than was previously possible has been derived. The ratio spectrum of the two satellites has a signal-to-noise ratio of approximately 30 for a spectral resolving power of approximately 50. The disk-integrated, effective color temperature ratio for the two satellites is consistent with broadband, thermal infrared photometry from previous ground-based studies and from the Galileo photopolarimeter radiometer. The ratio spectrum was combined with the average Voyager 1 spectrum of Callisto to obtain a 9–13 μm spectrum of Europa with a signal-to-noise ratio that is a factor of 10 better than that in the average Voyager spectrum of Europa. After convolving the measured spectrum to the expected width of water ice emissivity features, ∼1 μm, no spectral features that could be attributed to water ice on the surface of Europa are apparent at the 0.6–0.7% level. The absence of spectral features attributable to water ice is consistent with the proposal that the equatorial region of Europa that was observed may be composed primarily of a heavily hydrated mineral. The absence of water ice features may also be the result of a large fractional abundance of fine particles, such as that found on the surface of the Moon

    An evaluation of the role of flexible methods of programme delivery in social work education in widening access to professional qualification

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    This research evaluates the role of flexible methods of delivering social work education in widening access to professional qualification. It examines: • The personal profiles of applicants on flexible/part-time social work programmes and compares these with those of full-time students • Whether opportunities for flexible study increase the diversity of applicants to pre-registration Masters level programmes • The kinds of flexibility that increase the diversity of applicants to pre-registration social work programmes The research method is informed by reflexivity, incorporating all aspects of knowledge and experience providing depth to interpretation of data. Data on 162 social work students registered on a postgraduate pre-registration programme was collected over four years and examined using a sequential exploratory research design. Data was collected from three main sources: HEI cohort statistics, questionnaires and individual interviews with eight selected students. Findings suggest: Black and Minority Ethnic (BME) students enter social work education through social care for career progression in the absence of alternative employment; knowledgeable and experienced practitioners study for qualifications that allow them to continue in their role; opportunity, rather than planning, facilitates access to study; and values promoted within social work education conflict with those experienced in the workplace. Limited diversity was identified within students on the flexible route associated with age, personal situation, disability and distance from the HEI. These students represented two distinct groups, polarised in terms of experience, knowledge and aspirations. Trends and patterns were identified across and within the whole student group: BME students were multiply-disadvantaged, travelling further, earning less, and facing limited opportunity; and numbers of younger, White students were increasing. Findings indicate a need to broaden notions of flexibility in programme structure and delivery. Recommendations include using a modular approach; delivery methods that facilitate local study; and establishing a “whole-career” approach to social work education

    Collaborative research on V/STOL control system/cockpit display tradeoffs under the NASA/MOD joint aeronautical program

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    Summarized here are activities that have taken place from 1979 to the present in a collaborative program between NASA Ames Research Center and the Royal Aerospace Establishment (now Defence Research Agency), Bedford on flight control system and cockpit display tradeoffs for low-speed and hover operations of future V/STOL aircraft. This program was created as Task 8A of the Joint Aeronautical Program between NASA in the United States and the Ministry of Defence (Procurement Executive) in the United Kingdom. The program was initiated based on a recognition by both parties of the strengths of the efforts of their counterparts and a desire to participate jointly in future simulation and flight experiments. In the ensuing years, teams of NASA and RAE engineers and pilots have participated in each other's simulation experiments to evaluate control and display concepts and define design requirements for research aircraft. Both organizations possess Harrier airframes that have undergone extensive modification to provide in-flight research capabilities in the subject areas. Both NASA and RAE have profited by exchanges of control/display concepts, design criteria, fabrication techniques, software development and validation, installation details, and ground and flight clearance techniques for their respective aircraft. This collaboration has permitted the two organizations to achieve jointly substantially more during the period than if they had worked independently. The two organizations are now entering the phase of flight research for the collaborative program as currently defined

    Modelled and measured strain in mascon basins on the moon

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    The close association of wrinkle ridges and grabens with mascon basins on the Moon has suggested that the responsible compression and extension resulted from basin subsidence and peripheral flexing of the lithosphere. The distribution of grabens and wrinkle ridges associated with mascon basins has been further used along with elastic plate bending models to constrain the thickness of the lithosphere at the time of their formation. Kinematic models for basin subsidence have also been developed and compared with strains inferred from grabens and wrinkle ridges. Note that kinematic models may be preferable to dynamic models because the strain associated with tectonic features can be compared directly with model predictions and because fewer assumptions are required for their calculations, such as perfect elasticity and specific values of the elastic moduli. Also, if the results from kinematic models compare favorably with the strain estimated across the tectonic features on the Moon, then a global strain field may not be necessary. Herein, the strain inferred for wrinkle ridges and grabens was compared to that calculated from a simple kinematic subsidence model for mascon basins on the Moon

    Physiographic constraints on the origin of lunar wrinkle ridges

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    Wrinkle ridges are linear asymmetric topographic highs with considerable morphologic complexity that are commonly found on the lunar maria and the smooth plains of Mars and Mercury. The origin of planetary wrinkle ridges has been a much argued and debated topic. Early ideas suggested that wrinkle ridges resulted from volcanic intrusion and extrusion of high viscosity lavas; these early ideas were countered with suggestions that wrinkle ridges formed from tectonic processes involving folding and faulting. Combined volcanic and tectonic mechanisms have also been suggested. The identification and analysis of a number of morphologically similar structures on the earth has helped in the recent interpretation of wrinkle ridges as thrust faults that deform surface rocks. Nevertheless, there remains the uncertainty of the dominant role of thrusting versus folding in the formation of planetary wrinkle ridges. Presented is a detailed physiographic analysis of lunar wrinkle ridges in an effort to help distinguish the dominant deformation mechanism. Results agree with the findings of the earth analog study and support the hypothesis that wrinkle ridges form from thrust faults that deform surface rocks

    Political Adaption to a Technology Surfeited Society

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    Political Adaption to a Technology Surfeited Society

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    Music study in high school in its relationship to the entrance requirements of music colleges and of liberal arts colleges offering concentration in music

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    Thesis (Ed.M.)--Boston UniversityThe problem of the thesis was the apparent lack of agreement between high school courses in music and the entrance requirements in music of music colleges and liberal arts colleges offering concentration in music. Thus the purpose was to find out what the music colleges and liberal arts colleges and universities of the United States demand as music entrance requirements of high school graduates who desire to enter a music degree course or to minor in music in college, and to determine what types of music courses and activities should be provided for high school students in order to satisfy the college entrance requirements in music

    Gaffney, Extractive Resources and Taxation

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