1,549 research outputs found

    Volcanic rocks of the northern and central interior highlands of Nicaragua

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    The volcanic rocks of these regions have been grouped into three major divisions by McBirney and Williams: (1) a lower section consisting mainly of volcanic sediments, laharic breccias, and a few basaltic and andesitic lavas;(2) younger andesitic and dacitic lavas and pyroclastic debris, which is referred to as the Matagalpa volcanic series; and (3) a group composed of andesitic and dacitic ignimbrites, their waterlaid equivalents, and thin sheets of basic lava. These rocks belong to an upper part of a Tertiary sequence, the Matagalpa series, that laps northward onto a structural high. There is some similarity between these rocks and the rocks found in the Late Tertiary and Quaternary volcanics in the Guatemalan Highlands and the southern part of El Salvador. Volcanic rocks of the Guatemala Highlands are mostly fissure extrusions with some composite cones. Volcanic rocks of El Salvador are mostly deposits of glowing avalanches and dacitic pumice. Olivine basalts and biotite-rich rhyodacites are also found in El Salvador as well as in Nicaragua.No embarg

    The Impact of College and University Faculty Collective Bargaining on State Appropriations to Public Higher Education

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    Many public college and university faculties have unionized since public employees gained the right to bargain collectively in several states. Most studies of the effects of faculty unionization have been at the institutional level and have included faculty compensation, workload, and other conditions of employment. Although results of these studies are mixed, unionized faculties at four-year institutions experience greater compensation increases in their early years of collective bargaining, but this early advantage subsequently tails off until there is no difference from nonunion counterparts

    The Impact of College and University Faculty Collective Bargaining on State Appropriations to Public Higher Education

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    Many public college and university faculties have unionized since public employees gained the right to bargain collectively in several states. Most studies of the effects of faculty unionization have been at the institutional level and have included faculty compensation, workload, and other conditions of employment. Although results of these studies are mixed, unionized faculties at four-year institutions experience greater compensation increases in their early years of collective bargaining, but this early advantage subsequently tails off until there is no difference from nonunion counterparts

    Prospectus, June 14, 1995

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    Capital Punishment and Capital Murder: Market Share and the Deterrent Effects of the Death Penalty

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    The modem debate on deterrence and capital punishment, now in its fourth decade, was launched by two closely timed events. The first was the 1976 United States Supreme Court decision in Gregg v. Georgia, which restored capital punishment after its brief constitutional ban following Furman v. Georgia in 1972. In 1975, Professor Isaac Ehrlich published an influential article saying that during the 1950s and 1960s, each execution averted eight murders. Although Ehrlich\u27s article was a highly technical study prepared for an audience of economists, its influence went well beyond the economics profession. Ehrlich\u27s work was cited favorably in Gregg and later was cited in an amicus brief filed by the U.S. Solicitor General in Fowler v. North Carolina. No matter how carefully Ehrlich qualified his conclusions, his article had the popular and political appeal of a headline, a sound bite, and a bumper sticker all rolled into one: every execution deters eight killings. Reaction was immediate: Ehrlich\u27s findings were sharply disputed in academic forums such as the Yale Law Journal, launching an era of contentious arguments in the press and in professional journals. In 1978, an expert panel appointed by the National Academy of Sciences issued strong criticisms of Ehrlich\u27s work. Over the next two decades, economists and other social scientists attempted (mostly without success) to replicate Ehrlich\u27s results using different data, alternative statistical methods, and other design modifications that tried to address glaring errors in Ehrlich\u27s techniques and data. The accumulated scientific evidence from the NAS report and these later studies weighed heavily against the claim that executions deter murders

    A Comparative Study on The Stress Levels of Black, White, Asian, and Latino Undergraduate Students

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    Research found that undergraduates who had poor academic performance and experienced depression and anxiety were reported to have encountered higher levels of stress than those students who persisted (Andrews & Wilding, 2004; Bennett, 2003). It also was found that minority students had a higher tendency to experience stress than their counterparts. Although, universities allocate resources to recruit minority undergraduates and provide various types of support, many universities tend to be limited in the resources for handling and detecting stressors among college students. The purpose of this research was to investigate the different levels of stress faced by minority college students and also to take a systematic look at levels of stress as reported by Black, White, Asian, and Latino students at a major urban university on the East Coast of the United States. The findings indicated no significant differences in the stress levels in regards to students’ ethnicity. It is imperative that college recruiters understand that although students may be diverse in their ethnicity, they also arrive on campus from diverse family backgrounds, meaning that a large percentage come from low income homes and many are first-generation college students. Therefore, academic leaders should consider creating programs and interventions that would provide support for students who are members of these underrepresented groups

    Prospectus, November 23, 1994

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    Prospectus, November 9, 1994

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