48 research outputs found

    Law, Environment, and the “Nondismal” Social Sciences

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    Over the past 30 years, the influence of economics over the study of environmental law and policy has expanded considerably, becoming in the process the predominant framework for analyzing regulations that address pollution, natural resource use, and other environmental issues. This review seeks to complement the expansion of economic reasoning and methodology within the field of environmental law and policy by identifying insights to be gleaned from various “nondismal” social sciences. In particular, three areas of inquiry are highlighted as illustrative of interdisciplinary work that might help to complement law and economics and, in some cases, compensate for it: the study of how human individuals perceive, judge, and decide; the observation and interpretation of how knowledge schemes are created, used, and regulated; and the analysis of how states and other actors coordinate through international and global regulatory regimes. The hope is to provide some examples of how environmental law and policy research can be improved by deeper and more diverse engagement with social science

    New World Civitas, Contested Jurisdictions and Intercultural Conversation in the Construction of the Spanish Monarchy

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    Jurisdictional frontiers were created, contested, and negotiated among a wide range of actors, including native Americans and Europeans, with reference to the cities founded in Castilla del Oro (roughly present-day Panama). This research deals, first, with the reshaping of the concept of a city in the New World, based on its inhabitants' sense of civitas. It analyses, secondly, the creation and redefinition of jurisdiction during political conflicts and, third, the construction and maintenance of jurisdiction through local relations with indigenous populations described as "conversation". The analysis of the creation and preservation of local jurisdictions allows for an interpretation of the complexities involved in the configuration of political power and political space from below in the territories claimed by the Spanish Monarchy.Art Empir

    Descartes y Santo Tomás

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    Bien mirado, el título de este ensayo debería, acaso, rezar: "Descartes contra Santo Tomás"; pues de la dilucidación de una actitud enteramente negativa del "Padre de la filosofía moderna" frente al mayor pensador de la Edad Media, y de las causas y efectos de esta actitud, se trata en realidad

    El problema de las esencias históricas a la luz de la tradición tomista

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    Conferencia dictada en la Sala "José Eusebio Caro" de la Biblioteca Nacional de Bogotá el 7 de octubre de 1953, en el ciclo de "Filosofía y Humanidades" auspiciado por la Facultad de Filosofía y Letras de la Universidad Nacional de Colombia

    Metafísica católica y matemática infinitesimal: nicolás de cues y blaise pascal

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    Se suele considerar la Matemática como un sistema de razoneso estructuras formales de carácter estrictamente objetivo, interpretándola en el sentido de la tradición platónica como copiade un cosmos trascendente de legalidades numéricas o en elsentido de la tradición aristotélica como producto del contactoentre la razón general-humana y la experiencia sensorial de loshombres, pasando por alto la posibilidad de que la Matemática constituya una libre creación espiritual en la cual  la actitudtotal del hombre ante la vida y el mundo, su cosmovisión y suorientación religiosa, tengan un papel decisivo

    Suffering: Etiology and Treatment

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