12 research outputs found

    Optimal Particle Filter Weight for Bayesian Direct Position Estimation in a GNSS Receiver

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    Direct Position Estimation (DPE) is a rather new Global Navigation Satellite System (GNSS) technique to estimate the user position, velocity and time (PVT) directly from correlation values of the received GNSS signal with receiver internal replica signals. If combined with Bayesian nonlinear filters—like particle filters—the method allows for coping with multi-modal probability distributions and avoids the linearization step to convert correlation values into pseudoranges. The measurement update equation (particle weight update) is derived from a standard GNSS signal model, but we show that it cannot be used directly in a receiver implementation. The numerical evaluation of the formulas needs to be carried out in a logarithmic scale including various normalizations. Furthermore, the residual user range errors (coming from orbit, satellite clock, multipath or ionospheric errors) need to be included from the very beginning in the stochastic signal model. With these modifications, sensible probability functions can be derived from the GNSS multi-correlator values. The occurrence of multipath yields a natural widening of the probability density function. The approach is demonstrated with simulated and real-world Binary Phase Shift Keying signals with 1.023 MHz code rate (BPSK(1)) within the context of a real-time software based Bayesian DPE receiver

    A modeling strategy for integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization

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    This paper introduces an optimization-based approach for the simultaneous solution of batch process synthesis and plant allocation, with decisions like the selection of chemicals, process stages, task-unit assignments, operating modes, and optimal control profiles, among others. The modeling strategy is based on the representation of structural alternatives in a state-equipment network (SEN) and its formulation as a mixed-logic dynamic optimization (MLDO) problem. Particularly, the disjunctive multistage modeling strategy by Oldenburg and Marquardt (2008) is extended to combine and organize single-stage and multistage models for representing the sequence of continuous and batch units in each structural alternative and for synchronizing dynamic profiles in input and output operations with material transference. Two numerical examples illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, showing the enhancement of the adaptability potential of batch plants and the improvement of global process performance thanks to the quantification of interactions between process synthesis and plant allocation decisions.Peer Reviewe

    A modeling strategy for integrated batch process development based on mixed-logic dynamic optimization

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    This paper introduces an optimization-based approach for the simultaneous solution of batch process synthesis and plant allocation, with decisions like the selection of chemicals, process stages, task-unit assignments, operating modes, and optimal control profiles, among others. The modeling strategy is based on the representation of structural alternatives in a state-equipment network (SEN) and its formulation as a mixed-logic dynamic optimization (MLDO) problem. Particularly, the disjunctive multistage modeling strategy by Oldenburg and Marquardt (2008) is extended to combine and organize single-stage and multistage models for representing the sequence of continuous and batch units in each structural alternative and for synchronizing dynamic profiles in input and output operations with material transference. Two numerical examples illustrate the application of the proposed methodology, showing the enhancement of the adaptability potential of batch plants and the improvement of global process performance thanks to the quantification of interactions between process synthesis and plant allocation decisions.Peer Reviewe

    An Evaluation Methodology for VANET Applications Combining Simulation and Multi-sensor Experiments

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    Wireless vehicular networks are in the wake of mass deployment both in Europe and the USA. These networks introduce a new promising source of information about vehicular environments usable by cooperative advanced driver assistance systems (ADAS). However, development and evaluation of such ADAS is still challenging. Thus, we propose a methodology for their development and evaluation process. It is applied to evaluate the fulfillment of requirements on position accuracy information within the communicated data sets. Accuracy requirements are only roughly defined and not sufficiently evaluated in real world environments. This holds especially for GNSS (Global Navigation Satellite Systems) optimized for maximum integrity of obtained positions, which is required for safety critical ADAS to increase robustness and reliability. Our main goal is to determine whether position accuracy provided by GNSS is sufficient for cooperative ADAS. Thereby, we find that pure GNSS input cannot fulfill position accuracy requirements in most test cases